def get_costh_phi_in_bins(hist_3d):
    """Get all costh phi histograms in each bin of the 3rd variable"""
    arr = get_array(hist_3d)
    binning = np.array([get_binning(hist_3d, 'X'), get_binning(hist_3d, 'Y')])
    err = get_array(hist_3d, errors=True)
    return [from_array(arr[:,:,i], binning, errors=err[:,:,i])
            for i in xrange(arr.shape[2])]
Esempio n. 2
def get_contour(hist):
    Get the outer contour of all filled points in the histogram
    vals = get_array(hist) > 0
    xbinning, ybinning = get_binning(hist, 0), get_binning(hist, 1)

    xvals = 0.5 * (xbinning[:-1] + xbinning[1:])
    yvals = 0.5 * (ybinning[:-1] + ybinning[1:])

    filled = []
    for ix, xv in enumerate(xvals):
        for iy, yv in enumerate(yvals):
            if vals[ix, iy]:
                filled.append([xv, yv])
    filled = np.array(filled)

    hull = ConvexHull(filled)

    # Append the first point again at the end to "close" the contour
    xcont = filled[hull.vertices, 0]
    xcont = np.append(xcont, np.array([xcont[0]]))

    ycont = filled[hull.vertices, 1]
    ycont = np.append(ycont, np.array(ycont[0]))

    return r.TGraph(len(hull.vertices) + 1, xcont, ycont)
Esempio n. 3
def to_bw_hist(hist):
    """Fill all filled bins with value 1 and all empty ones with 0"""
    arr = get_array(hist)
    # TODO: generalize and put into hist_utils
    binning = np.array([get_binning(hist, 0), get_binning(hist, 1)])

    arr = arr != 0

    return from_array(arr, binning)
def get_pt_bin(amap, pt_val):
    Get the pt bin costh-phi map from the passed (3d) acceptance map
    pt_bin = find_bin(get_binning(amap, 2), np.array([pt_val]))[0]
    val, err = get_array(amap), get_array(amap, errors=True)
    ctp_binning = np.array([get_binning(amap, i) for i in [0, 1]])

    return from_array(val[:, :, pt_bin], ctp_binning, errors=err[:, :, pt_bin])
Esempio n. 5
def get_combined_ppd_2d(inputfiles, var1, var2):
    Get the combined 2d ppd from all inputfiles
    ppds = [get_scaled_ppd_2d(f, var1, var2, 100, 100) for f in inputfiles]
    ppd_binning = np.array([get_binning(ppds[0], 0), get_binning(ppds[0], 1)])

    ppd_vals = np.array([get_array(p) for p in ppds])
    # TODO: at some point find out how argmax works in multiple dimensions

    return from_array(np.max(ppd_vals, axis=0), ppd_binning)
def store_hists(outfile, hists, basename, binvar=None):
    """Store histograms"""
    if binvar is not None:
        # store 2d projections onto costh-phi
        for name, hist in hists.iteritems():
            projections = get_costh_phi_in_bins(hist)
            var_binning = get_binning(hist, 'Z')
            for ibin, proj in enumerate(projections):
                bin_bord = '{:.2f}_{:.2f}'.format(var_binning[ibin],
                                                  var_binning[ibin + 1])
                bin_bord = bin_bord.replace('.', 'p').replace('-', 'm')

                proj.SetName('_'.join(['proj', basename, binvar[0], bin_bord, name]))

            # also store the 3d maps that are used in the lookup
            hist.SetName('_'.join([basename, binvar[0], name]))

        for name, hist in hists.iteritems():
            hist.SetName('_'.join([basename, name]))
def main(args):
    data = get_dataframe(args.datafile)
    cmfile = r.TFile.Open(args.corrmapfile)
    accmap = get_correction_map(cmfile, not args.no_pt, args.acceptance)


    plot_args = {'drawOpt': 'colz'}
    if args.plot_arguments is not None:

    if isinstance(accmap, r.TH2):
        plot = make_overlay_plot(accmap, data, **plot_args)
        pt_binning = get_binning(accmap, 2)
        pt_bins = zip(pt_binning[:-1], pt_binning[1:])

        for pt_bin in pt_bins:
            pdata = apply_selections(data, select_bin('JpsiPt', *pt_bin))
            pmap = get_pt_bin(accmap, 0.5 * np.sum(pt_bin))
            plot = make_overlay_plot(pmap, pdata, **plot_args)
                args.outdir, int(pt_bin[0]), int(pt_bin[1])))
Esempio n. 8
    def test_non_compatible_binning(self, mock_logger):
        hist = _get_hist(1)
        non_comp_binning = np.linspace(0, 1, 7)

