Esempio n. 1
        def build_grid_and_shocks_jitted():


            # Allocate memory and intitialize
            z_vec = np.empty(ts_length)
            σ_vec = np.empty(ts_length)
            z_vec[0] = 0.0
            σ_vec[0] = np.sqrt(d / (1 - v))

            # Generate state
            for t in range(ts_length - 1):
                # Update state
                z_vec[t + 1] = ρ * z_vec[t] + ϕ_z * σ_vec[t] * randn()
                σ2 = v * σ_vec[t]**2 + d + ϕ_σ * randn()
                σ_vec[t + 1] = np.sqrt(max(σ2, 0))

            q1, q2 = 0.05, 0.95  # quantiles
            z_min, z_max = quantile(z_vec, q1), quantile(z_vec, q2)
            σ_min, σ_max = quantile(σ_vec, q1), quantile(σ_vec, q2)
            # Build grid along each state axis
            z_grid = np.linspace(z_min, z_max, z_grid_size)
            σ_grid = np.linspace(σ_min, σ_max, σ_grid_size)

            shocks = randn(2, mc_draw_size)

            return z_grid, σ_grid, shocks
Esempio n. 2
 def __rank(self):
     self.ranking = []
     for r in self.rectangles.itervalues():
         for d in r.diagonals.itervalues():
     self.ranking.sort(key=lambda x:, reverse=True)
     step = 1
     percentiles = [utils.quantile(self.ranking, q).support() for q in xrange(0,100+step,step)]"Percentiles: %s" % list(enumerate(percentiles)))
Esempio n. 3
def get_error_estimates(x, sorted=False):
    Compute the quantiles and return the median, -1 sigma value, and +1 sigma
    value for the array *x*.

    `x`        input ndarray
    `sorted`   boolean flag to sort array, default=False

    returns a 3-tuple (median, -1 sigma value, and +1 sigma value)

    xs = numpy.array(x)
    if not sorted:

    sigfrac = 0.682689
    median = quantile(xs, 0.5)
    lval   = quantile(xs, (1-sigfrac)/2.0)
    hval   = quantile(xs, (1+sigfrac)/2.0)

    return (median, lval, hval)
Esempio n. 4
def get_error_estimates(x, sorted=False):
    Compute the quantiles and return the median, -1 sigma value, and +1 sigma
    value for the array *x*.

    `x`        input ndarray
    `sorted`   boolean flag to sort array, default=False

    returns a 3-tuple (median, -1 sigma value, and +1 sigma value)

    xs = numpy.array(x)
    if not sorted:

    sigfrac = 0.682689
    median = quantile(xs, 0.5)
    lval = quantile(xs, (1 - sigfrac) / 2.0)
    hval = quantile(xs, (1 + sigfrac) / 2.0)

    return (median, lval, hval)
Esempio n. 5
 def __rank(self):
     self.ranking = []
     for r in self.rectangles.itervalues():
         for d in r.diagonals.itervalues():
     self.ranking.sort(key=lambda x:, reverse=True)
     step = 1
     percentiles = [
         utils.quantile(self.ranking, q).support()
         for q in xrange(0, 100 + step, step)
     ]"Percentiles: %s" % list(enumerate(percentiles)))
def get_values_and_intervals(parameters, weights, labels, use_median=False):

    param_values = np.zeros((len(parameters), 7))
    confidence_values = np.zeros((len(parameters), 6))

    for idx, param in enumerate(parameters):

        print( '-> Calculating histogram for {:}.'.format(labels[idx]))

        if use_median:
            central_value = quantile(param, [0.5], weights=weights)[0]
            central_value = weighted_mean(param, weights=weights)

        # bounds returns [[-1sigma, +1sigma],[-2sigma, +2sigma], [-3sigma, +3sigma]]
        bounds = minimum_credible_intervals(param, central_value, weights, bins=50)

        param_values[idx, :] = np.concatenate(([central_value], bounds[:,0], bounds[:,1]))
        confidence_values[idx, :] = central_value + bounds.flatten()

    return param_values, confidence_values
Esempio n. 7
  'softimpute :  MAE = {softimpute_scores["MAE"][-1]}')

        ### Automatic gamma

        if args.quantile is not None:

