Esempio n. 1
	def testAverageRating(self):
		positions = getPortfolioPositions('19437', '20200429', 'test')
		blpData = getBlpData('20200429', 'test')

		securitiesWithRatings = compose(
		  , partial(map, lambda p: (getAverageRatingScore(blpData, p), p))
		  , partial(map, lambda t: t[1])
		  , partial(filter, lambda t: ratingsApplicable(t[0]))
		  , lambda blpData, positions: \
		  		map(lambda p: (getAssetType(blpData, p), p), positions)
		)(blpData, positions)

		# There are 154 bonds (155 bonds, but one with special case override)
		self.assertEqual(154, len(securitiesWithRatings))

		# Has 3 credit ratings
		self.assertEqual(11, firstOf( lambda t: t[1]['InvestID'] == 'XS2114413565'
									, securitiesWithRatings)[0])

		# Has 2 credit ratings
		self.assertEqual(11, firstOf( lambda t: t[1]['InvestID'] == 'USY70902AB04'
									, securitiesWithRatings)[0])

		# Has 1 credit ratings
		self.assertEqual(13, firstOf( lambda t: t[1]['InvestID'] == 'XS2127809528'
									, securitiesWithRatings)[0])

		# Has no credit ratings
		self.assertEqual(0, firstOf( lambda t: t[1]['InvestID'] == 'XS2021226985'
									, securitiesWithRatings)[0])
Esempio n. 2
    def testFile(self):
        Randomly check a bond's purchase cost and yield at cost
        dataFile = join(get_current_path(), 'samples', 'test_historical'
                       , 'CLO Holdings 2019.06.28.xlsx')
        historicalData = toDictionary(getRawPositions(fileToLines(dataFile)))
        file = join(get_current_path(), 'samples', 'test_historical'
                   , '12229 tax lot 201906.xlsx')
        rows = list(fileToTSCF(historicalData, file))
        self.assertEqual(154, len(rows))    # 12229 has 77 positions
                                            # therefore generates 2 x 77 rows

        bond1_cost = lambda L: True if L[0]=='CD022' and L[2]=='HK0000226404' else False
        bond1_yield = lambda L: True if L[0]=='CD021' and L[2]=='HK0000226404' else False

        item = firstOf(bond1_cost, rows)
        self.assertTrue(item != None)
        self.assertEqual(item[3], '12229')
        self.assertAlmostEqual(item[4], 99.027)

        item = firstOf(bond1_yield, rows)
        self.assertTrue(item != None)
        self.assertEqual(item[3], '12229')
        self.assertAlmostEqual(item[4], 6.2)
Esempio n. 3
def groupToTicket(group):
	[List] group of tickets => [Dictionary] ticket
    isActiveTicket = lambda g: \
     g[0]['Repo Sta'] == 'Active'

    getMrcTicket = lambda g: \
     firstOf(lambda el: el['Type'] == 'MRC', g)

    getRtTicket = lambda g: \
     firstOf(lambda el: el['Type'] == 'RT', g)

    getKmrTicket = lambda g: \
     firstOf(lambda el: el['Type'] == 'KMR', g)

    getCrTicket = lambda g: \
     firstOf(lambda el: el['Type'] == 'CR', g)

    return \
    mergeDictionary(getRtTicket(group), {'Tkt #': getMrcTicket(group)['Tkt #']}) \
    if isActiveTicket(group) else \
    mergeDictionary(getCrTicket(group), {'Orig Tkt': getKmrTicket(group)['Orig Tkt']})
Esempio n. 4
	def cashEntry(lineItems):
		[List] lineItems => [Tuple] (currency, amount)
		isFloat = lambda x: True if isinstance(x, float) else False
		isCurrencyString = lambda x: True if isinstance(x, str) \
											and len(x) > 6 and x[0] == '(' \
											and x[6] == ')' \
											else False
		amount = firstOf(isFloat, lineItems)
		currencyString = firstOf(isCurrencyString, lineItems)
		if amount == None or currencyString == None:
			raise ValueError('cashEntry(): cannot parse cash entry: {0}'.format(lineItems))

		return (currencyString.strip()[2:5], amount)
Esempio n. 5
def getPosition(lines):
	[Iterable] lines => [Iterable] positions
	lines: from the Excel worksheet containing the holdings

