Esempio n. 1
def console(vm, console_type):
    """Arrange for an OOB console of the specified type

    This method arranges for an OOB console of the specified type.
    Only consoles of type "vnc" are supported for now.

    It uses a running instance of vncauthproxy to setup proper
    VNC forwarding with a random password, then returns the necessary
    VNC connection info to the caller.

    """"Get console  VM %s, type %s", vm, console_type)

    # Use RAPI to get VNC console information for this instance
    if vm.operstate != "STARTED":
        raise faults.BadRequest('Server not in ACTIVE state.')

    if settings.TEST:
        console_data = {'kind': 'vnc', 'host': 'ganeti_node', 'port': 1000}
        console_data = backend.get_instance_console(vm)

    if console_data['kind'] != 'vnc':
        message = 'got console of kind %s, not "vnc"' % console_data['kind']
        raise faults.ServiceUnavailable(message)

    # Let vncauthproxy decide on the source port.
    # The alternative: static allocation, e.g.
    # sport = console_data['port'] - 1000
    sport = 0
    daddr = console_data['host']
    dport = console_data['port']
    password = util.random_password()

    if settings.TEST:
        fwd = {'source_port': 1234, 'status': 'OK'}
        vnc_extra_opts = settings.CYCLADES_VNCAUTHPROXY_OPTS
        fwd = request_vnc_forwarding(sport, daddr, dport, password,

    if fwd['status'] != "OK":
        raise faults.ServiceUnavailable('vncauthproxy returned error status')

    # Verify that the VNC server settings haven't changed
    if not settings.TEST:
        if console_data != backend.get_instance_console(vm):
            raise faults.ServiceUnavailable('VNC Server settings changed.')

    console = {
        'type': 'vnc',
        'host': getfqdn(),
        'port': fwd['source_port'],
        'password': password

    return console
Esempio n. 2
def console(vm, console_type):
    """Arrange for an OOB console of the specified type

    This method arranges for an OOB console of the specified type.
    Only consoles of type "vnc" are supported for now.

    It uses a running instance of vncauthproxy to setup proper
    VNC forwarding with a random password, then returns the necessary
    VNC connection info to the caller.

    """"Get console  VM %s, type %s", vm, console_type)

    # Use RAPI to get VNC console information for this instance
    if vm.operstate != "STARTED":
        raise faults.BadRequest('Server not in ACTIVE state.')

    if settings.TEST:
        console_data = {'kind': 'vnc', 'host': 'ganeti_node', 'port': 1000}
        console_data = backend.get_instance_console(vm)

    if console_data['kind'] != 'vnc':
        message = 'got console of kind %s, not "vnc"' % console_data['kind']
        raise faults.ServiceUnavailable(message)

    # Let vncauthproxy decide on the source port.
    # The alternative: static allocation, e.g.
    # sport = console_data['port'] - 1000
    sport = 0
    daddr = console_data['host']
    dport = console_data['port']
    password = util.random_password()

    if settings.TEST:
        fwd = {'source_port': 1234, 'status': 'OK'}
        vnc_extra_opts = settings.CYCLADES_VNCAUTHPROXY_OPTS
        fwd = request_vnc_forwarding(sport, daddr, dport, password,

    if fwd['status'] != "OK":
        raise faults.ServiceUnavailable('vncauthproxy returned error status')

    # Verify that the VNC server settings haven't changed
    if not settings.TEST:
        if console_data != backend.get_instance_console(vm):
            raise faults.ServiceUnavailable('VNC Server settings changed.')

    console = {
        'type': 'vnc',
        'host': getfqdn(),
        'port': fwd['source_port'],
        'password': password}

    return console
Esempio n. 3
def get_console(request, vm, args):
    """Arrange for an OOB console of the specified type

    This method arranges for an OOB console of the specified type.
    Only consoles of type "vnc" are supported for now.

    It uses a running instance of vncauthproxy to setup proper
    VNC forwarding with a random password, then returns the necessary
    VNC connection info to the caller.

    # Normal Response Code: 200
    # Error Response Codes: computeFault (400, 500),
    #                       serviceUnavailable (503),
    #                       unauthorized (401),
    #                       badRequest (400),
    #                       badMediaType(415),
    #                       itemNotFound (404),
    #                       buildInProgress (409),
    #                       overLimit (413)"Get console  VM %s", vm)
    console_type = args.get('type', '')
    if (console_type != 'vnc' and console_type != 'wsvnc'):
        raise faults.BadRequest('Type can only be "vnc" or "wsvnc."')