            NAs = 0.1 * torch.randn(mask.shape).double() + mean_impute(
                X_true, mask)
            X_ = (1 - mask) * X_true + mask * NAs
            idx = np.random.choice(len(X_), min(2000, len(X_)), replace=False)
            X = X_[idx]
            dists = ((X[:, None] - X)**2).sum(2).flatten() / 2.
            dists = dists[dists > 0]
            gamma = quantile(dists, args.quantile,
                             0).item() * args.quantile_multiplier
                f"epsilon = {gamma} ({100 * args.quantile}th percentile times {args.quantile_multiplier})"


            gamma = args.gamma
  "epsilon = {gamma} (fixed)")

        data["gamma"].append(gamma)"Sinkhorn Imputation")

        sk = SamplesLoss("sinkhorn",
Esempio n. 8
def price_guide(item, max_cost_quantile=None):
  """Fetch pricing info for an item"""
  results = []

  if (item['ItemTypeID'] == 'P' and 'stk0' in item['ItemID']) or \
      item['ItemTypeID'] == 'S' or \
      item['ItemTypeID'] == 'M':
    # a sticker sheet, a set, or a minifigure
    color_ids = [0]
    # a normal item
    color_ids = color.similar_to(item['ColorID'])

  for c in color_ids:
    # perform HTTP request
    parameters = {
        'itemType': item['ItemTypeID'],
        'itemNo': item['ItemID'],
        'itemSeq': 1,
        'colorId': c,
        'v': 'P',
        'priceGroup': 'Y',
        'prDec': 2
    url = "" + urllib.urlencode(parameters)
    html = urllib.urlopen(url).read()

    # parse page
    page = BS(html)

    if len(page.find_all(text='Currently Available')) == 0:
      # not available in this color :(

      # newly found inventory
      new = []

      for td in page.find_all('td'):
        if td.find('a', recursive=False, href=re.compile('/store.asp')) is not None:
          # find the td element with a link to a store. Its siblings contain
          # the interesting bits like price and quantity available
          store_url = td.find('a')['href']
          store_id = int(utils.get_params(store_url)['sID'])
          quantity = int(td.next_sibling.text)
          cost_per_unit = float(re.findall('[0-9.]+',

            'item_id': item['ItemID'],
            'wanted_color_id': item['ColorID'],
            'color_id': c,
            'store_id': store_id,
            'quantity_available': quantity,
            'cost_per_unit': cost_per_unit

      # remove items that cost too much
      if max_cost_quantile is not None and max_cost_quantile < 1.0:
        observed_prices = [e['quantity_available'] * [e['cost_per_unit']] for e in new]
        observed_prices = list(sorted(utils.flatten(observed_prices)))
        if len(observed_prices) > 0:
          i = utils.quantile(len(observed_prices)-1, max_cost_quantile)
          max_price = observed_prices[i]
          new = filter(lambda x: x['cost_per_unit'] <= max_price, new)

      # add what's left to the considered inventory

    if sum(e['quantity_available'] for e in results) >= item['Qty']:
      # stop early, we've got everything we need
      return results

  return results
Esempio n. 9
            return z_vec, h_z_vec, h_c_vec, h_d_vec, g_c_vec, g_d_vec

        return jitted_sim_paths()

    def build_grid_and_shocks(self, 
                                q1=0.025,  # lower quantile
                                q2=0.925): # upper quantile

        paths = self.simulate_paths()
        z_vec, h_z_vec, h_c_vec, h_d_vec, g_c, g_d = paths

        # Obtain quantiles of state process time series
        z_min, z_max = quantile(z_vec, q1), quantile(z_vec, q2)
        h_z_min, h_z_max = quantile(h_z_vec, q1), quantile(h_z_vec, q2)
        h_c_min, h_c_max = quantile(h_c_vec, q1), quantile(h_c_vec, q2)
        h_d_min, h_d_max = quantile(h_d_vec, q1), quantile(h_d_vec, q2)

        # Build grid along each state axis using these quantiles as bounds
        self.z_grid = np.linspace(z_min, z_max, self.z_grid_size)
        self.h_z_grid = np.linspace(h_z_min, h_z_max, self.h_z_grid_size)
        self.h_c_grid = np.linspace(h_c_min, h_c_max, self.h_c_grid_size)
        self.h_d_grid = np.linspace(h_d_min, h_d_max, self.h_d_grid_size)

        # Shocks for Monte Carlo integration
        self.shocks = randn(3, self.mc_draw_size)

Esempio n. 10
 def percentiles(self):
     percentiles = [utils.quantile(self.ranking, percentile).support() for percentile in xrange(101)]
     return percentiles
Esempio n. 11
def plot_all_rocs_quant(path, labels, ident,
                        n_pts=101, alpha=0.05, n_runs=100):
    plt.figure(figsize=(3, 3))
    if ident == "sec4":
        plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], color="grey", alpha=0.5)

    x_vals = np.linspace(0, 1, n_pts)
    c_1 = list()
    c_2 = list()
    c = list()
    for i in range(0, n_runs):
        print("run {}".format(i))
        basedir = "{}/run_{}/final_analysis/rocs/{}-test".format(path, i, ident)
        with open(basedir + "-1-fpr.npy", "rb") as f:
            fpr_1 = np.load(f)
        with open(basedir + "-1-tpr.npy", "rb") as f:
            tpr_1 = np.load(f)

        c_1.append(get_roc_fixed_step(fpr_1[::-1], tpr_1[::-1],  x_vals))

