Esempio n. 1
def random_for_player_hd(hd = 1, inverse = False, exact=True, max_hd=1000, flags=0, not_flags=0):
    """ Finds and return creature apropriate for given HD. It first tries to find
    creature with request HD. If this is not possible a random creature and adjust it's HD.
    hd - target HD
    inverse - will select items with lower 'common' value if turned on
    exact - tells function to select mobs of exact given HD. If set to False then
        mobs are filtered by hd >= hd and hd <= max_hd
    max_hd - tells to select mobs with HD no higher than max_hd. Usable only with exact=False
    flags - let's filter creatures by flags
    not_flags - lets you select creatures with exact flag set to false
    ff = None
    if exact:
        ff = lambda x: x.base_hd == hd and filter_critters_by_flags(x, flags)
        ff = lambda x: x.base_hd >=hd and x.base_hd <= max_hd and filter_critters_by_flags(x, flags, not_flags)
    hd_match = filter(ff, mobs)
    if len (hd_match) < 1:#if no such NPC, take any and adjust HD
        ff2 = lambda x: filter_critters_by_flags(x , flags, not_flags)
        anymob = util.random_from_list_weighted(filter(ff2, mobs), inverse)()
        new_hd = hd
        if not exact:
            new_hd = max_hd
        return anymob

    return util.random_from_list_weighted(hd_match, inverse)()
Esempio n. 2
def _choose_map(generator_type, params, player_hd, theme, size):
    """ _choose_map(...) = > MapDef (or None if theme file does not exist)
    Loads the list of available maps and chooses a random one.
    Maps gets filtered first by number of parameters. Selection is based on weight/chance of a map.
    Also map is checked against unique maps list already generated.
    file = get_map_file(theme, size=size)
    if not file:
        return None
    av_maps = parse_file(file)
    total_maps_of_theme = len(av_maps)
    if total_maps_of_theme < 1: raise RuntimeError('No maps for MapRequest with theme [%s]' % theme)
    #now let's filter them leaving maps suitable for current generator/player HD and other params
    av_maps = filter(lambda x: _check_static_params(generator_type, player_hd, x, params), av_maps)
    tmap = None
    if not av_maps:
        return None
    while True:
        if total_maps_of_theme < 1:
            #if we iterated over enough maps and can't decide on them - break unless none is selected
            if tmap: break
            raise RuntimeError('Cannot select map of theme %s - too few maps available' % theme)
        total_maps_of_theme -= 1
        # choose a random map from a weighed list
        tmap = random_from_list_weighted(av_maps)
        if tmap.chance > 0:
            if roll(1, tmap.chance) == 1:
    unique_maps_already_generated[] = 1
    #prepare a map
    return tmap.prepare(params)
Esempio n. 3
def _choose_map(generator_type, params, player_hd, theme, size):
    """ _choose_map(...) = > MapDef (or None if theme file does not exist)
    Loads the list of available maps and chooses a random one.
    Maps gets filtered first by number of parameters. Selection is based on weight/chance of a map.
    Also map is checked against unique maps list already generated.
    file = get_map_file(theme, size=size)
    if not file:
        return None
    av_maps = parse_file(file)
    total_maps_of_theme = len(av_maps)
    if total_maps_of_theme < 1:
        raise RuntimeError('No maps for MapRequest with theme [%s]' % theme)
    #now let's filter them leaving maps suitable for current generator/player HD and other params
    av_maps = filter(
        lambda x: _check_static_params(generator_type, player_hd, x, params),
    tmap = None
    if not av_maps:
        return None
    while True:
        if total_maps_of_theme < 1:
            #if we iterated over enough maps and can't decide on them - break unless none is selected
            if tmap: break
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Cannot select map of theme %s - too few maps available' %
        total_maps_of_theme -= 1
        # choose a random map from a weighed list
        tmap = random_from_list_weighted(av_maps)
        if tmap.chance > 0:
            if roll(1, tmap.chance) == 1:
    unique_maps_already_generated[] = 1
    #prepare a map
    return tmap.prepare(params)
Esempio n. 4
    #first let's define our world's population: this will include
    # all the NPC's of all types we have, except those which can be placed inside quesuts only

    #now let's roll for number of quest-givers. we do want them to exist
    min_quest_givers = util.roll(*QUEST_GIVER_ROLL)
    actual_quest_givers = 0
    while actual_quest_givers < min_quest_givers:
        if actual_quest_givers > 0:
            logger.debug("Rerroling mNPCs as too low number %d of quest-givers was generated (expecting %d)", actual_quest_givers, min_quest_givers)
        #let's roll for number of NPC.  NOTE that we will also add types denoted by ! later.
        mNPC_count = util.roll(*MNPC_ROLL)
        #now toss
        result = []
        actual_quest_givers = 0
        for x in xrange(0, mNPC_count):
                rnd = util.random_from_list_weighted(QuestNPC.mNPC)
                if rnd in QuestNPC.quest_giver_NPC:
                    actual_quest_givers += 1
    #now let's generate deities
    deity_coun= util.roll(*DEITY_ROLL)
    deities = []
    for x in xrange(0, deity_coun):
        deity = DeityNPC()

    world.quest_givers = filter(lambda x: x.__class__ in QuestNPC.quest_giver_NPC, result)
    #now let's roll for immobile NPCs. we don't want many of them. let em be 0-3 at 50% chance for now
    immobile_npc = 0
Esempio n. 5
    #now let's roll for number of quest-givers. we do want them to exist
    min_quest_givers = util.roll(*QUEST_GIVER_ROLL)
    actual_quest_givers = 0
    while actual_quest_givers < min_quest_givers:
        if actual_quest_givers > 0:
                "Rerroling mNPCs as too low number %d of quest-givers was generated (expecting %d)",
                actual_quest_givers, min_quest_givers)
        #let's roll for number of NPC.  NOTE that we will also add types denoted by ! later.
        mNPC_count = util.roll(*MNPC_ROLL)
        #now toss
        result = []
        actual_quest_givers = 0
        for x in xrange(0, mNPC_count):
            rnd = util.random_from_list_weighted(QuestNPC.mNPC)
            if rnd in QuestNPC.quest_giver_NPC:
                actual_quest_givers += 1
    #now let's generate deities
    deity_coun = util.roll(*DEITY_ROLL)
    deities = []
    for x in xrange(0, deity_coun):
        deity = DeityNPC()

    world.quest_givers = filter(
        lambda x: x.__class__ in QuestNPC.quest_giver_NPC, result)
    #now let's roll for immobile NPCs. we don't want many of them. let em be 0-3 at 50% chance for now