Esempio n. 1
def _read_gsod_file(gsod_tar, station, year):
    tar_station_filename = station + '-' + str(year) + '.op.gz'
        gsod_tar.getmember('./' + tar_station_filename)
    except KeyError:
        return None

    ncdc_temp_dir = os.path.join(NCDC_GSOD_DIR, 'temp')
    temp_path = os.path.join(ncdc_temp_dir, tar_station_filename)

    gsod_tar.extract('./' + tar_station_filename, ncdc_temp_dir)
    with, 'rb') as gunzip_f:
        columns = [
            # name, length, # of spaces separating previous column, dtype
            ('USAF', 6, 0, 'U6'),
            ('WBAN', 5, 1, 'U5'),
            ('date', 8, 2, object),
            ('mean_temp', 6, 2, float),
            ('mean_temp_count', 2, 1, int),
            ('dew_point', 6, 2, float),
            ('dew_point_count', 2, 1, int),
            ('sea_level_pressure', 6, 2, float),
            ('sea_level_pressure_count', 2, 1, int),
            ('station_pressure', 6, 2, float),
            ('station_pressure_count', 2, 1, int),
            ('visibility', 5, 2, float),
            ('visibility_count', 2, 1, int),
            ('mean_wind_speed', 5, 2, float),
            ('mean_wind_speed_count', 2, 1, int),
            ('max_wind_speed', 5, 2, float),
            ('max_gust', 5, 2, float),
            ('max_temp', 6, 2, float),
            ('max_temp_flag', 1, 0, 'U1'),
            ('min_temp', 6, 1, float),
            ('min_temp_flag', 1, 0, 'U1'),
            ('precip', 5, 1, float),
            ('precip_flag', 1, 0, 'U1'),
            ('snow_depth', 5, 1, float),
            ('FRSHTT', 6, 2, 'U6'),

        dtype = np.dtype([
            (column[0], column[3])
            for column in columns])

        # note: ignore initial 0
        delimiter = itertools.chain(*[column[1:3][::-1] for column in columns])
        usecols = list(range(1, len(columns) * 2, 2))

        data = np.genfromtxt(gunzip_f, skip_header=1, delimiter=delimiter,
                usecols=usecols, dtype=dtype, converters={5: _convert_date_string})

    # somehow we can end up with single-element arrays that are 0-dimensional??
    # (occurs on tyler's machine but is hard to reproduce)
    if data.ndim == 0:
        data = data.flatten()

    return data
Esempio n. 2
def get_raster(layer,
    """downloads National Elevation Dataset raster tiles that cover the given bounding box
    for the specified data layer.

    layer : str
        dataset layer name. (see get_available_layers for list)
    bbox : (sequence of float|str)
        bounding box of in geographic coordinates of area to download tiles
        in the format (min longitude, min latitude, max longitude, max latitude)
    path : ``None`` or path
        if ``None`` default path will be used
    update_cache: ``True`` or ``False`` (default)
        if ``False`` and output file already exists use it.
    check_modified: ``True`` or ``False`` (default)
        if tile exists in path, check if newer file exists online and download if available.
    mosaic: ``True`` or ``False`` (default)
        if ``True``, mosaic and clip downloaded tiles to the extents of the bbox provided. Requires
        rasterio package and GDAL.

    raster_tiles : geojson FeatureCollection
        metadata as a FeatureCollection. local url of downloaded data is in feature['properties']['file']

    raster_tiles = _download_tiles(get_raster_availability(layer, bbox),

    if mosaic:
        if path is None:
            path = os.path.join(util.get_ulmo_dir(), DEFAULT_FILE_PATH)

        util.mkdir_if_doesnt_exist(os.path.join(path, 'by_boundingbox'))
        xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = [float(n) for n in bbox]
        uid = util.generate_raster_uid(layer, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
        output_path = os.path.join(path, 'by_boundingbox', uid + '.tif')

        if os.path.isfile(output_path) and not update_cache:
            return output_path

        raster_files = [
            tile['properties']['file'] for tile in raster_tiles['features']
        util.mosaic_and_clip(raster_files, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, output_path)
        return [output_path]

    return raster_tiles
Esempio n. 3
def get_raster(product_key,
    """downloads National Elevation Dataset raster tiles that cover the given bounding box 
    for the specified data layer. 