        exp_err = 'Cannot rebin histogram with binning {} to target binning {}'
        self.assertTrue(hu.rebin_1d_binning(hist, non_comp_binning) is None)
Esempio n. 9
def shift_by_median(ppd, use_val=None):
    Shift the ppd by the median to center it around 0
    if use_val is None:
        return ppd
        med = use_val
    binning = get_binning(ppd)
    return from_array(get_array(ppd), binning - med, errors=get_array(ppd, errors=True))
Esempio n. 10
    def test_find_bin_nonreg_binning(self):
        hist = r.TH1D(create_random_str(8), '', 10, np.linspace(0, 1, 11)**2)
        binning = hu.get_binning(hist)

        values = np.random.uniform(0, 1, 1000)
        exp_idcs = np.array([hist.FindBin(v) for v in values])
        exp_idcs -= 1

        bin_idcs = hu.find_bin(binning, values)
        npt.assert_equal(bin_idcs, exp_idcs)
Esempio n. 11
    def test_find_bin_reg_binning(self):
        hist = r.TH1D(create_random_str(8), '', 10, 0, 1)
        binning = hu.get_binning(hist)

        values = np.random.uniform(0, 1, 1000)
        exp_idcs = np.array([hist.FindBin(v) for v in values])
        exp_idcs -= 1 # correct for TH1 indexing starting at 1

        bin_idcs = hu.find_bin(binning, values)
        npt.assert_equal(bin_idcs, exp_idcs)
Esempio n. 12
    def test_find_bin_warning(self, mock_logger):
        exp_warn = 'When trying to find the bin indices at least one value '\
                   'could not be attributed to a bin in the passed binning'
        bins = hu.get_binning(hist = r.TH1D(create_random_str(), '', 10, 0, 1))
        values = np.array([-0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4])
        bin_idcs = hu.find_bin(bins, values)

        values = np.array([0.1, 0.2, 1.3, 0.4, 0.5])
        bin_idcs = hu.find_bin(bins, values)
def make_overlay_plot(pt_map, pt_data, **kwargs):
    Plot the coverage of the pt_data onto the
    amap_x, amap_y = get_binning(pt_map, 0), get_binning(pt_map, 1)
    if np.min(amap_x) == 0:
        costh = pt_data.costh_HX_fold.abs()
        costh = pt_data.costh_HX_fold

    data_dist = hist2d(costh,
                       x_hist_sett=(len(amap_x) - 1, amap_x),
                       y_hist_sett=(len(amap_y) - 1, amap_y))

    coverage = get_array(data_dist) > 0
    cov_graph = get_mask_graph(amap_x, amap_y, coverage)

    can = mkplot(pt_map, **kwargs)
               'color': r.kRed,
               'fillalpha': (r.kRed, 0),
               'marker': 1
        r.TLine(v, np.min(amap_y), v, np.max(amap_y))
        for v in [-0.625, -0.45, 0.45, 0.625]
               'color': 12,
               'line': 7,
               'width': 2

    return can
Esempio n. 14
def get_coverage_contour(hist, coverage=0.683):
    Get the contour from the passed histogram that surpasses the specified coerage
    vals = get_array(hist)
    sum_vals = np.sum(vals)

    def _coverage(level):
        """Calculate the coverage corresponding to the passed level"""
        return np.sum(vals * (vals >= level)) / sum_vals

    # do some pre-processing to start from a slightly better bracket for the
    # secant method
    dec_cov = np.array(
        [_coverage(0.05 * i * np.max(vals)) for i in xrange(21)])
    q_bin = find_bin(dec_cov, np.array([coverage]))
    search_brack = [
        q_bin * 0.05 * np.max(vals), (q_bin + 1) * 0.05 * np.max(vals)

    cov_level = root_scalar(lambda x: _coverage(x) - coverage,

    filled = vals >= cov_level.root

    x_vals, y_vals = get_binning(hist, 'X'), get_binning(hist, 'Y')
    # get the bin centers
    x_vals = 0.5 * (x_vals[1:] + x_vals[:-1])
    y_vals = 0.5 * (y_vals[1:] + y_vals[:-1])

    filled_coords = []
    for ix, xv in enumerate(x_vals):
        for iy, yv in enumerate(y_vals):
            if filled[ix, iy]:
                filled_coords.append([xv, yv])

    return contour_as_tgraph(np.array(filled_coords))
Esempio n. 15
def get_combined_ppd(inputfiles, var):
    Get the combined ppd from all inputfiles
    ppds = [get_scaled_ppd(f, var) for f in inputfiles]
    # PPDs all have the same binning
    ppd_binning = get_binning(ppds[0])

    ppd_vals = np.array([get_array(p) for p in ppds])
    ppd_errs = np.array([get_array(p, errors=True) for p in ppds])

