def add_volume(self,
            Renders intensitdata from a 3D numpy array as a lego volumetric actor. 

            :param volume: np 3D array with number of dimensions = those of the 100um reference space. 
            :param cmap: str with name of colormap to use
            :param alpha: float, transparency
            :param add_colorbar: if True a colorbar is added to show the values of the colormap
        # Parse kwargs
        line_width = kwargs.pop('line_width', 1)
        if cmap == 'random' or not cmap or cmap is None:
            cmap = get_random_colormap()

        # Get vmin and vmax threshold for visualisation
        vmin = kwargs.pop('vmin', 0.000001)
        vmax = kwargs.pop('vmax', np.nanmax(volume))

        # Check values
        if np.max(volume) > vmax:
                "While rendering mapped projection some of the values are above the vmax threshold."
                + "They will not be displayed." +
                f" vmax was {vmax} but found value {round(np.max(volume), 5)}."

        if vmin > vmax:
            raise ValueError(
                f'The vmin threhsold [{vmin}] cannot be larger than the vmax threshold [{vmax}'
        if vmin < 0: vmin = 0

        # Get 'lego' actor
        vol = Volume(volume)
        lego = vol.legosurface(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap)

        # Scale and color actor
        lego.cmap = cmap

        # Add colorbar
        if add_colorbar:
                              pos=(0.05, 0.05),

        # Add to scene
        actor = self.scene.add_vtkactor(lego)
        return actor
Esempio n. 2
iteration = 4
size = 3**iteration

voxels = np.ones((size, size, size))

def iterate(length, x, y, z):

    nl = length // 3
    if nl < 1: return

    margin = (nl - 1) // 2
    voxels[z - margin:z + margin + 1, y - margin:y + margin + 1, :] = 0
    voxels[z - margin:z + margin + 1, :, x - margin:x + margin + 1] = 0
    voxels[:, y - margin:y + margin + 1, x - margin:x + margin + 1] = 0

    for ix, iy, iz in np.ndindex((3, 3, 3)):
        if (1 if ix != 1 else 0) + (1 if iy != 1 else 0) + (1 if iz != 1 else
                                                            0) != 2:
            iterate(nl, x + (ix - 1) * nl, y + (iy - 1) * nl,
                    z + (iz - 1) * nl)

iterate(size, size // 2, size // 2, size // 2)
print('voxels min, max =', np.min(voxels), np.max(voxels))

vol = Volume(voxels)
lego = vol.legosurface(-0.1, 1.1, cmap='afmhot_r')

show(vol, lego, N=2, bg='w')