def FitOnePixel(self,ra,dec,i,j) : """Run a evaluation of the pixel (i,j) corresponding to position (ra,dec)""" outXml = utils._dump_xml(self.config) folder = self.config['out'] Fit = GetFitObjectForTSmap(self.config,xmlfile=outXml) #get the Fit object src = GetSrc(Fit,ra,dec) # get the Source object at postion ra dec if self.config['TSMap']['RemoveTarget'] : # remove the target is asked Fit.deleteSource(self.config['target']['name']) if self.config['TSMap']['Re-Fit']: # reoptimze before is asked,optimizer=self.config['fitting']['optimizer']) for par in xrange(Fit.logLike.getNumParams()): # freeze all the source parameters Fit[par].setFree(0) Fit.addSource(src)# add a spurious source # dump the *new* xml file Fit.writeXml(self.tsfolder+"/model_"+str(ra)+"_"+str(dec)+".xml") # a new Fit object with the new xml file is needed. # just changing the position of the spurious source does not work TSFit = GetFitObjectForTSmap(self.config,xmlfile=self.tsfolder+"/model_"+str(ra)+"_"+str(dec)+".xml"),optimizer=self.config['fitting']['optimizer']) # save the result fsave = open(self._PixelFile(i,j),'w') fsave.write(str(ra)+"\t"+str(dec)+"\t"+ str(TSFit.Ts("Spurious"))+"\t"+ str(TSFit.logLike.value())) fsave.close()
def run(infile): """Run an entire Fermi analysis (spectrum) by reading a config file""" config = get_config(infile) folder = config['out'] os.system('mkdir -p ' + folder) FitRunner,Fit = GenAnalysisObjects(config) # create all the fit files and run gtlike FitRunner.PerformFit(Fit) Result = FitRunner.GetAndPrintResults(Fit)#Get and dump the target specific results if config['verbose'] == 'yes' : utils.GetFluxes(Fit,FitRunner.obs.Emin,FitRunner.obs.Emax) #print the flux of all the sources utils.DumpResult(Result, config) #plot the SED and model map if possible and asked if config['Spectrum']['ResultPlots'] == 'yes' : os.system("mkdir -p "+config['out'] + '/Spectrum/') if float(config['UpperLimit']['TSlimit']) < Fit.Ts(config['target']['name']): FitRunner.ComputeSED(Fit) outXml = utils._dump_xml(config) if config['Spectrum']['SummedLike'] == 'yes': # the possiblity of making the model map is checked inside the function FitRunnerback.ModelMap(outXml) FitRunnerfront.ModelMap(outXml) else: FitRunner.ModelMap(outXml) # Make energy bins by running a *new* analysis Nbin = config['Ebin']['NumEnergyBins'] energybin.RunEbin(folder,Nbin,Fit,FitRunner)
def run(infile): """Run an entire Fermi analysis (spectrum) by reading a config file""" config = get_config(infile) folder = config['out'] os.system('mkdir -p ' + folder) runfit,Fit = GenAnalysisObject(config) # create all the fit files and run gtlike runfit.PerformFit(Fit) if config['verbose'] == 'yes' : utils.GetFluxes(Fit,runfit.obs.Emin,runfit.obs.Emax) #print the flux of all the sources Result = runfit.GetAndPrintResults(Fit)#Get and dump the target specific results utils.DumpResult(Result, config) #plot the SED and model map if possible and asked if config['Spectrum']['ResultPlots'] == 'yes' : os.system("mkdir -p "+config['out'] + '/Spectrum/') if float(config['UpperLimit']['TSlimit']) < Fit.Ts(config['target']['name']): runfit.ComputeSED(Fit) outXml = utils._dump_xml(config) if SummedLike == 'yes': # the possiblity of making the model map is checked inside the function runfitback.ModelMap(outXml) runfitfront.ModelMap(outXml) else: runfit.ModelMap(outXml) # Make energy bins by run a *new* analysis Nbin = config['Ebin']['NumEnergyBins'] if int(Nbin) > 0: configfiles = utils.PrepareEbin(Fit, runfit) ind = 0 enricodir = environ.DIRS.get('ENRICO_DIR') fermidir = environ.DIRS.get('FERMI_DIR') for conf in configfiles: pathconf = folder + "/Ebin" + str(Nbin) +"/" + conf Newconfig = get_config(pathconf) cmd = enricodir+"/enrico/ "+pathconf if Newconfig['Ebin']['Submit'] == 'no' : #run directly os.system(cmd) else : #submit a job to a cluster prefix = Newconfig['out'] + "/Ebin" + str(ind) scriptname = prefix + "" JobLog = prefix + "_Job.log" JobName = (Newconfig['target']['name'] + "_" + Newconfig['analysis']['likelihood'] + "_Ebin_" + str(ind) + "_" + Newconfig['file']['tag']) call(cmd, enricodir, fermidir, scriptname, JobLog, JobName)# submition ind+=1
def PerformFit(self, Fit): """Run gtlile tool. First it run gtlike with the DRNMGB optimizer and the user optimizer after. A dictionnay is return with all the releveant results""" self._log('gtlike', 'Run likelihood analysis') try: #first try to run gtlike to approche the minimum except: pass # Now the precise fit will be done #change the fit tolerance to the one given by the user Fit.ftol = float(self.config['fitting']['ftol']) #fit with the user optimizer and ask gtlike to compute the covariance matrix self.log_like =,covar=True, optimizer=self.config['fitting']['optimizer']) #fit with the user optimizer and ask gtlike to compute the covariance matrix Fit.writeXml(utils._dump_xml(self.config))