Esempio n. 1
    def set_up_plot(self, settings=None):
        self.plot = Plot()
        if settings is not None:
            for key in settings:
                self.plot.settings[key] = settings[key]
        self.settings['plot'] = self.plot.settings
        n_rows = self.plot.settings['n_rows']
        n_cols = self.plot.settings['n_cols']
        if n_rows is not None and n_cols is not None:
            print '\nSetting up {0:d}x{1:d} plot.'.format(n_rows, n_cols)
            e_str = 'Number of {0:s} must be an integer > 0.'
            n_rows, n_cols = (0, 0)
            while n_rows < 1 or n_cols < 1:
                n_rows = utils.get_input_integer( \
                    '\nNumber of subplot rows?\n> ',
                n_cols = utils.get_input_integer( \
                    'Number of subplot columns?\n> ',
                if n_rows < 1 or n_cols < 1:
                    print 'Must have > 0 rows and columns.'

        self.plot.set_up_plot_grid(n_rows, n_cols)
        print '(If you cannot see the plot, try changing the '
        print 'matplotlib backend. Current backend is ' + \
            plt.get_backend() + '.)'
Esempio n. 2
 def define_new_chain(self):
     files = []
     while len(files) == 0:
         for f in raw_input('\nChain file names?\n> ').split():
             new_files = glob.glob(f)
             if len(new_files) == 0:
                 print 'No files matching ' + f + ' found.'
             elif not np.array([os.path.isfile(nf) \
                                for nf in new_files]).all():
                 print 'Some of the files specified are not valid.'
                 files += new_files
     name = raw_input('Label for chain?\n> ')
     burn_in = utils.get_input_float( \
         'Burn-in fraction or number of samples?\n> ')[0]
     mult_column = utils.get_input_integer( \
         'Multiplicity column? (Enter -1 if none.)\n> ')[0]
     if mult_column < 0:
         mult_column = None
     lnlike_column = utils.get_input_integer( \
         'Log likelihood column? (Enter -1 if none.)\n> ')[0]
     if lnlike_column < 0:
         lnlike_column = None
     first_par_column = utils.get_input_integer( \
         'Column of first chain parameter?\n> ')[0]
     m = Menu(options=['File named as chain label + .paramnames',
                       'A different file',
                       'Header of chain files'],
              header='Where are the chain parameter names?')
     paramname_file = None
     params_in_header = False
     if m.i_choice == 1:
         paramname_file = raw_input('Enter file name:\n> ')
     elif m.i_choice == 2:
         params_in_header = True
     chain_settings = (name, files, burn_in, 
                       mult_column, lnlike_column, first_par_column,
                       paramname_file, params_in_header)
     # check if name is already in history; if so, replace with new
     for chain in list(self.history['chains']):
         if chain[0] == name:
     self.history['chains'].append([1] + list(chain_settings))
     return chain_settings
Esempio n. 3
 def get_col(self, default=None):
     n_cols = self.settings['n_cols']
     if default is None:
         if n_cols > 1:
             col = utils.get_input_integer( \
                 '\nSubplot column (0-' + str(n_cols - 1) + ')?\n> ',
                 error_text='Must choose an integer.')[0]
             col = 0
         col = default
     if col < 0 or col > n_cols - 1:
         print 'Column number is out of required range.'
         col = self.get_col()
     return col
Esempio n. 4
 def get_row(self, default=None):
     n_rows = self.settings['n_rows']
     if default is None:
         if n_rows > 1:
             row = utils.get_input_integer( \
                 '\nSubplot row (0-' + str(n_rows - 1) + ')?\n> ',
                 error_text='Must choose an integer.')[0]
             row = 0
         row = default
     if row < 0 or row > n_rows - 1:
         print 'Row number is out of required range.'
         row = self.get_row()
     return row