Esempio n. 1
 def clean_email(self):
     """ Validate that the e-mail address is unique. """
     if User.objects.filter(email__iexact=self.cleaned_data['email']):
         if get_signup_model().objects.filter(user__email__iexact=self.cleaned_data['email']).exclude(activation_key=userena_settings.USERENA_ACTIVATED):
             raise forms.ValidationError(_('This email is already in use but not confirmed. Please check you email for verification steps.'))
         raise forms.ValidationError(_('This email is already in use. Please supply a different email.'))
     return self.cleaned_data['email']
Esempio n. 2
    def save(self):
        """ Creates a new user and account. Returns the newly created user. """
        username, email, password = (self.cleaned_data['username'],

        new_user = get_signup_model().objects.create_user(username,
                                                     not userena_settings.USERENA_ACTIVATION_REQUIRED,
        return new_user
Esempio n. 3
def activate(request, activation_key,
             success_url=None, extra_context=None):
    Activate a user with an activation key.

    The key is a SHA1 string. When the SHA1 is found with an
    :class:`UserenaSignup`, the :class:`User` of that account will be
    activated.  After a successful activation the view will redirect to
    ``success_url``.  If the SHA1 is not found, the user will be shown the
    ``template_name`` template displaying a fail message.

    :param activation_key:
        String of a SHA1 string of 40 characters long. A SHA1 is always 160bit
        long, with 4 bits per character this makes it --160/4-- 40 characters

    :param template_name:
        String containing the template name that is used when the
        ``activation_key`` is invalid and the activation fails. Defaults to

    :param success_url:
        String containing the URL where the user should be redirected to after
        a successful activation. Will replace ``%(username)s`` with string
        formatting if supplied. If ``success_url`` is left empty, will direct
        to ``userena_profile_detail`` view.

    :param extra_context:
        Dictionary containing variables which could be added to the template
        context. Default to an empty dictionary.

    user = get_signup_model().objects.activate_user(activation_key)
    if user:
        # Sign the user in.
        auth_user = authenticate(,
        login(request, auth_user)

        if userena_settings.USERENA_USE_MESSAGES:
            messages.success(request, _('Your account has been activated and you have been signed in.'),

        if success_url: redirect_to = success_url % {'username': user.username }
        else: redirect_to = reverse('userena_profile_detail',
                                    kwargs={'username': user.username})
        return redirect(redirect_to)
        if not extra_context: extra_context = dict()
        return ExtraContextTemplateView.as_view(template_name=template_name,
Esempio n. 4
def email_confirm(request, confirmation_key,
                  success_url=None, extra_context=None):
    Confirms an email address with a confirmation key.

    Confirms a new email address by running :func:`User.objects.confirm_email`
    method. If the method returns an :class:`User` the user will have his new
    e-mail address set and redirected to ``success_url``. If no ``User`` is
    returned the user will be represented with a fail message from

    :param confirmation_key:
        String with a SHA1 representing the confirmation key used to verify a
        new email address.

    :param template_name:
        String containing the template name which should be rendered when
        confirmation fails. When confirmation is successful, no template is
        needed because the user will be redirected to ``success_url``.

    :param success_url:
        String containing the URL which is redirected to after a successful
        confirmation.  Supplied argument must be able to be rendered by
        ``reverse`` function.

    :param extra_context:
        Dictionary of variables that are passed on to the template supplied by

    user = get_signup_model().objects.confirm_email(confirmation_key)
    if user:
        if userena_settings.USERENA_USE_MESSAGES:
            messages.success(request, _('Your email address has been changed.'),

        if success_url: redirect_to = success_url
        else: redirect_to = reverse('userena_email_confirm_complete',
                                    kwargs={'username': user.username})
        return redirect(redirect_to)
        if not extra_context: extra_context = dict()
        return ExtraContextTemplateView.as_view(template_name=template_name,
Esempio n. 5
    def clean_username(self):
        Validate that the username is alphanumeric and is not already in use.
        Also validates that the username is not listed in

            user = User.objects.get(username__iexact=self.cleaned_data['username'])
        except User.DoesNotExist:
            if get_signup_model().objects.filter(user__username__iexact=self.cleaned_data['username']).exclude(activation_key=userena_settings.USERENA_ACTIVATED):
                raise forms.ValidationError(_('This username is already taken but not confirmed. Please check you email for verification steps.'))
            raise forms.ValidationError(_('This username is already taken.'))
        if self.cleaned_data['username'].lower() in userena_settings.USERENA_FORBIDDEN_USERNAMES:
            raise forms.ValidationError(_('This username is not allowed.'))
        return self.cleaned_data['username']