def test_file_dont_clobber():

    path = "/tmp/badadmin-tests-clobber"
    content = "Clobber?\n"

    assert os.path.exists(path) == False

    test_file = simple_file(path)
    assert test_file.create() == True

    assert test_file.write_contents(content) == True

    ensure = open(path, "r")
    assert == content

    assert os.path.exists(path) == True

    test_file2 = simple_file(path)

    assert test_file2.create() == False

    ensure = open(path, "r")
    assert == content

    assert os.path.exists(path) == True
    assert test_file.remove()
Esempio n. 2
	def storage_file(self, name):
		storage_path = "./modules/" + self.get_class_name() + "/storage/"
		sf = simple_file(storage_path + name)
		if sf.exists():
			return sf
			return False
Esempio n. 3
def test_dir_content():

    path = test_location + "/badadmin-dir-content"

    files = ['file1', 'file2']

    assert os.path.exists(path) == False

    test_dir = simple_dir(path)

    assert test_dir.exists() == False

    assert test_dir.create() == True

    for item in files:
        current_file = simple_file(path + "/" + item)
        assert current_file.create() == True

    assert os.path.exists(path) == True
    assert os.path.isdir(path) == True

    assert len(test_dir.list()) == 2
    assert 'file1' in test_dir.list()
    assert 'file2' in test_dir.list()

    assert test_dir.remove() == True

    assert os.path.exists(path) == False
    assert os.path.isdir(path) == False
def test_file_append():

    path = "/tmp/badadmin-tests-append"
    content = "Start\n"
    content2 = "Addition\n"

    assert os.path.exists(path) == False

    test_file = simple_file(path)
    assert test_file.create() == True

    assert os.path.exists(path) == True

    assert test_file.write_contents(content) == True

    assert test_file.get_contents() == content

    assert test_file.append_content(content2) == True

    assert test_file.get_contents() == content + content2

    ensure = open(path, "r")
    assert == content + content2

    assert test_file.remove() == True
def test_dir_content():
	path = test_location + "/badadmin-dir-content"
	files = ['file1' , 'file2']
	assert os.path.exists(path) == False
	test_dir = simple_dir(path)
	assert test_dir.exists() == False
	assert test_dir.create() == True
	for item in files:
		current_file = simple_file(path + "/" + item)
		assert current_file.create() == True
	assert os.path.exists(path) == True
	assert os.path.isdir(path) == True
	assert len(test_dir.list()) == 2
	assert 'file1' in test_dir.list()
	assert 'file2' in test_dir.list()
	assert test_dir.remove() == True
	assert os.path.exists(path) == False
	assert os.path.isdir(path) == False
def test_file_create_blank():

        test_file = simple_file("")
        assert False
    except ValueError:
        assert True
def test_file_add_content():

    path = "/tmp/badadmin-tests-content"
    content = "This is a test!\n"
    content2 = "Another test!\n"

    assert os.path.exists(path) == False

    test_file = simple_file(path)
    assert test_file.create() == True

    assert os.path.exists(path) == True

    assert test_file.write_contents(content) == True

    assert test_file.get_contents() == content

    ensure = open(path, "r")
    assert == content

    assert test_file.write_contents(content2) == True

    assert test_file.get_contents() == content2

    ensure = open(path, "r")
    assert == content2

    assert test_file.remove() == True
Esempio n. 8
    def __detect_package_manager(self):
        pkg_manager_list = ['yum', 'apt-get']

        if simple_file("/etc/yum.conf").exists():
            self.__package_manager = "yum"
        elif simple_dir("/etc/apt").exists():
            self.__package_manager = "apt"
Esempio n. 9
 def storage_file(self, name):
     storage_path = "./modules/" + self.get_class_name() + "/storage/"
     sf = simple_file(storage_path + name)
     if sf.exists():
         return sf
         return False
def test_file_set_owner():

    uid1 = pwd.getpwuid(1).pw_name
    uid2 = pwd.getpwuid(2).pw_name

    my_uid = os.getuid()
    my_gid = os.getgid()

