Esempio n. 1
    def run_one_game(player_1: ANET, player_2: ANET, visualize: bool) -> int:
        Runs excatly one game with the provided players.
        world = SimulatedWorldFactory.get_simulated_world()
        current_state = world.reset()

        if visualize and parameters.GAME_TYPE == Game.Hex:

        players = (player_1, player_2)
        i = 0
        winner = 0
        while not world.is_final_state():
            legal_actions = world.get_legal_actions()

            action = players[i].choose_greedy(current_state, legal_actions)
            current_state, winner = world.step(action)

            # Alternating players
            i = (i + 1) % 2

            if visualize and parameters.GAME_TYPE == Game.Hex:
                Visualize.draw_board(current_state, winner, str(player_1), str(player_2))

        print(f'Player {winner} won the game.')
        return winner
 def __draw_board(self, action: Action) -> None:
     Visualize.draw_board(self.__board_type, self.__board, action.positions)