Esempio n. 1
    def test_iwf_cap(self):
        # Test that the requested capacity comes out
        systemBandwidth = 12.
        systemTime = 0.1
        targetLoad = 1e2
        for i in range(10):
            H = utils.rayleighChannel(2, 2)
            eigvls, eigvects = scipy.linalg.eig(, H.conj().T))
            if i is 0:
                eigvals = eigvls
                eigvals = np.append(eigvals, eigvls)
        eigvals = np.real(eigvals)  # clear numberical imaginary parts

        subcarriers = 1.
        timeslots = 1.
        channelBandwidth = systemBandwidth / subcarriers
        transmissionTime = systemTime / timeslots
        noiseIfPowerPerChannel = np.ones(
            20) * 1e-10 * systemBandwidth / subcarriers

        powerlvls, waterlvl, cap = iwf.inversewaterfill(
            eigvals, targetLoad, noiseIfPowerPerChannel, channelBandwidth,
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(targetLoad, cap)
Esempio n. 2
    def test_optimPCDTXrandomChannel(self):
        # test for simple problem with known outcome
        users = 22
        n_tx = 2
        n_rx = 2
        H = np.empty([users, n_tx, n_rx],
                     dtype=complex)  # very important to make it complex!
        for k in np.arange(users):
            H[k, :, :] = 10e-7 * utils.rayleighChannel(n_tx, n_rx)
            H[k, :, :] =[k, :, :], H[k, :, :].conj().T)
        noisepower = np.ones(users) * 4e-14
        rate = 1.2e7 / users  # bps
        linkBandwidth = 1e7
        p0 = 100
        m = 2.4
        pS = 50
        pMax = 40

        obj, solution, status = optimMinPow.optimizePCDTX(
            H, noisepower, rate, linkBandwidth, pMax, p0, m, pS, 0)

        # Test that all calls were correct and their order. What goes in must come out.
        for k in np.arange(users):
            ptx = optimMinPow2x2DTX.ptxOfMu(
                solution[k], rate, linkBandwidth, noisepower[k],
                H[k, :, :])  # power as a function of the MIMO link
            rate_test = solution[k] * np.real(
                    H[k, :, :], ptx / noisepower[k])) * linkBandwidth  # bps
            np.testing.assert_almost_equal(rate_test, rate)
Esempio n. 3
 def test_iwf_cap(self):
     # Test that the requested capacity comes out
     systemBandwidth = 12.
     systemTime = 0.1
     targetLoad = 1e2
     for i in range(10):
         H = utils.rayleighChannel(2,2)
         eigvls, eigvects = scipy.linalg.eig(,H.conj().T))
         if i is 0:
             eigvals = eigvls
             eigvals = np.append(eigvals,eigvls)
     eigvals = np.real(eigvals) # clear numberical imaginary parts
     subcarriers = 1.
     timeslots = 1.
     channelBandwidth = systemBandwidth / subcarriers
     transmissionTime = systemTime / timeslots
     noiseIfPowerPerChannel = np.ones(20) * 1e-10*systemBandwidth/subcarriers
     powerlvls, waterlvl, cap = iwf.inversewaterfill(eigvals, targetLoad, noiseIfPowerPerChannel, channelBandwidth, transmissionTime)
     np.testing.assert_almost_equal(targetLoad, cap)
Esempio n. 4
    def test_optimPCDTXrandomChannel(self):
        # test for simple problem with known outcome
        users = 22
        n_tx = 2
        n_rx = 2
        H = np.empty([users, n_tx, n_rx],dtype=complex) # very important to make it complex!
        for k in np.arange(users):
            H[k,:,:] = 10e-7*utils.rayleighChannel(n_tx,n_rx)
            H[k,:,:] =[k,:,:], H[k,:,:].conj().T)
        noisepower = np.ones(users) * 4e-14 
        rate = 1.2e7/users # bps
        linkBandwidth = 1e7
        p0 = 100
        m = 2.4
        pS = 50
        pMax = 40
        obj, solution, status = optimMinPow.optimizePCDTX(H, noisepower, rate, linkBandwidth, pMax, p0, m, pS, 0)

        # Test that all calls were correct and their order. What goes in must come out.
        for k in np.arange(users):
            ptx = optimMinPow2x2DTX.ptxOfMu(solution[k], rate, linkBandwidth, noisepower[k], H[k,:,:]) # power as a function of the MIMO link
            rate_test = solution[k]*np.real(utils.ergMIMOCapacityCDITCSIR(H[k,:,:], ptx/noisepower[k]))*linkBandwidth # bps
            np.testing.assert_almost_equal(rate_test, rate)
Esempio n. 5

def capacity(channelBandwidth, transmissionTime, powerlvls, channelValues, noiseIfPowerPerChannel):
    """Returns the Shannon capacity over multiple channels."""
    return channelBandwidth * transmissionTime * sum(log2(1.0 + powerlvls * channelValues / (noiseIfPowerPerChannel)))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    systemBandwidth = 1.0
    systemTime = 1.0
    targetLoad = 1e2
    channelStateAvg = 1e-5
    from utils import utils

    for i in range(10):
        H = utils.rayleighChannel(2, 2)
        import scipy.linalg

        eigvls, eigvects = linalg.eig(dot(H, H.conj().T))
        if i is 0:
            eigvals = eigvls
            eigvals = append(eigvals, eigvls)
    eigvals = real(eigvals)  # clear numberical imaginary parts

    # DEBUG
    #    eigvals = array([6,6,4,6,4,6])*0.1

    subcarriers = 1.0
    timeslots = 1.0
    channelBandwidth = systemBandwidth / subcarriers
Esempio n. 6
def capacity(channelBandwidth, transmissionTime, powerlvls, channelValues,
    """Returns the Shannon capacity over multiple channels."""
    return channelBandwidth * transmissionTime * sum(
        log2(1. + powerlvls * channelValues / (noiseIfPowerPerChannel)))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    systemBandwidth = 1.
    systemTime = 1.
    targetLoad = 1e2
    channelStateAvg = 1e-5
    from utils import utils
    for i in range(10):
        H = utils.rayleighChannel(2, 2)
        import scipy.linalg
        eigvls, eigvects = linalg.eig(dot(H, H.conj().T))
        if i is 0:
            eigvals = eigvls
            eigvals = append(eigvals, eigvls)
    eigvals = real(eigvals)  # clear numberical imaginary parts

    # DEBUG
    #    eigvals = array([6,6,4,6,4,6])*0.1

    subcarriers = 1.
    timeslots = 1.
    channelBandwidth = systemBandwidth / subcarriers
    transmissionTime = systemTime / timeslots