    path = "/tmp/badadmin-tests-owner2"

    assert os.path.exists(path) == False

    test_file = simple_file(path)
    assert test_file.create() == True

    assert os.path.exists(path) == True
    assert test_file.exists() == True

    test_file.set_ownership_by_id(1, 1)

    ownership = test_file.get_ownership()

    assert ownership["uid"] == 1
    assert ownership["gid"] == 1

    assert ownership["owner_name"] == uid1
    assert ownership["group_name"] == uid1

    test_file.set_ownership_by_name(uid2, uid2)

    ownership = test_file.get_ownership()

    assert ownership["owner_name"] == uid2
    assert ownership["group_name"] == uid2

    assert ownership["uid"] == 2
    assert ownership["gid"] == 2


    ownership = test_file.get_ownership()

    assert ownership["owner_name"] == uid1
    assert ownership["group_name"] == uid2

    assert ownership["uid"] == 1
    assert ownership["gid"] == 2

    test_file.set_ownership_by_name(u_name=None, g_name=uid1)

    ownership = test_file.get_ownership()

    assert ownership["owner_name"] == uid1
    assert ownership["group_name"] == uid1

    assert ownership["uid"] == 1
    assert ownership["gid"] == 1

    assert test_file.remove() == True
Esempio n. 11
	def __detect_package_manager(self):
		pkg_manager_list = [
		if simple_file("/etc/yum.conf").exists():
			self.__package_manager = "yum"
		elif simple_dir("/etc/apt").exists():
			self.__package_manager = "apt"
def test_file_copy_nokeep():

    path = "/tmp/badadmin-tests-copy1"
    path2 = "/tmp/badadmin-tests-copy2"
    assert os.path.exists(path) == False

    test_file = simple_file(path)
    assert test_file.create() == True

    assert os.path.exists(path) == True


    assert os.path.exists(path) == True
    assert os.path.exists(path2) == True

    test_file2 = simple_file(path2)
    assert test_file2.remove() == True
    assert test_file.remove() == True
def test_file_on_dir():
    path = "/tmp"

    assert os.path.exists(path) == True

        test_file = simple_file(path)
        assert False
    except ValueError:
        assert True
def test_file_create_invalid():

    path = "/tmp/nope/badadmin-tests"

    assert os.path.exists(path) == False

    test_file = simple_file(path)

    assert isinstance(test_file, simple_file) == True
    assert test_file.create() == False
    assert os.path.exists(path) == False
def test_file_exists():

    path = "/tmp/badadmin-tests-replace-exists"

    assert os.path.exists(path) == False

    test_file = simple_file(path)
    assert test_file.create() == True

    assert os.path.exists(path) == True
    assert test_file.exists() == True

    assert test_file.remove() == True
def test_file_permissions_set_invalid():

    path = "/tmp/badadmin-tests-permissions-invalid"

    assert os.path.exists(path) == False

    test_file = simple_file(path)
    assert test_file.create() == True

    assert os.path.exists(path) == True
    assert test_file.exists() == True

    permissions = test_file.get_permissions()

    orig_owner = permissions["owner"]
    orig_group = permissions["group"]
    orig_other = permissions["other"]
    orig_special = permissions["special"]

    assert test_file.set_permissions(8, 0, 0, 0) == False

    permissions = test_file.get_permissions()

    assert orig_owner == permissions["owner"]
    assert orig_group == permissions["group"]
    assert orig_other == permissions["other"]
    assert orig_special == permissions["special"]

    assert test_file.set_permissions(2, 0, 0, -1) == False

    permissions = test_file.get_permissions()

    assert orig_owner == permissions["owner"]
    assert orig_group == permissions["group"]
    assert orig_other == permissions["other"]
    assert orig_special == permissions["special"]

    assert test_file.set_permissions(2, 10, -4, 0) == False

    permissions = test_file.get_permissions()

