Esempio n. 1
def ctdet_decode(hmap, regs, w_h_, K=100):
    batch, cat, height, width = hmap.shape
    hmap = torch.sigmoid(hmap)

    # if flip test
    if batch > 1:
        hmap = (hmap[0:1] + flip_tensor(hmap[1:2])) / 2
        w_h_ = (w_h_[0:1] + flip_tensor(w_h_[1:2])) / 2
        regs = regs[0:1]

    batch = 1

    hmap = _nms(hmap)  # perform nms on heatmaps

    scores, inds, clses, ys, xs = _topk(hmap, K=K)

    regs = _tranpose_and_gather_feature(regs, inds)
    regs = regs.view(batch, K, 2)
    xs = xs.view(batch, K, 1) + regs[:, :, 0:1]
    ys = ys.view(batch, K, 1) + regs[:, :, 1:2]

    w_h_ = _tranpose_and_gather_feature(w_h_, inds)
    w_h_ = w_h_.view(batch, K, 2)

    clses = clses.view(batch, K, 1).float()
    scores = scores.view(batch, K, 1)
    bboxes =[xs - w_h_[..., 0:1] / 2,
                        ys - w_h_[..., 1:2] / 2,
                        xs + w_h_[..., 0:1] / 2,
                        ys + w_h_[..., 1:2] / 2], dim=2)
    detections =[bboxes, scores, clses], dim=2)
    return detections
def compute_embeddings_lfw(args,
                           pdist=lambda x, y: 1. - F.cosine_similarity(x, y),
    """Computes embeddings of all images from the LFW dataset using PyTorch"""
    val_loader = DataLoader(dataset,
    scores_with_gt = []
    embeddings = []
    ids = []

    for batch_idx, data in enumerate(tqdm(val_loader, 'Computing embeddings')):
        images_1 = data['img1']
        images_2 = data['img2']
        is_same = data['is_same']
        if torch.cuda.is_available() and args.devices[0] != -1:
            images_1 = images_1.cuda()
            images_2 = images_2.cuda()
        emb_1 = model(images_1)
        emb_2 = model(images_2)
        if flipped_embeddings:
            images_1_flipped = flip_tensor(images_1, 3)
            images_2_flipped = flip_tensor(images_2, 3)
            emb_1_flipped = model(images_1_flipped)
            emb_2_flipped = model(images_2_flipped)
            emb_1 = (emb_1 + emb_1_flipped) * .5
            emb_2 = (emb_2 + emb_2_flipped) * .5
        scores = pdist(emb_1, emb_2).data.cpu().numpy()

        for i, _ in enumerate(scores):
                'score': scores[i],
                'is_same': is_same[i],
                'idx': batch_idx * batch_size + i

        if dump_embeddings:
            id0 = data['id0']
            id1 = data['id1']
            to_dump_1 =
            to_dump_2 =

    if dump_embeddings:
        total_emb = np.concatenate(embeddings, axis=0)
        total_ids = np.concatenate(ids, axis=0)
        log_path = './logs/{:%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M}'.format(
        writer = SummaryWriter(log_path)
        writer.add_embedding(torch.from_numpy(total_emb), total_ids)

    return scores_with_gt
Esempio n. 3
def ctdet_decode(hmap, regs, w_h_, K=100):
    # dets = ctdet_decode(*output, K=cfg.test_topk)
    batch, cat, height, width = hmap.shape
    hmap = torch.sigmoid(hmap)  # 归一化到0-1

    # if flip test
    if batch > 1:  # batch > 1代表使用了翻转
        # img = np.concatenate((img, img[:, :, :, ::-1].copy()), axis=0)
        hmap = (hmap[0:1] + flip_tensor(hmap[1:2])) / 2
        w_h_ = (w_h_[0:1] + flip_tensor(w_h_[1:2])) / 2
        regs = regs[0:1]

    batch = 1

    # 这里的nms和带anchor的目标检测方法中的不一样,这里使用的是3x3的maxpool筛选
    hmap = _nms(hmap)  # perform nms on heatmaps

    # 找到前K个极大值点代表存在目标
    scores, inds, clses, ys, xs = _topk(hmap, K=K)

    # from [bs c h w] to [bs, h, w, c]
    regs = _tranpose_and_gather_feature(regs, inds)

    regs = regs.view(batch, K, 2)

    xs = xs.view(batch, K, 1) + regs[:, :, 0:1]
    ys = ys.view(batch, K, 1) + regs[:, :, 1:2]

    w_h_ = _tranpose_and_gather_feature(w_h_, inds)
    w_h_ = w_h_.view(batch, K, 2)

    clses = clses.view(batch, K, 1).float()
    scores = scores.view(batch, K, 1)