    product_key : str
        dataset name. (see get_available_datasets for list)
    bbox : (sequence of float|str)
        bounding box of in geographic coordinates of area to download tiles 
        in the format (min longitude, min latitude, max longitude, max latitude)
    fmt : ``None`` or str
        available formats vary in different datasets. If ``None``, preference will be given
        to geotiff and then img, followed by whatever fmt is available
    path : ``None`` or path
        if ``None`` default path will be used
    update_cache: ``True`` or ``False`` (default)
        if ``False`` then tiles will not be re-downloaded if they exist in the path
    check_modified: ``True`` or ``False`` (default)
        if tile exists in path, check if newer file exists online and download if available.  
    mosaic: ``True`` or ``False`` (default)
        if ``True``, mosaic and clip downloaded tiles to the extents of the bbox provided. Requires
        rasterio package and GDAL.
    raster_tiles : geojson FeatureCollection
        metadata as a FeatureCollection. local url of downloaded data is in feature['properties']['file']
    raster_tiles = _download_tiles(
        get_raster_availability(product_key, bbox, fmt), path, check_modified)

    if mosaic:
        if path is None:
            path = os.path.join(util.get_ulmo_dir(), DEFAULT_FILE_PATH)
        util.mkdir_if_doesnt_exist(os.path.join(path, 'by_boundingbox'))
        uid = util.generate_raster_uid(product_key, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
        output_path = os.path.join(path, 'by_boundingbox', uid + '.tif')

        if os.path.isfile(output_path) and not update_cache:
            return output_path

        raster_files = [
            tile['properties']['file'] for tile in raster_tiles['features']
        util.mosaic_and_clip(raster_files, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, output_path)

        return [output_path]

    return raster_tiles
Esempio n. 4
def _get_client(wsdl_url, suds_cache=("default",), suds_timeout=None, user_cache=False):
    Open and re-use (persist) a suds.client.Client instance _suds_client throughout
    the session, to minimize WOF server impact and improve performance.  _suds_client
    is global in scope.

    wsdl_url : str
        URL of a service's web service definition language (WSDL) description.
        All WaterOneFlow services publish a WSDL description and this url is the
        entry point to the service.
    suds_cache : ``None`` or tuple
        suds client local cache duration for WSDL description and client object.
        Pass a cache duration tuple like ('days', 3) to set a custom duration.
        Duration may be in months, weeks, days, hours, or seconds.
        If unspecified, the suds default (1 day) will be used.
        Use ``None`` to turn off caching.
    suds_timeout : int or float
        suds SOAP URL open timeout (seconds).
        If unspecified, the suds default (90 seconds) will be used.
    user_cache : bool
        If False (default), use the system temp location to store cache WSDL and
        other files. Use the default user ulmo directory if True.

    _suds_client : suds Client
        Newly or previously instantiated (reused) suds Client object.
    global _suds_client

    # Handle new or changed client request (create new client)
    if _suds_client is None or _suds_client.wsdl.url != wsdl_url or not suds_timeout is None:
        if user_cache:
            cache_dir = os.path.join(util.get_ulmo_dir(), 'suds')
            _suds_client = suds.client.Client(wsdl_url, cache=ObjectCache(location=cache_dir))
            _suds_client = suds.client.Client(wsdl_url)

        if suds_cache is None:
            cache = _suds_client.options.cache
            # could add some error catching ...
            if suds_cache[0] == "default":

        if not suds_timeout is None:

    return _suds_client
Esempio n. 5
File: Progetto: emiliom/ulmo
def get_raster(layer, bbox, path=None, update_cache=False,
               check_modified=False, mosaic=False):
    """downloads National Elevation Dataset raster tiles that cover the given bounding box
    for the specified data layer.

    layer : str
        dataset layer name. (see get_available_layers for list)
    bbox : (sequence of float|str)
        bounding box of in geographic coordinates of area to download tiles
        in the format (min longitude, min latitude, max longitude, max latitude)
    path : ``None`` or path
        if ``None`` default path will be used
    update_cache: ``True`` or ``False`` (default)
        if ``False`` and output file already exists use it.
    check_modified: ``True`` or ``False`` (default)
        if tile exists in path, check if newer file exists online and download if available.
    mosaic: ``True`` or ``False`` (default)
        if ``True``, mosaic and clip downloaded tiles to the extents of the bbox provided. Requires
        rasterio package and GDAL.