    assert orig_owner == permissions["owner"]
    assert orig_group == permissions["group"]
    assert orig_other == permissions["other"]
    assert orig_special == permissions["special"]

    assert test_file.remove() == True
def test_file_permissions_set():

    path = "/tmp/badadmin-tests-permissions-set"

    assert os.path.exists(path) == False

    test_file = simple_file(path)
    assert test_file.create() == True

    assert os.path.exists(path) == True
    assert test_file.exists() == True

    permissions = test_file.get_permissions()

    assert permissions["owner"] >= 0 and permissions["owner"] <= 7
    assert permissions["group"] >= 0 and permissions["group"] <= 7
    assert permissions["other"] >= 0 and permissions["other"] <= 7
    assert permissions["special"] >= 0 and permissions["special"] <= 7

    assert test_file.set_permissions(6, 0, 0, 0) == True

    permissions = test_file.get_permissions()

    assert permissions["owner"] == 6
    assert permissions["group"] == 0
    assert permissions["other"] == 0
    assert permissions["special"] == 0

    assert test_file.set_permissions(6, 0, 0, 1) == True

    permissions = test_file.get_permissions()

    assert permissions["owner"] == 6
    assert permissions["group"] == 0
    assert permissions["other"] == 0
    assert permissions["special"] == 1

    assert test_file.set_permissions(7, 7, 7, 0) == True

    permissions = test_file.get_permissions()

    assert permissions["owner"] == 7
    assert permissions["group"] == 7
    assert permissions["other"] == 7
    assert permissions["special"] == 0

    assert test_file.remove() == True
def test_file_replace():

    path = "/tmp/badadmin-tests-replace"
    content = "ReplaceMe\nReplaceMe\nNope\nReplaceMe\n"
    replace_with = "Done!"

    assert os.path.exists(path) == False

    test_file = simple_file(path)
    assert test_file.create() == True

    assert os.path.exists(path) == True

    assert test_file.write_contents(content) == True

    assert test_file.get_contents() == content

    new_content = test_file.replace("ReplaceMe", replace_with)

    assert new_content == "Done!\nDone!\nNope\nDone!\n"

    assert test_file.remove() == True
def test_file_owner():

    my_uid = os.getuid()
    my_gid = os.getgid()

    path = "/tmp/badadmin-tests-owner"

    assert os.path.exists(path) == False

    test_file = simple_file(path)
    assert test_file.create() == True

    assert os.path.exists(path) == True
    assert test_file.exists() == True

    ownership = test_file.get_ownership()

    assert ownership["uid"] == my_uid
    assert ownership["gid"] == my_gid

    assert ownership["owner_name"] == getpass.getuser()
    assert ownership["group_name"] == getpass.getuser()

    assert test_file.remove() == True
Esempio n. 20
 def file(self, filename):
     return simple_file(filename)
def test_dir_recursive_chmod():
	path = test_location + "/badadmin-r-chmod"
	dirs = ['dir1' , 'dir2']
	files = ['file1', 'file2']
	assert os.path.exists(path) == False

	test_dir = simple_dir(path)
	assert os.path.exists(path) == True
	test_dir2 = simple_dir(path + "/" + dirs[0])
	assert os.path.exists(path + "/" + dirs[0]) == True
	test_dir3 = simple_dir(path + "/" + dirs[1])
	assert os.path.exists(path + "/" + dirs[1]) == True

