Esempio n. 1
 def __initDisk():
     Author      : LHearen
     E-mail      : [email protected]
     Time        : 2016-01-13 09:41
     Description : Used to get total, used and free info of partitions and
                 store them in db;
     ret = executeShellCommand('df -h')[0].split('\n')
     # print ret
     del ret[0]
     del ret[-1]
     dataList = []
     for item in ret:
         itemDict = {}
         itemList = item.split()
         itemDict["fileSystem"] = itemList[0]
         itemDict["total"] = itemList[1]
         itemDict["used"] = itemList[2]
         itemDict["free"] = itemList[3]
         itemDict["mountedOn"] = itemList[5]
         print itemList
     print dataList
     ret = HostHelper.update({"_id": 1}, {"disk": dataList})
     print ret
Esempio n. 2
 def __initNetwork():
     Author      : LHearen
     E-mail      : [email protected]
     Time        : 2016-01-12 16:21
     Description : Used to retrieve the physical network cards profile;
     ret = executeShellCommand("lspci | grep Net")[0]
     ret = ret.split('\n')
     del ret[-1]
     ret = [s.split(':')[2].split('(')[0].strip() for s in ret]
     ret = HostHelper.update({"_id": 1}, {"network": ret})
     print ret
Esempio n. 3
 def __initMem():
     Author      : LHearen
     E-mail      : [email protected]
     Time        : 2016-01-12 15:37
     Description : get the static total, used and free amount of memory and
                 it utilization and store them in db;
     ret = executeShellScripts("../shells/")[0]
     print ret
     ret = json.loads(ret)
     total = int(ret["total"])
     used = int(ret["used"])
     free = int(ret["free"])
     dataDict = {"": str(total)+"M", "mem.used": str(used)+"M",
                 "": str(free)+"M"}
     ret = HostHelper.update({"_id":1}, dataDict)
     print ret
Esempio n. 4
 def __initCpu():
     Author      : LHearen
     E-mail      : [email protected]
     Time        : 2016-01-12 15:36
     Description : get all the static cpu profile and store it in db;
     ret = executeShellScripts("../shells/")
     ret = ret[0]
     # turn string to a dictionary
     ret = json.loads(ret)
     arch = ret["Architecture"].strip()
     byteOrder = ret["Byte Order"].strip()
     numberOfCpus = ret["CPU(s)"].strip()
     name = ret["Model name"].strip()
     ret = executeShellCommand("cat /proc/version")
     version = ret[0].strip()
     dataDict = {"cpu.Architecture": arch, "cpu.ByteOrder": byteOrder,
                 "cpu.cpus": numberOfCpus, "cpu.Model": name,
                 "cpu.version": version}
     ret = HostHelper.update({"_id": 1}, dataDict)
     print ret