def launch (fgname, faction, type,ai, nr_ships, nr_waves, vec, logo='',useani=1,skipdj=0): # print 'log'+ str( logo) + ' useani '+ str(useani) diff=usingDifficulty() # if useani: # VS.playAnimation ("warp.ani",vec,300.0) if (not diff or (type.find(".blank")==-1 and -1==type.find(".stock"))): for i in range(nr_ships): ret = VS.launch (fgname,type,faction,"unit",ai,1,nr_waves,VS.SafeEntrancePoint (vec,40),logo) unit.moveOutOfPlayerPath(ret) if (not skipdj): dj_lib.PlayMusik(0,dj_lib.HOSTILE_NEWLAUNCH_DISTANCE) return ret rsize=0.0 diffic = VS.GetDifficulty() ret=VS.Unit() for i in range(nr_ships): mynew=VS.launch(fgname,type,faction,"unit",ai,1,nr_waves,VS.SafeEntrancePoint (vec,40),logo) unit.moveOutOfPlayerPath(mynew) if (i==0): ret = mynew rsize =mynew.rSize ()*1.75 ship_upgrades.upgradeUnit ( mynew,diffic) vec=(vec[0]-rsize, vec[1],#-rsize vec[2]-rsize) if (not skipdj): dj_lib.PlayMusik(0,dj_lib.HOSTILE_NEWLAUNCH_DISTANCE) return ret
def launch(fgname, faction, type, ai, nr_ships, nr_waves, vec, logo='', useani=1, skipdj=0): # print 'log'+ str( logo) + ' useani '+ str(useani) diff = usingDifficulty() # if useani: # VS.playAnimation ("warp.ani",vec,300.0) if (not diff or (type.find(".blank") == -1 and -1 == type.find(".stock"))): for i in range(nr_ships): ret = VS.launch(fgname, type, faction, "unit", ai, 1, nr_waves, VS.SafeEntrancePoint(vec, 40), logo) unit.moveOutOfPlayerPath(ret) if (not skipdj): dj_lib.PlayMusik(0, dj_lib.HOSTILE_NEWLAUNCH_DISTANCE) return ret rsize = 0.0 diffic = VS.GetDifficulty() ret = VS.Unit() for i in range(nr_ships): mynew = VS.launch(fgname, type, faction, "unit", ai, 1, nr_waves, VS.SafeEntrancePoint(vec, 40), logo) unit.moveOutOfPlayerPath(mynew) if (i == 0): ret = mynew rsize = mynew.rSize() * 1.75 ship_upgrades.upgradeUnit(mynew, diffic) vec = ( vec[0] - rsize, vec[1], #-rsize vec[2] - rsize) if (not skipdj): dj_lib.PlayMusik(0, dj_lib.HOSTILE_NEWLAUNCH_DISTANCE) return ret
def move_to (un, where): un.SetPosition(where) unit.moveOutOfPlayerPath(un) un.SetTarget (VS.Unit()) return NextPos (un,where)