	test_file1 = simple_file(path + "/" + files[0])
	assert os.path.exists(path + "/" + files[0]) == True 
	test_file2 = simple_file(path + "/" + dirs[1] + "/" + files[0])
	assert os.path.exists(path + "/" + dirs[1] + "/" + files[0]) == True 
	test_file3 = simple_file(path + "/" + dirs[0] + "/" + files[0])
	assert os.path.exists(path + "/" + dirs[0] + "/" + files[0]) == True 
	test_file4 = simple_file(path + "/" + dirs[0] + "/" + files[1])
	assert os.path.exists(path + "/" + dirs[0] + "/" + files[1]) == True 
	permissions = test_dir.get_permissions()
	assert permissions['owner'] == 7
	assert permissions['group'] == 0
	assert permissions['other'] == 0
	assert permissions['special'] == 0
	permissions = test_file4.get_permissions()
	assert permissions['owner'] == 7
	assert permissions['group'] == 0
	assert permissions['other'] == 0
	assert permissions['special'] == 0
	permissions = test_file1.get_permissions()
	assert permissions['owner'] == 7
	assert permissions['group'] == 0
	assert permissions['other'] == 0
	assert permissions['special'] == 0
	assert test_dir.remove() == True
def test_dir_recursive_chmod():
	uid1 = pwd.getpwuid(1).pw_name
	uid2 = pwd.getpwuid(2).pw_name
	path = test_location + "/badadmin-r-chown"
	dirs = ['dir1' , 'dir2']
	files = ['file1', 'file2']
	assert os.path.exists(path) == False

	test_dir = simple_dir(path)
	assert os.path.exists(path) == True
	test_dir2 = simple_dir(path + "/" + dirs[0])
	assert os.path.exists(path + "/" + dirs[0]) == True
	test_dir3 = simple_dir(path + "/" + dirs[1])
	assert os.path.exists(path + "/" + dirs[1]) == True

	test_file1 = simple_file(path + "/" + files[0])
	assert os.path.exists(path + "/" + files[0]) == True 
	test_file2 = simple_file(path + "/" + dirs[1] + "/" + files[0])
	assert os.path.exists(path + "/" + dirs[1] + "/" + files[0]) == True 
	test_file3 = simple_file(path + "/" + dirs[0] + "/" + files[0])
	assert os.path.exists(path + "/" + dirs[0] + "/" + files[0]) == True 
	test_file4 = simple_file(path + "/" + dirs[0] + "/" + files[1])
	assert os.path.exists(path + "/" + dirs[0] + "/" + files[1]) == True 
	ownership = test_dir.get_ownership()
	assert ownership['uid'] == 1
	assert ownership['gid'] == 1
	assert ownership['owner_name'] == uid1
	assert ownership['group_name'] == uid1
	ownership = test_file3.get_ownership()
	assert ownership['uid'] == 1
	assert ownership['gid'] == 1
	assert ownership['owner_name'] == uid1
	assert ownership['group_name'] == uid1
	ownership = test_file2.get_ownership()
	assert ownership['uid'] == 1
	assert ownership['gid'] == 1
	assert ownership['owner_name'] == uid1
	assert ownership['group_name'] == uid1
	test_dir.recursive_chown_by_name(uid2, uid2)
	ownership = test_dir.get_ownership()
	assert ownership['uid'] == 2
	assert ownership['gid'] == 2
	assert ownership['owner_name'] == uid2
	assert ownership['group_name'] == uid2
	ownership = test_file3.get_ownership()
	assert ownership['uid'] == 2
	assert ownership['gid'] == 2
	assert ownership['owner_name'] == uid2
	assert ownership['group_name'] == uid2
	ownership = test_dir2.get_ownership()
	assert ownership['uid'] == 2
	assert ownership['gid'] == 2
	assert ownership['owner_name'] == uid2
	assert ownership['group_name'] == uid2
	assert test_dir.remove() == True
Esempio n. 23
def test_dir_recursive_chmod():

    path = test_location + "/badadmin-r-chmod"

    dirs = ['dir1', 'dir2']

    files = ['file1', 'file2']

    assert os.path.exists(path) == False

    test_dir = simple_dir(path)


    assert os.path.exists(path) == True

    test_dir2 = simple_dir(path + "/" + dirs[0])
    assert os.path.exists(path + "/" + dirs[0]) == True
    test_dir3 = simple_dir(path + "/" + dirs[1])
    assert os.path.exists(path + "/" + dirs[1]) == True

    test_file1 = simple_file(path + "/" + files[0])
    assert os.path.exists(path + "/" + files[0]) == True