	Return an iterable object on the list of holding positions. Each position
	is a dictionary.
    nonEmptyString = lambda s: s != ''
    position = lambda headers, values: dict(zip(headers, values))
    nonEmptyLine = lambda L: False if len(L) == 0 else nonEmptyString(L[0])
    headerLine = lambda L: L[0] == 'Trader Name' if len(L) > 0 else False
    nomuraOnly = lambda p: p['Trader Name'] == '40017-B'
    toDateString = lambda f: fromExcelOrdinal(f).strftime('%d%m%Y')

    def updateValue(p):
        p['As of Date'] = toDateString(p['As of Date'])
        p['Settlement Date'] = toDateString(p['Settlement Date'])
        return p

    headers = list(takewhile(nonEmptyString, firstOf(headerLine, lines)))
    return map(
               map(partial(position, headers), takewhile(nonEmptyLine,
Esempio n. 6
 def testRawPosition(self):
     inputFile = join(getCurrentDirectory(), 'samples',
                      'Holding _22102019.xlsx')
     dt, positions = (lambda t: (t[0], list(t[1])))(getPositions(inputFile))
     self.assertEqual('2019-10-22', dt)
     self.assertEqual(48, len(positions))
     self.verifyRawPosition(firstOf( lambda p: p['Security Name'] == 'EASY TACTIC LTD 9.125% 28/07/2022'\
              , positions))
Esempio n. 7
	def testGetCashFromBalancenActivityFiles(self):
		activityFile = join(getCurrentDirectory(), 'samples', 'Cash Stt _21042020_activity.xlsx')
		balanceFile = join(getCurrentDirectory(), 'samples', 'Cash Stt _21042020.xlsx')
		date, positions = getCashFromBalancenActivityFiles(balanceFile, activityFile)
		self.assertEqual('2020-04-21', date)
		positions = list(positions)
		self.assertEqual(3, len(positions))
		usd = firstOf(lambda p: p['currency'] == 'USD', positions)
		self.assertEqual('JIC INTERNATIONAL LIMITED - CLFAMC', usd['portfolio'])
		self.assertEqual('2020-04-21', usd['date'])
		self.assertAlmostEqual(207111.65, usd['balance'])

		hkd = firstOf(lambda p: p['currency'] == 'HKD', positions)
		self.assertAlmostEqual(579, hkd['balance'])

		eur = firstOf(lambda p: p['currency'] == 'EUR', positions)
		self.assertAlmostEqual(0, eur['balance'])
Esempio n. 8
 def testOutputData2(self):
     inputFile = join(getCurrentDirectory(), 'samples',
                      'Holding _24102019.xlsx')
     postfix, data = (lambda t: (t[0], list(t[1])))(toOutputData(inputFile))
     self.assertEqual('_nomura_2019-10-24_position', postfix)
     self.assertEqual(49, len(data))
     self.assertEqual(getHoldingHeaders(), data[0])
     self.verifyOutputLine2(firstOf( lambda line: line[4] == ''\
              , map(list, data)))
Esempio n. 9
    def testFolder(self):
        Read a folder and pick another position to test.
        rows = list(folderToTSCF(join(get_current_path()
                                     , 'samples', 'test_historical')))
        self.assertEqual(240, len(rows))    # 12229 has 77 bond positions,
                                            # 12366 has 43 bond positions,
                                            # so total 120 positions and 240 rows

        bond2_cost = lambda L: True if L[0]=='CD022' and L[2]=='US06428YAA47' and L[3]=='12366' else False
        bond2_yield = lambda L: True if L[0]=='CD021' and L[2]=='US06428YAA47' and L[3]=='12366' else False

        item = firstOf(bond2_cost, rows)
        self.assertTrue(item != None)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(item[4], 100)

        item = firstOf(bond2_yield, rows)
        self.assertTrue(item != None)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(item[4], 5.9)
Esempio n. 10
    def testAllFiles(self):
        files = \
        [ '01 cash only.xls'
        , '02 cash multiple bond.xls'
        , '03 cash equity.xls'
        , '04 cash usd bond.xls'
        , '05 cash multiple bond.xls'
        , '06 multiple cash multiple bond.xls'
        , '07 multiple cash multiple bond.xls'

        countHTMPositions = partial(countPositions,
                                    lambda p: p['AssetType'] == 'HTMBond')

        countAllHTMPositions = lambda files: compose(
            list, partial(map, countHTMPositions), partial(map, readFile),
            partial(map, lambda f: join(getCurrentDirectory(), 'samples', f)))(

        self.assertEqual([0, 11, 0, 11, 51, 75, 74],

        htmPositions = compose(
            list, getHTMPositionsFromFiles,
                lambda f: join(getCurrentDirectory(), 'samples', f)))(files)

        self.assertEqual(222, len(htmPositions))

        # Test consolidated position
                lambda p: p['Portfolio'] == '12630' and p['ISIN'] ==
                'US55608KAD72', htmPositions))

        # Test ISIN code swap
                lambda p: p['Portfolio'] == '12734' and p['Description'] ==
                'DBANFB12014 Dragon Days Ltd 6.0%', htmPositions))
Esempio n. 11
	def testDIFAssetType(self):
		positions = list(getPortfolioPositions('19437', '20200429', 'test'))
		blpData = getBlpData('20200429', 'test')

		# USD cash on hand position
		isUSDCash = lambda x: \
			x['InvestID'] == 'USD' and int(x['Quantity']) == 8183675
		self.assertEqual( ('Cash', )
						, getAssetType(blpData, firstOf(isUSDCash, positions)))