    raster_tiles : geojson FeatureCollection
        metadata as a FeatureCollection. local url of downloaded data is in feature['properties']['file']

    raster_tiles = _download_tiles(get_raster_availability(layer, bbox), path=path,

    if mosaic:
        if path is None:
            path = os.path.join(util.get_ulmo_dir(), DEFAULT_FILE_PATH)

        util.mkdir_if_doesnt_exist(os.path.join(path, 'by_boundingbox'))
        xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = [float(n) for n in bbox]
        uid = util.generate_raster_uid(layer, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
        output_path = os.path.join(path, 'by_boundingbox', uid + '.tif')

        if os.path.isfile(output_path) and not update_cache:
            return output_path

        raster_files = [tile['properties']['file'] for tile in raster_tiles['features']]
        util.mosaic_and_clip(raster_files, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, output_path)
        return [output_path]

    return raster_tiles
Esempio n. 6
def get_raster(product_key, bbox, fmt=None, path=None, check_modified=False, mosaic=False):
    """downloads National Elevation Dataset raster tiles that cover the given bounding box 
    for the specified data layer. 

    product_key : str
        dataset name. (see get_available_datasets for list)
    bbox : (sequence of float|str)
        bounding box of in geographic coordinates of area to download tiles 
        in the format (min longitude, min latitude, max longitude, max latitude)
    fmt : ``None`` or str
        available formats vary in different datasets. If ``None``, preference will be given
        to geotiff and then img, followed by whatever fmt is available
    path : ``None`` or path
        if ``None`` default path will be used
    update_cache: ``True`` or ``False`` (default)
        if ``False`` then tiles will not be re-downloaded if they exist in the path
    check_modified: ``True`` or ``False`` (default)
        if tile exists in path, check if newer file exists online and download if available.  
    mosaic: ``True`` or ``False`` (default)
        if ``True``, mosaic and clip downloaded tiles to the extents of the bbox provided. Requires
        rasterio package and GDAL.
    raster_tiles : geojson FeatureCollection
        metadata as a FeatureCollection. local url of downloaded data is in feature['properties']['file']
    raster_tiles = _download_tiles(get_raster_availability(product_key, bbox, fmt),
        path, check_modified)

    if mosaic:
        if path is None:
            path = os.path.join(util.get_ulmo_dir(), DEFAULT_FILE_PATH)
        util.mkdir_if_doesnt_exist(os.path.join(path, 'by_boundingbox'))
        uid = util.generate_raster_uid(product_key, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
        output_path = os.path.join(path, 'by_boundingbox', uid + '.tif')

        if os.path.isfile(output_path) and not update_cache:
            return output_path

        raster_files = [tile['properties']['file'] for tile in raster_tiles['features']]
        util.mosaic_and_clip(raster_files, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, output_path)
        return [output_path]

    return raster_tiles
Esempio n. 7
def _read_gsod_file(gsod_tar, station, year):
    tar_station_filename = station + '-' + str(year) + '.op.gz'
        gsod_tar.getmember('./' + tar_station_filename)
    except KeyError:
        return None

    ncdc_extract_dir = os.path.join(NCDC_GSOD_DIR, 'extract')
    temp_path = os.path.join(ncdc_extract_dir, tar_station_filename)

    gsod_tar.extract('./' + tar_station_filename, ncdc_extract_dir)
    with _open_gzip(temp_path, 'rb') as gunzip_f:
        out_file_name = temp_path.replace('op.gz', 'txt')
        print (out_file_name)
        outF = open(out_file_name, 'wb')
        outF.write( )

Esempio n. 8
def get_services(bbox=None, user_cache=False):
    """Retrieves a list of services.

    bbox : ``None`` or 4-tuple
        Optional argument for a bounding box that covers the area you want to
        look for services in. This should be a tuple containing (min_longitude,
        min_latitude, max_longitude, and max_latitude) with these values in
        decimal degrees. If not provided then the full set of services will be
        queried from HIS Central.
    user_cache : bool
        If False (default), use the system temp location to store cache WSDL and
        other files. Use the default user ulmo directory if True.

    services_dicts : list
        A list of dicts that each contain information on an individual service.
    if user_cache:
        cache_dir = os.path.join(util.get_ulmo_dir(), 'suds')
        suds_client = suds.client.Client(HIS_CENTRAL_WSDL_URL,
        suds_client = suds.client.Client(HIS_CENTRAL_WSDL_URL)

    if bbox is None:
        services = suds_client.service.GetWaterOneFlowServiceInfo()
        x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = bbox
        services = suds_client.service.GetServicesInBox2(
            xmin=x_min, ymin=y_min, xmax=x_max, ymax=y_max)

    services = [
        for service_info in services.ServiceInfo
    return services