    # Get the maximum value in each gin and its uncertainty
    max_idx = np.argmax(ppd_vals, axis=0)
    # Necessary for 2d indexing. There might be an easier way for this
    idx = np.arange(0, len(ppd_vals[0]))
    max_ppd = ppd_vals[max_idx, idx]
    max_err = ppd_errs[max_idx, idx]

    return from_array(max_ppd, ppd_binning, errors=max_err)
Esempio n. 16
    def _test_from_array_nd_w_overflow(self, n_dim):
        hist = _get_hist(n_dim)
        arr = hu.get_array(hist, overflow=True)
        axes = 'X'
        if n_dim == 2:
            axes = 'XY'
        if n_dim == 3:
            axes = 'XYZ'
        binning = np.array([hu.get_binning(hist, ax) for ax in axes])

        arr_hist = hu.from_array(arr, binning)

        npt.assert_equal(hu.get_array(arr_hist, overflow=True), arr)
        npt.assert_equal(hu.get_binning(arr_hist, 'X'), hu.get_binning(hist, 'X'))
        if n_dim > 1:
            npt.assert_equal(hu.get_binning(arr_hist, 'Y'), hu.get_binning(hist, 'Y'))
        if n_dim > 2:
            npt.assert_equal(hu.get_binning(arr_hist, 'Z'), hu.get_binning(hist, 'Z'))

        err = hu.get_array(hist, errors=True, overflow=True)
        arr_err_hist = hu.from_array(arr, binning, errors=err)
        npt.assert_equal(hu.get_array(arr_err_hist, overflow=True), arr)
        npt.assert_equal(hu.get_array(arr_err_hist, overflow=True, errors=True), err)
Esempio n. 17
    def __init__(self, acc_map, min_acc=0, mask_prec=None, mask=None):
            acc_map (TH2D, TH3D or THnD): costh-phi map or costh-phi-var map
                obtained by applying all cuts and selections (and possibly
                efficiency weightings). For each bin 1 / (bin content) will be
                the weight for the acceptance correction
            min_acc (float, optional): Mask all bins with an acceptance below
                this value (default = 0)
            mask_prec (float, optional): If not None, mask all bins for which
                the relative error is larger than the passed value
            mask (np.array, optional): Array with the same dimensions as the
                acceptance map. All bins containing a non False value will be
                masked. Overrides the min_acc and mask_prec argument (i.e. they
                will be ignored) but still respects zero bin masking
        self.hist = acc_map
        logging.debug('Using acceptance map \'{}\''.format(
        # Corrections are 1 / acceptance map
        acc_values = get_array(self.hist)

        if mask is not None:
            if mask.shape != acc_values.shape:
                logging.error('mask and acceptance map need to have the same '
                              'dimensions. mask: {}, map: {}'.format(
                                  mask.shape, acc_values.shape))
            if min_acc != 0:
                    'Ignoring min_acc={} because a mask is used'.format(
            if mask_prec is not None:
                    'Ignoring mask_prec={} because a mask is used'.format(
            # mask the values without acceptance in the acceptance map
            # this will also make them return -1 for the correction map
            logging.debug('Masking {} bins according to the mask'.format(
            empty_mask = (acc_values == 0)
            logging.debug('Masking {} empty bins'.format(np.sum(empty_mask)))
            masked_vals = empty_mask | mask
            if min_acc < 0 or min_acc > 1:
                logging.warning('The minimum acceptance should be a value '
                                'between 0 and 1, but is {}'.format(min_acc))
            masked_vals = (acc_values <= min_acc).astype(bool)
            logging.debug('Minimum acceptance = {}: Masking {} bins'.format(
                min_acc, np.sum(masked_vals)))
            if mask_prec is not None:
                if isinstance(mask_prec, float):
                    acc_errs = get_array(self.hist, errors=True)
                    rel_uncer = np.zeros_like(acc_errs)
                              where=acc_values != 0)
                    mask_uncer = (rel_uncer > mask_prec).astype(bool)
                        'Minimum precision = {}: Masking {} bins'.format(
                            mask_prec, np.sum(mask_uncer)))
                    masked_vals |= mask_uncer
                        'mask_prec has to be a float value. Not using'
                        ' it to mask bins with too low precision.')

        acc_values = ~masked_vals * acc_values + -1 * masked_vals
        logging.debug('{} of {} bins are masked in the correction map'.format(
            np.sum(masked_vals), acc_values.size))

        self.corr_map = 1.0 / acc_values
        self.var_binnings = []
        self.ndim = self.corr_map.ndim
        for i in xrange(self.ndim):
            self.var_binnings.append(get_binning(acc_map, i))
def shift_by_median(ppd, median):
    """Shift the ppd by the passed median"""
    return from_array(get_array(ppd),
                      get_binning(ppd) - median,
                      errors=get_array(ppd, errors=True))
Esempio n. 19
 def test_handles_binning(self):
     # Test if binning arrays are handled correctly (type conversion for
     # ROOT to understand)
     hist = hu.from_array(np.random.uniform(0, 1, 10), np.arange(0, 11, 1))
     npt.assert_equal(hu.get_binning(hist, 'X'), np.arange(0, 11, 1))