    # xs,ys是中心坐标,w_h_[...,0:1]是w,1:2是h
    bboxes =[
        xs - w_h_[..., 0:1] / 2, ys - w_h_[..., 1:2] / 2,
        xs + w_h_[..., 0:1] / 2, ys + w_h_[..., 1:2] / 2

    detections =[bboxes, scores, clses], dim=2)

    return detections
Esempio n. 4
def ctsegm_inmodal_norm_code_decode(hmap, regs, w_h_, codes_, offsets_, contour_std, dictionary, K=100):
    batch, cat, height, width = hmap.shape
    hmap = torch.sigmoid(hmap)

    # if flip test
    if batch > 1:
        hmap = (hmap[0:1] + flip_tensor(hmap[1:2])) / 2
        w_h_ = (w_h_[0:1] + flip_tensor(w_h_[1:2])) / 2
        regs = regs[0:1]
        codes_ = codes_[0:1]
        offsets_ = offsets_[0:1]
        contour_std = contour_std[0:1]

    batch = 1
    hmap = _nms(hmap)  # perform nms on heatmaps
    scores, inds, clses, ys, xs = _topk(hmap, K=K)

    regs = _tranpose_and_gather_feature(regs, inds)
    regs = regs.view(batch, K, 2)
    xs = xs.view(batch, K, 1) + regs[:, :, 0:1]
    ys = ys.view(batch, K, 1) + regs[:, :, 1:2]

    w_h_ = _tranpose_and_gather_feature(w_h_, inds)
    w_h_ = w_h_.view(batch, K, 2)
    contour_std = _tranpose_and_gather_feature(contour_std, inds)
    contour_std = contour_std.view(batch, K, 1)

    codes_ = _tranpose_and_gather_feature(codes_, inds)
    codes_ = codes_.view(batch, K, 64)

    clses = clses.view(batch, K, 1).float()
    scores = scores.view(batch, K, 1)

    bboxes =[xs - w_h_[..., 0:1] / 2,
                        ys - w_h_[..., 1:2] / 2,
                        xs + w_h_[..., 0:1] / 2,
                        ys + w_h_[..., 1:2] / 2], dim=2)

    offsets_ = _tranpose_and_gather_feature(offsets_, inds)
    segms = torch.matmul(codes_, dictionary) * contour_std
    segms = segms.view(batch, K, 32, 2) + offsets_.view(batch, K, 1, 2) + \
  [xs, ys], dim=2).view(batch, K, 1, 2)
    segmentations =[segms.view(batch, K, -1), bboxes, scores, clses], dim=2)

    return segmentations
Esempio n. 5
def ctsegm_fourier_decode(hmap, regs, w_h_, real_, imaginary_, K=100):
    batch, cat, height, width = hmap.shape
    hmap = torch.sigmoid(hmap)

    # if flip test
    if batch > 1:
        hmap = (hmap[0:1] + flip_tensor(hmap[1:2])) / 2
        w_h_ = (w_h_[0:1] + flip_tensor(w_h_[1:2])) / 2
        regs = regs[0:1]
        real_ = real_[0:1]
        imaginary_ = imaginary_[0:1]

    batch = 1

    hmap = _nms(hmap)  # perform nms on heatmaps

    scores, inds, clses, ys, xs = _topk(hmap, K=K)

    regs = _tranpose_and_gather_feature(regs, inds)
    regs = regs.view(batch, K, 2)
    xs = xs.view(batch, K, 1) + regs[:, :, 0:1]
    ys = ys.view(batch, K, 1) + regs[:, :, 1:2]

    w_h_ = _tranpose_and_gather_feature(w_h_, inds)
    w_h_ = w_h_.view(batch, K, 4)

    real_ = _tranpose_and_gather_feature(real_, inds)
    real_ = real_.view(batch, K, 32, 1)
    imaginary_ = _tranpose_and_gather_feature(imaginary_, inds)
    imaginary_ = imaginary_.view(batch, K, 32, 1)