        with open(basedir + "-2-fpr.npy", "rb") as f:
            fpr_2 = np.load(f)
        with open(basedir + "-2-tpr.npy", "rb") as f:
            tpr_2 = np.load(f)

        c_2.append(get_roc_fixed_step(fpr_2[::-1], tpr_2[::-1], x_vals))

        with open(basedir + "-main-fpr.npy", "rb") as f:
            fpr = np.load(f)
        with open(basedir + "-main-tpr.npy", "rb") as f:
            tpr = np.load(f)

        c.append(get_roc_fixed_step(fpr[::-1], tpr[::-1], x_vals))

    s_1, s_2, s, sa_1, sa_2, sa = labels

    area1 = plt.fill_between(x_vals, quantile(c_1, (1-alpha/2), axis=0),
                             quantile(c_1, alpha/2, axis=0), color="green",
                             label=sa_1, alpha=0.25)
    area2 = plt.fill_between(x_vals, quantile(c_2, (1-alpha/2), axis=0),
                             quantile(c_2, alpha/2, axis=0), color="blue",
                             label=sa_2, alpha=0.25)
    area = plt.fill_between(x_vals, quantile(c, (1-alpha/2), axis=0),
                            quantile(c, alpha/2, axis=0), color="black",
                            label=sa, alpha=0.25)

    cur1 = plt.plot(x_vals, np.median(c_1, axis=0),
                    label=s_1, color="green", alpha=0.50)
    cur2 = plt.plot(x_vals, np.median(c_2, axis=0),
                    label=s_2, color="blue", alpha=0.50)
    cur = plt.plot(x_vals, np.median(c, axis=0),
                   label=s, color="black", alpha=0.50)

    # plt.legend()
    plt.savefig(path + "/roc_curves_quant_" + ident + ".pdf")

    plt.figure(figsize=(4, 1))
    area1 = plt.fill_between([0], [0], [0],
                             color="green", alpha=0.25, label=sa_1)
    area2 = plt.fill_between([0], [0], [0],
                             color="blue", alpha=0.25, label=sa_2)
    area = plt.fill_between([0], [0], [0], color="black", alpha=0.25, label=sa)

    cur1 = plt.Line2D([0], [0], label=s_1, color="green", alpha=0.50)
    cur2 = plt.Line2D([0], [0], label=s_2, color="blue", alpha=0.50)
    cur = plt.Line2D([0], [0], label=s, color="black", alpha=0.50)
    handles = (area1, area2, area, cur1, cur2, cur)
    labels = (sa_1, sa_2, sa, s_1, s_2, s)
    plt.legend(handles, labels, loc='center', ncol=2)
    plt.savefig(path + "/legend-" + ident + ".pdf")
Esempio n. 12
def price_guide(item, max_cost_quantile=None):
    """Fetch pricing info for an item"""
    results = []

    if (item['ItemTypeID'] == 'P' and 'stk0' in item['ItemID']) or \
        item['ItemTypeID'] == 'S' or \
        item['ItemTypeID'] == 'M':
        # a sticker sheet, a set, or a minifigure
        color_ids = [0]
        # a normal item
        color_ids = color.similar_to(item['ColorID'])

    for c in color_ids:
        # perform HTTP request
        parameters = {
            'itemType': item['ItemTypeID'],
            'itemNo': item['ItemID'],
            'itemSeq': 1,
            'colorId': c,
            'v': 'P',
            'priceGroup': 'Y',
            'prDec': 2
        url = "" + urllib.urlencode(
        html = urllib.urlopen(url).read()

        # parse page
        page = BS(html)

        if len(page.find_all(text='Currently Available')) == 0:
            # not available in this color :(

            # newly found inventory
            new = []

            for td in page.find_all('td'):
                if td.find('a', recursive=False,
                           href=re.compile('/store.asp')) is not None:
                    # find the td element with a link to a store. Its siblings contain
                    # the interesting bits like price and quantity available
                    store_url = td.find('a')['href']
                    store_id = int(utils.get_params(store_url)['sID'])
                    quantity = int(td.next_sibling.text)
                    cost_per_unit = float(

                        'item_id': item['ItemID'],
                        'wanted_color_id': item['ColorID'],
                        'color_id': c,
                        'store_id': store_id,
                        'quantity_available': quantity,
                        'cost_per_unit': cost_per_unit

            # remove items that cost too much
            if max_cost_quantile is not None and max_cost_quantile < 1.0:
                observed_prices = [
                    e['quantity_available'] * [e['cost_per_unit']] for e in new
                observed_prices = list(sorted(utils.flatten(observed_prices)))
                if len(observed_prices) > 0:
                    i = utils.quantile(
                        len(observed_prices) - 1, max_cost_quantile)
                    max_price = observed_prices[i]
                    new = filter(lambda x: x['cost_per_unit'] <= max_price,

            # add what's left to the considered inventory

        if sum(e['quantity_available'] for e in results) >= item['Qty']:
            # stop early, we've got everything we need
            return results

    return results