    test_file2 = simple_file(path + "/" + dirs[1] + "/" + files[0])
    assert os.path.exists(path + "/" + dirs[1] + "/" + files[0]) == True

    test_file3 = simple_file(path + "/" + dirs[0] + "/" + files[0])
    assert os.path.exists(path + "/" + dirs[0] + "/" + files[0]) == True

    test_file4 = simple_file(path + "/" + dirs[0] + "/" + files[1])
    assert os.path.exists(path + "/" + dirs[0] + "/" + files[1]) == True

    test_dir.recursive_chmod(7, 0, 0)

    permissions = test_dir.get_permissions()

    assert permissions['owner'] == 7
    assert permissions['group'] == 0
    assert permissions['other'] == 0
    assert permissions['special'] == 0

    permissions = test_file4.get_permissions()

    assert permissions['owner'] == 7
    assert permissions['group'] == 0
    assert permissions['other'] == 0
    assert permissions['special'] == 0

    permissions = test_file1.get_permissions()

    assert permissions['owner'] == 7
    assert permissions['group'] == 0
    assert permissions['other'] == 0
    assert permissions['special'] == 0

    assert test_dir.remove() == True
Esempio n. 24
def test_dir_recursive_chmod():

    uid1 = pwd.getpwuid(1).pw_name
    uid2 = pwd.getpwuid(2).pw_name

    path = test_location + "/badadmin-r-chown"

    dirs = ['dir1', 'dir2']

    files = ['file1', 'file2']

    assert os.path.exists(path) == False

    test_dir = simple_dir(path)


    assert os.path.exists(path) == True

    test_dir2 = simple_dir(path + "/" + dirs[0])
    assert os.path.exists(path + "/" + dirs[0]) == True
    test_dir3 = simple_dir(path + "/" + dirs[1])
    assert os.path.exists(path + "/" + dirs[1]) == True

    test_file1 = simple_file(path + "/" + files[0])
    assert os.path.exists(path + "/" + files[0]) == True

    test_file2 = simple_file(path + "/" + dirs[1] + "/" + files[0])
    assert os.path.exists(path + "/" + dirs[1] + "/" + files[0]) == True

    test_file3 = simple_file(path + "/" + dirs[0] + "/" + files[0])
    assert os.path.exists(path + "/" + dirs[0] + "/" + files[0]) == True

    test_file4 = simple_file(path + "/" + dirs[0] + "/" + files[1])
    assert os.path.exists(path + "/" + dirs[0] + "/" + files[1]) == True

    test_dir.recursive_chown_by_id(1, 1)

    ownership = test_dir.get_ownership()

    assert ownership['uid'] == 1
    assert ownership['gid'] == 1

    assert ownership['owner_name'] == uid1
    assert ownership['group_name'] == uid1

    ownership = test_file3.get_ownership()

    assert ownership['uid'] == 1
    assert ownership['gid'] == 1

    assert ownership['owner_name'] == uid1
    assert ownership['group_name'] == uid1

    ownership = test_file2.get_ownership()

    assert ownership['uid'] == 1
    assert ownership['gid'] == 1

    assert ownership['owner_name'] == uid1
    assert ownership['group_name'] == uid1

    test_dir.recursive_chown_by_name(uid2, uid2)

    ownership = test_dir.get_ownership()

    assert ownership['uid'] == 2
    assert ownership['gid'] == 2

    assert ownership['owner_name'] == uid2
    assert ownership['group_name'] == uid2

    ownership = test_file3.get_ownership()

    assert ownership['uid'] == 2
    assert ownership['gid'] == 2

    assert ownership['owner_name'] == uid2
    assert ownership['group_name'] == uid2

    ownership = test_dir2.get_ownership()

    assert ownership['uid'] == 2
    assert ownership['gid'] == 2

    assert ownership['owner_name'] == uid2
    assert ownership['group_name'] == uid2

    assert test_dir.remove() == True
Esempio n. 25
	def file(self, filename):
		return simple_file(filename)