    clses = clses.view(batch, K, 1).float()
    scores = scores.view(batch, K, 1)

    bboxes =[xs - w_h_[..., 2:3],
                        ys - w_h_[..., 0:1],
                        xs + w_h_[..., 3:4],
                        ys + w_h_[..., 1:2]], dim=2)

    complex_codes =[real_, imaginary_], dim=3) * 32.
    segms = torch.ifft(complex_codes, signal_ndim=1)
    segms = segms +[xs, ys], dim=2).view(batch, K, 1, 2)
    segmentations =[segms.view(batch, K, -1), bboxes, scores, clses], dim=2)

    return segmentations
Esempio n. 6
def ctsegm_amodal_cmm_whiten_decode(hmap, regs, w_h_, codes_, offsets_, dictionary, code_range, K=100):
    batch, cat, height, width = hmap.shape
    hmap = torch.sigmoid(hmap)

    # if flip test
    if batch > 1:
        hmap = (hmap[0:1] + flip_tensor(hmap[1:2])) / 2
        w_h_ = (w_h_[0:1] + flip_tensor(w_h_[1:2])) / 2
        regs = regs[0:1]
        codes_ = codes_[0:1]
        offsets_ = offsets_[0:1]

    batch = 1
    hmap = _nms(hmap)  # perform nms on heatmaps
    scores, inds, clses, ys, xs = _topk(hmap, K=K)

    regs = _tranpose_and_gather_feature(regs, inds)
    regs = regs.view(batch, K, 2)
    xs = xs.view(batch, K, 1) + regs[:, :, 0:1]
    ys = ys.view(batch, K, 1) + regs[:, :, 1:2]

    w_h_ = _tranpose_and_gather_feature(w_h_, inds)
    w_h_ = w_h_.view(batch, K, 2)

    codes_ = _tranpose_and_gather_feature(codes_, inds)
    codes_ = codes_.view(batch, K, 64)

    clses = clses.view(batch, K, 1).float()
    scores = scores.view(batch, K, 1)

    bboxes =[xs - w_h_[..., 0:1] / 2,
                        ys - w_h_[..., 1:2] / 2,
                        xs + w_h_[..., 0:1] / 2,
                        ys + w_h_[..., 1:2] / 2], dim=2)

    offsets_ = _tranpose_and_gather_feature(offsets_, inds)
    # codes_ = codes_ * code_stat[1].view(1, 1, -1) + code_stat[0].view(1, 1, -1)  # recover the original unnormalized codes
    codes_ = (codes_ + 1) / 2. * (code_range[1] - code_range[0]) + code_range[0]

    segms = torch.matmul(codes_, dictionary)
    segms = segms.view(batch, K, 32, 2) + offsets_.view(batch, K, 1, 2) + \
  [xs, ys], dim=2).view(batch, K, 1, 2)
    segmentations =[segms.view(batch, K, -1), bboxes, scores, clses], dim=2)

    return segmentations
Esempio n. 7
def ctdet_decode(hmap, regs, w_h_, pxpy, K=100):
    batch, cat, height, width = hmap.shape  # C,W和H
    # height , width = 128
    hmap = torch.sigmoid(hmap)

    # 这里,test的batch是 1
    # if flip test
    if batch > 1:
        hmap = (hmap[0:1] + flip_tensor(hmap[1:2])) / 2
        w_h_ = (w_h_[0:1] + flip_tensor(w_h_[1:2])) / 2  # w_h_ 第一列是宽度,第二列是高度。
        regs = regs[0:1]

    batch = 1

    hmap = _nms(hmap)  # perform nms on heatmaps

    scores, inds, clses, ys, xs = _topk(hmap, K=K)

    regs = _tranpose_and_gather_feature(regs, inds)
    regs = regs.view(batch, K, 2)
    xs = xs.view(batch, K, 1) + regs[:, :, 0:1]
    ys = ys.view(batch, K, 1) + regs[:, :, 1:2]

    w_h_ = _tranpose_and_gather_feature(w_h_, inds)
    w_h_ = w_h_.view(batch, K, 2)

    pxpy = _tranpose_and_gather_feature(pxpy, inds)
    pxpy = pxpy.view(batch, K, 2)

    clses = clses.view(batch, K, 1).float()
    scores = scores.view(batch, K, 1)

