class Monitor(object): """主要的监测器类""" def __init__(self, ips=[], num_thread=10): self.ip_monitor_pool = ips self._cycle_ip = LoopIterator(self.ip_monitor_pool) self.num_thread = num_thread self.task_queue = Queue(maxsize=20) def _add_one_ip(self, ip, network): if ip not in self.ip_monitor_pool: self.ip_monitor_pool.append(ip) db.monitor_ip(ip, network) def _remove_one_ip(self, ip): if ip in self.ip_monitor_pool: self.ip_monitor_pool.remove(ip) db.unmonitor_ip(ip) def add_ip(self, ip): self._add_one_ip(ip=ip, network="others") logging.debug("Succecc to add the ip %s" % ip) def remove_ip(self, ip): self._remove_one_ip(ip=ip) logging.debug("Succecc to remove the ip %s" % ip) def add_network(self, network): ips = get_network_ips(network=network) for ip in ips: self._add_one_ip(ip=ip, network=network) logging.debug("Succecc to add the network %s" % network) def remove_network(self, network): ips = get_network_ips(network) for ip in ips: self._remove_one_ip(ip=ip) logging.debug("Succecc to remove the network %s" % network) def run(self): """开启多个工作线程同时在主线程循环往queue中加入待ping的ip""" for i in range(self.num_thread): t = Thread(target=self.worker) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() while True: try: next = except EmptyError: sleep(1) else: self.task_queue.put(next) sleep(0.05) def worker(self): """工作线程,负责从queue中取出任务处理""" while True: ip = self.task_queue.get() ping_and_update(ip) sleep(0.5)
def __init__(self, ips=[], num_thread=10): self.ip_monitor_pool = ips self._cycle_ip = LoopIterator(self.ip_monitor_pool) self.num_thread = num_thread self.task_queue = Queue(maxsize=20)
def fit(self, data_z, data_p, data_y): ''' Fits the treatment response model. Parameters data_z: (n x d np array) of instruments data_p: (n x p np array) of treatments data_y: (n x 1 np array) of outcomes ''' num_instruments = data_z.shape[1] num_treatments = data_p.shape[1] num_outcomes = data_y.shape[1] self.num_treatments = num_treatments # Data iterators for critics/modeler and for meta-critic data_it = LoopIterator(np.arange(data_z.shape[0]), self._batch_size_modeler, random=True) data_it_hedge = LoopIterator(np.arange(data_z.shape[0]), data_z.shape[0], random=self._bootstrap_hedge) # Creat a test grid for calculating loss at intervals test_min = np.percentile(data_p, 5) test_max = np.percentile(data_p, 95) self.test_grid = np.linspace(test_min, test_max, 100) # Create the clusterings of the data that define the critics cluster_labels, cluster_ids = self._data_clusterings( data_z, data_p, data_y) if self._critic_type == 'Gaussian': # We put a symmetric gaussian encompassing all the data points of each cluster of each clustering center_grid = [] precision_grid = [] normalizers = [] for tree in range(cluster_labels.shape[1]): for leaf in cluster_ids[tree]: center = np.mean( data_z[cluster_labels[:, tree].flatten() == leaf, :], axis=0) distance = np.linalg.norm(data_z - center, axis=1) / data_z.shape[1] precision = 1. / ( np.sqrt(2) * (np.sort(distance)[self._min_cluster_size])) center_grid.append(center) precision_grid.append(precision) normalizers.append( (precision**num_instruments) * np.sum(np.exp(-(precision * distance)**2)) / (np.power(2. * np.pi, num_instruments / 2.))) normalizers = np.ones(len(center_grid)) #np.array(normalizers) center_grid = np.array(center_grid) precision_grid = np.array(precision_grid) if self._critics_precision is not None: precision_grid = self._critics_precision * np.ones( precision_grid.shape) print(np.sort(center_grid[:, 0].flatten())) print(precision_grid[np.argsort(center_grid[:, 0].flatten())]) else: # We put a uniform kernel only on the data points of each cluster of each clustering normalizers = [] center_grid = [] leaf_id_list = [] for tree in range(cluster_labels.shape[1]): for leaf in cluster_ids[tree]: center_grid.append( np.mean( data_z[cluster_labels[:, tree].flatten() == leaf, :], axis=0)) # used only for tensorflow summary