		# Cash payable position
		isHKDCashPayable = lambda x: \
			x['InvestID'] == 'HKD' and int(x['Quantity']) == -1804761
		self.assertEqual( ('Cash', )
						, getAssetType(blpData, firstOf(isHKDCashPayable, positions)))

		# Equity position
		isEquityPosition = lambda x: x['InvestID'] == '1299 HK'
		self.assertEqual( ('Equity', 'Listed Equities')
						, getAssetType(blpData, firstOf(isEquityPosition, positions)))

		# The bond: T V2.875 PERP B
		isBondPosition = lambda x: x['InvestID'] == 'XS2114413565'
		self.assertEqual( ('Fixed Income', 'Corporate')
						, getAssetType(blpData, firstOf(isBondPosition, positions)))

		# The bond: POSABK V4.5 PERP, the special case, treated as equity in 19437
		isBondPosition2 = lambda x: x['InvestID'] == 'XS1684793018 Perfshs'
		self.assertEqual( ('Equity', 'Listed equities')
						, getAssetType(blpData, firstOf(isBondPosition2, positions)))

		# The callable bond: BCHINA V3.6 PERP
		isCallableBondPosition = lambda x: x['InvestID'] == 'XS2125922349'
		self.assertEqual( ('Fixed Income', 'Additional Tier 1, Contingent Convertibles')
						, getAssetType(blpData, firstOf(isCallableBondPosition, positions)))

		# The iShares A50 China ETF
		isA50Fund = lambda x: x['InvestID'] == '2823 HK'
		self.assertEqual( ('Fund', 'Exchange Traded Funds')
						, getAssetType(blpData, firstOf(isA50Fund, positions)))

		# The LINK REIT (823 HK is treated as special case)
		isREITFund = lambda x: x['InvestID'] == '823 HK'
		self.assertEqual( ('Equity', 'Listed equities')
						, getAssetType(blpData, firstOf(isREITFund, positions)))
Esempio n. 12
def currencyFromName(name):
    Extract the currency from the security name

    [String] name => [String] currency

    security name looks like:



    1MDB ENERGY LTD NOTES FIXED 5.99% 11/MAY/2022 USD 100000
    isCurrency = lambda x: x in ['HKD', 'USD', 'CNY', 'SGD', 'JPY', 'EUR']
    return firstOf(isCurrency, name.split()[-2:])
Esempio n. 13
	def testConsolidate(self):
		inputFile = join(getCurrentDirectory(), 'samples', 'poll_result.xlsx')
		records = compose(
			, consolidate
			, getRawHoldingPositions

		self.assertEqual(44, len(records))
		self.assertEqual(1, len(list(filter( lambda p: p['Email'] == '*****@*****.**'
										   , records))))
		self.assertEqual(1, len(list(filter( lambda p: p['Email'] == '*****@*****.**'
										   , records))))
		self.assertEqual( 'Surface laptop (Intel i5/8GB RAM/128GB SSD)'
						, firstOf( lambda p: p['Email'] == '*****@*****.**'
								 , records)['Item'])
Esempio n. 14
def getPositionsFromLines(lines):
	[Iterator] lines => [Iterator] positions
    getHeaderLine = lambda lines: \
     firstOf(lambda line: len(line) > 0 and line[0] == 'Trader Name', lines)

    getHeaderFromLine = compose(list, partial(takewhile, lambda s: s != ''))

    toPosition = lambda headers, line: \
     dict(zip(headers, line))

    return compose(
     lambda t: map(partial(toPosition, getHeaderFromLine(t[0])), t[1])
      , lambda t: lognRaise('getPositionsFromLines(): failed to get header line') \
          if t[0] == None else t
      , lambda lines: (getHeaderLine(lines), lines)
Esempio n. 15
def folderToTSCF(folder):
	[String] folder => [Iterable] TSCF rows

	folder: a folder containing the historical data file and all the Geneva
		tax lot appraisal report files (Excel).
    isHistoricalDataFile = lambda f: f.split('\\')[-1].startswith(
        'CLO Holdings')
    dataFile = firstOf(isHistoricalDataFile, getExcelFiles(folder))
    if (dataFile == None):
        print('folderToTSCF(): data file not found')
        raise ValueError
        print('folderToTSCF(): data file: {0}'.format(dataFile))

    historicalData = toDictionary(getRawPositions(fileToLines(dataFile)))

    glueTogether = lambda L: reduce(chain, L, [])
    return glueTogether(
        map(partial(fileToTSCF, historicalData),
            filterfalse(isHistoricalDataFile, getExcelFiles(folder))))
Esempio n. 16
# coding=utf-8

import unittest2
from risk_report.lqa import createLqaPositions
from import getPositionDate
from risk_report.utility import getCurrentDirectory
from functools import partial
from utils.iter import firstOf
from toolz.functoolz import compose
from os.path import join

findById = lambda id, positions: \
	firstOf(lambda p: p['Id'] == id, positions)

findByName = lambda name, positions: \
	firstOf(lambda p: p['Name'] == name, positions)

class TestLqa(unittest2.TestCase):

	def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
		super(TestLqa, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)