Esempio n. 1
 def __init__(self, tip_line, diff_lines, ignore):
     self.tip_line = tip_line
     self.reallines = diff_lines
     if not ignore and len(diff_lines) < RE_HUNK_LIMIT:
         self.diff_lines = rehunk(diff_lines)
         self.diff_lines = diff_lines
Esempio n. 2
 def __init__(self, tip_line, diff_lines, ignore):
     self.tip_line = tip_line
     self.reallines = diff_lines
     if not ignore and len(diff_lines) < RE_HUNK_LIMIT:
         self.diff_lines = rehunk(diff_lines)
         self.diff_lines = diff_lines
Esempio n. 3
 def side_lines(self):
     old, new = self._start_line_numbers()
     result = []
         '...', 'normal', self.tip_line, '...', 'normal', self.tip_line))
     type_ = {'emp': 'normal', 'normal': 'normal', 'add': 'insertion',
              'rem': 'deletion'}
     for l, r in rehunk(self.reallines, True):  # side hunk
         l_type = l[1]
         r_type = r[1]
         disp_old = str(old) if l_type != 'emp' else ' '
         disp_new = str(new) if r_type != 'emp' else ' '
         result.append((disp_old, type_.get(l_type), l[2], disp_new,
                        type_.get(r_type), r[2]))
         if l_type != 'emp':
             old += 1
         if r_type != 'emp':
             new += 1
     return result
Esempio n. 4
 def test_hunk(self):
     hunk = rehunk(a_hunk)
     assert hunk == [
         ('idem', u' /* highlight style */'),
          u'-.highlight { color: #008000; font-weight: bold; } /* Keyword */'
          ), ('add', u'+.highlight .hll { background-color: #ffffcc; }'),
         ('add', u'+.highlight  { background: #ffffff; }'),
         ('add', u'+.highlight .c { color: #808080; } /* Comment */'),
          u'+.highlight .err { color: #F00000; background-color: #F0A0A0; } /* Error */'
          u'+.highlight \x00+.k \x01{ color: #008000; font-weight: bold; } /* Keyword */'
          ), ('idem', u' .highlight .o { color: #303030; } /* Operator */'),
          u' .highlight .cm { color: #808080; } /* Comment.Multiline */'),
          u' .highlight .cp { color: #507090; } /* Comment.Preproc */')
     ]  # noqa
Esempio n. 5
 def side_lines(self):
     old, new = self._start_line_numbers()
     result = []
         ('...', 'normal', self.tip_line, '...', 'normal', self.tip_line))
     type_ = {
         'emp': 'normal',
         'normal': 'normal',
         'add': 'insertion',
         'rem': 'deletion'
     for l, r in rehunk(self.reallines, True):  # side hunk
         l_type = l[1]
         r_type = r[1]
         disp_old = str(old) if l_type != 'emp' else ' '
         disp_new = str(new) if r_type != 'emp' else ' '
         result.append((disp_old, type_.get(l_type), l[2], disp_new,
                        type_.get(r_type), r[2]))
         if l_type != 'emp':
             old += 1
         if r_type != 'emp':
             new += 1
     return result
Esempio n. 6
 def test_hunk(self):
     hunk = rehunk(a_hunk)
     assert hunk == [('idem', u' /* highlight style */'), ('rem', u'-.highlight { color: #008000; font-weight: bold; } /* Keyword */'), ('add', u'+.highlight .hll { background-color: #ffffcc; }'), ('add', u'+.highlight  { background: #ffffff; }'), ('add', u'+.highlight .c { color: #808080; } /* Comment */'), ('add', u'+.highlight .err { color: #F00000; background-color: #F0A0A0; } /* Error */'), ('add', u'+.highlight \x00+.k \x01{ color: #008000; font-weight: bold; } /* Keyword */'), ('idem', u' .highlight .o { color: #303030; } /* Operator */'), ('idem', u' .highlight .cm { color: #808080; } /* Comment.Multiline */'), ('idem', u' .highlight .cp { color: #507090; } /* Comment.Preproc */')]  # noqa