    # Use RAPI to get VNC console information for this instance
    if get_rsapi_state(vm) != 'ACTIVE':
        raise faults.BadRequest('Server not in ACTIVE state.')

    if settings.TEST:
        console_data = {'kind': 'vnc', 'host': 'ganeti_node', 'port': 1000}
        console_data = backend.get_instance_console(vm)

    if console_data['kind'] != 'vnc':
        message = 'got console of kind %s, not "vnc"' % console_data['kind']
        raise faults.ServiceUnavailable(message)

    # Let vncauthproxy decide on the source port.
    # The alternative: static allocation, e.g.
    # sport = console_data['port'] - 1000
    sport = 27631
    daddr = console_data['host']
    dport = console_data['port']
    password = random_password()

    if settings.TEST:
        fwd = {'source_port': 1234, 'status': 'OK'}
        fwd = request_vnc_forwarding(sport, daddr, dport, password,auth_user="******",auth_password="******",console_type=console_type)
        #fwd = request_vnc_forwarding(sport, daddr, dport, password)
    if fwd['status'] != "OK":
        raise faults.ServiceUnavailable('vncauthproxy returned error status')

    # Verify that the VNC server settings haven't changed
    if not settings.TEST:
        if console_data != backend.get_instance_console(vm):
            raise faults.ServiceUnavailable('VNC Server settings changed.')

    console = {
        'type': console_type,
        'host': getfqdn(),
        'port': fwd['source_port'],
        'password': password}

    if request.serialization == 'xml':
        mimetype = 'application/xml'
        data = render_to_string('console.xml', {'console': console})
        mimetype = 'application/json'
        data = json.dumps({'console': console})

    return HttpResponse(data, mimetype=mimetype, status=200)
Esempio n. 4
def console(vm, console_type):
    """Arrange for an OOB console of the specified type

    This method arranges for an OOB console of the specified type.
    Only consoles of type "vnc" are supported for now.

    It uses a running instance of vncauthproxy to setup proper
    VNC forwarding with a random password, then returns the necessary
    VNC connection info to the caller.

    """"Get console  VM %s, type %s", vm, console_type)

    if vm.operstate != "STARTED":
        raise faults.BadRequest('Server not in ACTIVE state.')

    # Use RAPI to get VNC console information for this instance
    # RAPI GetInstanceConsole() returns endpoints to the vnc_bind_address,
    # which is a cluster-wide setting, either or, and pretty
    # useless (see #783).
    # Until this is fixed on the Ganeti side, construct a console info reply
    # directly.
    # WARNING: This assumes that VNC runs on port network_port on
    #          the instance's primary node, and is probably
    #          hypervisor-specific.
    def get_console_data(i):
        return {"kind": "vnc", "host": i["pnode"], "port": i["network_port"]}

    with pooled_rapi_client(vm) as c:
        i = c.GetInstance(vm.backend_vm_id)
    console_data = get_console_data(i)

    if vm.backend.hypervisor == "kvm" and i['hvparams']['serial_console']:
        raise Exception("hv parameter serial_console cannot be true")

    # Check that the instance is really running
    if not i["oper_state"]:
        log.warning("VM '%s' is marked as '%s' in DB while DOWN in Ganeti",
          , vm.operstate)
        # Instance is not running. Mock a shutdown job to sync DB
                                  logmsg="Reconciliation simulated event")
        raise faults.BadRequest('Server not in ACTIVE state.')

    # Let vncauthproxy decide on the source port.
    # The alternative: static allocation, e.g.
    # sport = console_data['port'] - 1000
    sport = 0
    daddr = console_data['host']
    dport = console_data['port']
    password = util.random_password()

    vnc_extra_opts = settings.CYCLADES_VNCAUTHPROXY_OPTS

    # Maintain backwards compatibility with the dict setting
    if isinstance(vnc_extra_opts, list):
        vnc_extra_opts = choice(vnc_extra_opts)

    fwd = request_vnc_forwarding(sport,

    if fwd['status'] != "OK":
        log.error("vncauthproxy returned error status: '%s'" % fwd)
        raise faults.ServiceUnavailable('vncauthproxy returned error status')

    # Verify that the VNC server settings haven't changed
    with pooled_rapi_client(vm) as c:
        i = c.GetInstance(vm.backend_vm_id)
    if get_console_data(i) != console_data:
        raise faults.ServiceUnavailable('VNC Server settings changed.')

        host = fwd['proxy_address']
    except KeyError:
        host = getfqdn()

    console = {
        'type': console_type,
        'host': host,
        'port': fwd['source_port'],
        'password': password

    return console
Esempio n. 5
def get_console(request, vm, args):
    """Arrange for an OOB console of the specified type

    This method arranges for an OOB console of the specified type.
    Only consoles of type "vnc" are supported for now.

    It uses a running instance of vncauthproxy to setup proper
    VNC forwarding with a random password, then returns the necessary
    VNC connection info to the caller.

    # Normal Response Code: 200
    # Error Response Codes: computeFault (400, 500),
    #                       serviceUnavailable (503),
    #                       unauthorized (401),
    #                       badRequest (400),
    #                       badMediaType(415),
    #                       itemNotFound (404),
    #                       buildInProgress (409),
    #                       overLimit (413)"Get console  VM %s", vm)
    console_type = args.get('type', '')
    if (console_type != 'vnc' and console_type != 'wsvnc'):
        raise faults.BadRequest('Type can only be "vnc" or "wsvnc."')