    width1 = torch.abs(torch.mul(pxpy[..., 0:1], torch.cos(pxpy[...,
                                                                1:2])))  # 半宽度
    height1 = torch.abs(torch.mul(pxpy[..., 0:1], torch.sin(pxpy[...,
                                                                 1:2])))  # 半高度

    width1 = 0.1 * width1 + 0.9 * w_h_[..., 0:1] / 2
    height1 = 0.1 * height1 + 0.9 * w_h_[..., 1:2] / 2

    bboxes =[xs - width1, ys - height1, xs + width1, ys + height1],

    detections =[bboxes, scores, clses], dim=2)
    return detections
Esempio n. 8
def ctsegm_shift_code_decode(hmap, regs, w_h_, codes_, dictionary, K=100):
    batch, cat, height, width = hmap.shape
    hmap = torch.sigmoid(hmap)

    # if flip test
    if batch > 1:
        hmap = (hmap[0:1] + flip_tensor(hmap[1:2])) / 2
        w_h_ = (w_h_[0:1] + flip_tensor(w_h_[1:2])) / 2
        regs = regs[0:1]
        codes_ = codes_[0:1]

    batch = 1

    hmap = _nms(hmap)  # perform nms on heatmaps

    scores, inds, clses, ys, xs = _topk(hmap, K=K)

    regs = _tranpose_and_gather_feature(regs, inds)
    regs = regs.view(batch, K, 2)
    xs = xs.view(batch, K, 1) + regs[:, :, 0:1]
    ys = ys.view(batch, K, 1) + regs[:, :, 1:2]

    w_h_ = _tranpose_and_gather_feature(w_h_, inds)
    w_h_ = w_h_.view(batch, K, 4)

    codes_ = _tranpose_and_gather_feature(codes_, inds)
    codes_ = codes_.view(batch, K, 64)
    # codes_ = torch.log(codes_).view(batch, K, 64)

    clses = clses.view(batch, K, 1).float()
    scores = scores.view(batch, K, 1)

    bboxes =[xs - w_h_[..., 2:3],
                        ys - w_h_[..., 0:1],
                        xs + w_h_[..., 3:4],
                        ys + w_h_[..., 1:2]], dim=2)

    segms = torch.matmul(codes_, dictionary)
    segms = segms.view(batch, K, 32, 2) +[xs, ys], dim=2).view(batch, K, 1, 2)
    segmentations =[segms.view(batch, K, -1), bboxes, scores, clses], dim=2)

    return segmentations
Esempio n. 9
def ctsegm_decode(hmap, regs, w_h_, codes_, dictionary, K=100):
    batch, cat, height, width = hmap.shape
    hmap = torch.sigmoid(hmap)

    # if flip test
    if batch > 1:
        hmap = (hmap[0:1] + flip_tensor(hmap[1:2])) / 2
        w_h_ = (w_h_[0:1] + flip_tensor(w_h_[1:2])) / 2
        regs = regs[0:1]
        codes_ = codes_[0:1]

    batch = 1

    hmap = _nms(hmap)  # perform nms on heatmaps

    scores, inds, clses, ys, xs = _topk(hmap, K=K)

    regs = _tranpose_and_gather_feature(regs, inds)
    regs = regs.view(batch, K, 2)
    xs = xs.view(batch, K, 1) + regs[:, :, 0:1]
    ys = ys.view(batch, K, 1) + regs[:, :, 1:2]

    w_h_ = _tranpose_and_gather_feature(w_h_, inds)
    w_h_ = w_h_.view(batch, K, 2)
    std_ = torch.sqrt(torch.sum(w_h_ ** 2., dim=2, keepdim=True))

    codes_ = _tranpose_and_gather_feature(codes_, inds)
    # codes_ = codes_.view(batch, K, 64)
    codes_ = torch.log(codes_).view(batch, K, 64)

    clses = clses.view(batch, K, 1).float()
    scores = scores.view(batch, K, 1)

    segms = torch.matmul(codes_, dictionary)
    # print('Sizes:', segms.size(), std_.size(), xs.size())
    segms = (segms * std_).view(batch, K, 32, 2) +[xs, ys], dim=2).view(batch, K, 1, 2)
    segmentations =[segms.view(batch, K, -1), scores, clses], dim=2)

    return segmentations