normalizers.append( np.sum(cluster_labels[:, tree].flatten() == leaf)) leaf_id_list.append((tree, leaf)) center_grid = np.array(center_grid) print(np.sort(center_grid[:, 0].flatten())) print( np.array(normalizers)[np.argsort(center_grid[:, 0].flatten())]) normalizers = np.ones(len(center_grid)) #np.array(normalizers) leaf_id_list = np.array(leaf_id_list) if num_instruments > 1: import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.mlab import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure() for tree in range(cluster_labels.shape[1]): plt.subplot(1, cluster_labels.shape[1], tree + 1) plt.scatter(data_z[:, 0], data_z[:, 1], c=[int(i % 23) for i in cluster_labels[:, tree]]) plt.savefig('clusters3.png') if self._critic_type == 'Gaussian': plt.figure() z1 = np.linspace(np.min(data_z[:, 0]), np.max(data_z[:, 0]), 20) z2 = np.linspace(np.min(data_z[:, 1]), np.max(data_z[:, 1]), 20) z1v, z2v = np.meshgrid(z1, z2) for it, (ctr, prec) in enumerate(zip(center_grid, precision_grid)): plt.contour(z1v, z2v, matplotlib.mlab.bivariate_normal( z1v, z2v, mux=ctr[0], muy=ctr[1], sigmax=1 / prec, sigmay=1 / prec), 1, c=int(it % 23)) plt.savefig('clusters_gaussian3.png') # tf Graph input if self._random_seed is not None: tf.set_random_seed(self._random_seed) self.Z = tf.placeholder("float", [None, num_instruments], name="instrument") self.P = tf.placeholder("float", [None, num_treatments], name="treatment") self.Y = tf.placeholder("float", [None, num_outcomes], name="outcome") self.Leaf = tf.placeholder("float", [None, cluster_labels.shape[1]], name="leaf_id") self.drop_prob = tf.placeholder_with_default(1.0, shape=(), name="drop_prob") self.gmm_graph = GMMGameGraph( self.Z, self.P, self.Y, self.Leaf, self.drop_prob, eta_hedge=self._eta_hedge, loss_clip_hedge=self._loss_clip_hedge, learning_rate_modeler=self._learning_rate_modeler, learning_rate_critics=self._learning_rate_critics, critics_jitter=self._critics_jitter, critic_type=self._critic_type, l1_reg_weight_modeler=self._l1_reg_weight_modeler, l2_reg_weight_modeler=self._l2_reg_weight_modeler, dnn_layers=self._dnn_layers, dnn_poly_degree=self._dnn_poly_degree, dissimilarity_eta=self._dissimilarity_eta) if self._critic_type == 'Gaussian': self.gmm_graph.create_graph(normalizers=normalizers, center_grid=center_grid, precision_grid=precision_grid) else: self.gmm_graph.create_graph(normalizers=normalizers, leaf_list=leaf_id_list) # Initialize the variables (i.e. assign their default value) init = tf.global_variables_initializer() if num_treatments == 1: self.avg_fn = [] self.final_fn = [] self.best_fn = [] else: saver = tf.train.Saver(scope_variables("Modeler"), max_to_keep=self._num_steps) print(scope_variables("Modeler")) avg_store_steps = list( np.random.choice(np.arange(int(0.2 * self._num_steps), self._num_steps), int(0.4 * self._num_steps), replace=False)) print(avg_store_steps) # Start training loss = np.inf with tf.Session() as sess: if self._log_summary: merged = tf.summary.merge_all() writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(self._summary_dir, sess.graph) # Run the initializer d1 = d2 = d3 = d4 = d5 = d6 = 0. for step in range(1, self._num_steps + 1): t1 = # Modeler for inner_step in range(self._train_ratio[0]): inds = data_it.get_next() y1, p1, z1, leaf1 = data_y[inds], data_p[inds], data_z[ inds], cluster_labels[inds] inds = data_it.get_next() y2, p2, z2, leaf2 = data_y[inds], data_p[inds], data_z[ inds], cluster_labels[inds], feed_dict={ self.Z: z1, self.P: p1, self.Y: y1, self.Leaf: leaf1, self.drop_prob: .9 }), feed_dict={ self.Z: z2, self.P: p2, self.Y: y2, self.Leaf: leaf2, self.drop_prob: .9 }) t2 = d1 += (t2 - t1).seconds + (t2 - t1).microseconds * 1E-6 if DEBUG: new_loss =, feed_dict={ self.Z: data_z, self.P: data_p, self.Y: data_y, self.Leaf: cluster_labels }) print("After modeler: Step " + str(step) + ", Moment violation= " + "{:.10f}".format(new_loss)) print([ [ crt.precision, crt.weights, crt._normalized_translation,, crt.output[0] ], feed_dict={ self.Z: data_z, self.P: data_p, self.Y: data_y, self.Leaf: cluster_labels }) for crt in self.gmm_graph.critics ]) print([ cw.value() for cw in self.gmm_graph.critic_weights ])) # Critics for inner_step in range(self._train_ratio[1]): inds = data_it.get_next() y1, p1, z1, leaf1 = data_y[inds], data_p[inds], data_z[ inds], cluster_labels[inds] inds = data_it.get_next() y2, p2, z2, leaf2 = data_y[inds], data_p[inds], data_z[ inds], cluster_labels[inds], feed_dict={ self.Z: z1, self.P: p1, self.Y: y1, self.Leaf: leaf1, self.drop_prob: .9 }), feed_dict={ self.Z: z2, self.P: p2, self.Y: y2, self.Leaf: leaf2, self.drop_prob: .9 }) if DEBUG: new_loss =, feed_dict={ self.Z: data_z, self.P: data_p, self.Y: data_y, self.Leaf: cluster_labels }) print("After Critic Step " + str(step) + ", Moment violation= " + "{:.10f}".format(new_loss)) print([ [ crt.precision, crt.weights, crt._normalized_translation,, crt.output[0] ], feed_dict={ self.Z: data_z, self.P: data_p, self.Y: data_y, self.Leaf: cluster_labels }) for crt in self.gmm_graph.critics ]) print([ for cw in self.gmm_graph.critic_weights ]) t3 = d2 += (t3 - t2).seconds + (t3 - t2).microseconds * 1E-6 # Meta-Critic if step % self._hedge_step == 0: inds = data_it_hedge.get_next() y1, p1, z1, leaf1 = data_y[inds], data_p[inds], data_z[ inds], cluster_labels[inds], feed_dict={ self.Z: z1, self.P: p1, self.Y: y1, self.Leaf: leaf1 }) if DEBUG: new_loss =, feed_dict={ self.Z: data_z, self.P: data_p, self.Y: data_y, self.Leaf: cluster_labels }) print("After Meta-Critic Step " + str(step) + ", Moment violation= " + "{:.10f}".format(new_loss)) print([ [ crt.precision, crt.weights, crt._normalized_translation,, crt.output[0] ], feed_dict={ self.Z: data_z, self.P: data_p, self.Y: data_y, self.Leaf: cluster_labels }) for crt in self.gmm_graph.critics ]) print([ for cw in self.gmm_graph.critic_weights ]) t4 = d3 += (t4 - t3).seconds + (t4 - t3).microseconds * 1E-6 if step % self._check_loss_step == 0 or step == 1 or step == self._num_steps: # Calculate batch loss and accuracy new_loss =, feed_dict={ self.Z: data_z, self.P: data_p, self.Y: data_y, self.Leaf: cluster_labels }) if new_loss <= loss: if num_treatments == 1: self.best_fn = self.gmm_graph.modeler.output, feed_dict={ self.P: self.test_grid.reshape(-1, 1) }).flatten() else:, "./tmp/model_best.ckpt") loss = new_loss t5 = d4 += (t5 - t4).seconds + (t5 - t4).microseconds * 1E-6 if self._log_summary and step % self._store_step == 0: summary =, feed_dict={ self.Z: data_z, self.P: data_p, self.Y: data_y, self.Leaf: cluster_labels }) writer.add_summary(summary, step) log_function(writer, 'CriticWeights', center_grid, np.array([ for cw in self.gmm_graph.critic_weights ]), step, agg='sum') #log_function(writer, 'CriticPrecisions', center_grid, np.array([ for cr in self.gmm_graph.critics]), step, agg='mean') t6 = d5 += (t6 - t5).seconds + (t6 - t5).microseconds * 1E-6 if step in avg_store_steps: #step > .2 * self._num_steps: if num_treatments == 1: self.avg_fn.append(, feed_dict={ self.P: self.test_grid.reshape(-1, 1) }).flatten()) else:, "./tmp/model_{}.ckpt".format(step)) self._checkpoints.append(step) t7 = d6 += (t7 - t6).seconds + (t7 - t6).microseconds * 1E-6 if step % self._display_step == 0: new_loss =, feed_dict={ self.Z: data_z, self.P: data_p, self.Y: data_y, self.Leaf: cluster_labels }) print("Final Step " + str(step) + ", Moment violation= " + "{:.10f}".format(new_loss)) print("Modeler train time: {:.2f}".format(d1)) print("Critic train time: {:.2f}".format(d2)) print("Meta-critic train time: {:.2f}".format(d3)) print("Best loss checking time: {:.2f}".format(d4)) print("Summary storing time: {:.2f}".format(d5)) print("Average model calculation time: {:.2f}".format(d6)) print("Optimization Finished!") if num_treatments == 1: self.final_fn =, feed_dict={ self.P: self.test_grid.reshape(-1, 1) }).flatten() else:, "./tmp/model_final.ckpt") sess.close() if self._log_summary: writer.close()