    # Use RAPI to get VNC console information for this instance
    if get_rsapi_state(vm) != 'ACTIVE':
        raise faults.BadRequest('Server not in ACTIVE state.')

    if settings.TEST:
        console_data = {'kind': 'vnc', 'host': 'ganeti_node', 'port': 1000}
        console_data = backend.get_instance_console(vm)

    if console_data['kind'] != 'vnc':
        message = 'got console of kind %s, not "vnc"' % console_data['kind']
        raise faults.ServiceUnavailable(message)

    # Let vncauthproxy decide on the source port.
    # The alternative: static allocation, e.g.
    # sport = console_data['port'] - 1000
    sport = 27631
    daddr = console_data['host']
    dport = console_data['port']
    password = random_password()

    if settings.TEST:
        fwd = {'source_port': 1234, 'status': 'OK'}
        fwd = request_vnc_forwarding(sport,
        #fwd = request_vnc_forwarding(sport, daddr, dport, password)
    if fwd['status'] != "OK":
        raise faults.ServiceUnavailable('vncauthproxy returned error status')

    # Verify that the VNC server settings haven't changed
    if not settings.TEST:
        if console_data != backend.get_instance_console(vm):
            raise faults.ServiceUnavailable('VNC Server settings changed.')

    console = {
        'type': console_type,
        'host': getfqdn(),
        'port': fwd['source_port'],
        'password': password

    if request.serialization == 'xml':
        mimetype = 'application/xml'
        data = render_to_string('console.xml', {'console': console})
        mimetype = 'application/json'
        data = json.dumps({'console': console})

    return HttpResponse(data, mimetype=mimetype, status=200)
Esempio n. 6
def console(vm, console_type):
    """Arrange for an OOB console of the specified type

    This method arranges for an OOB console of the specified type.
    Only consoles of type "vnc" are supported for now.

    It uses a running instance of vncauthproxy to setup proper
    VNC forwarding with a random password, then returns the necessary
    VNC connection info to the caller.

    """"Get console  VM %s, type %s", vm, console_type)

    if vm.operstate != "STARTED":
        raise faults.BadRequest('Server not in ACTIVE state.')

    # Use RAPI to get VNC console information for this instance
    # RAPI GetInstanceConsole() returns endpoints to the vnc_bind_address,
    # which is a cluster-wide setting, either or, and pretty
    # useless (see #783).
    # Until this is fixed on the Ganeti side, construct a console info reply
    # directly.
    # WARNING: This assumes that VNC runs on port network_port on
    #          the instance's primary node, and is probably
    #          hypervisor-specific.
    def get_console_data(i):
        return {"kind": "vnc",
                "host": i["pnode"],
                "port": i["network_port"]}
    with pooled_rapi_client(vm) as c:
        i = c.GetInstance(vm.backend_vm_id)
    console_data = get_console_data(i)

    if vm.backend.hypervisor == "kvm" and i['hvparams']['serial_console']:
        raise Exception("hv parameter serial_console cannot be true")

    # Check that the instance is really running
    if not i["oper_state"]:
        log.warning("VM '%s' is marked as '%s' in DB while DOWN in Ganeti",
          , vm.operstate)
        # Instance is not running. Mock a shutdown job to sync DB
        backend.process_op_status(vm,, jobid=0,
                                  logmsg="Reconciliation simulated event")
        raise faults.BadRequest('Server not in ACTIVE state.')

    # Let vncauthproxy decide on the source port.
    # The alternative: static allocation, e.g.
    # sport = console_data['port'] - 1000
    sport = 0
    daddr = console_data['host']
    dport = console_data['port']
    password = util.random_password()

    vnc_extra_opts = settings.CYCLADES_VNCAUTHPROXY_OPTS

    # Maintain backwards compatibility with the dict setting
    if isinstance(vnc_extra_opts, list):
        vnc_extra_opts = choice(vnc_extra_opts)

    fwd = request_vnc_forwarding(sport, daddr, dport, password,
                                 console_type=console_type, **vnc_extra_opts)

    if fwd['status'] != "OK":
        log.error("vncauthproxy returned error status: '%s'" % fwd)
        raise faults.ServiceUnavailable('vncauthproxy returned error status')

    # Verify that the VNC server settings haven't changed
    with pooled_rapi_client(vm) as c:
        i = c.GetInstance(vm.backend_vm_id)
    if get_console_data(i) != console_data:
        raise faults.ServiceUnavailable('VNC Server settings changed.')

        host = fwd['proxy_address']
    except KeyError:
        host = getfqdn()

    console = {
        'type': console_type,
        'host': host,
        'port': fwd['source_port'],
        'password': password}

    return console