def test():
    import json
    import numpy as np
    from w2v_answer_encoder import MultiChoiceQuestionManger

    model = StateClassifier(input_dim=512, phase='test')
    prob = model.prob

    # Load vocabulary
    # to_sentence = SentenceGenerator(trainset='trainval')
    # create multiple choice question manger
    mc_manager = MultiChoiceQuestionManger(subset='val',

    sess = tf.Session()
    # Load model
    ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(FLAGS.train_dir)
    checkpoint_path = ckpt.model_checkpoint_path
    saver = tf.train.Saver()
    saver.restore(sess, checkpoint_path)

    # get data
    result = []
    reader = StateDataPetcher(batch_size=18,
    num = reader.num_samples
    for itr in range(num):
        feat, label, quest_id = reader.pop_batch()
        feed_dict = model.fill_feed_dict([feat])
        scores =, feed_dict=feed_dict)
        idx = scores.argmax()
        # parse question and answer
        assert (np.unique(quest_id).size == 1)
        quest_id = quest_id[0]
        question = mc_manager.get_question(quest_id)
        mc_ans = mc_manager.get_candidate_answers(quest_id)
        vaq_answer = mc_ans[idx]
        real_answer = mc_ans[label.argmax()]
        # add result
        result.append({u'answer': vaq_answer, u'question_id': quest_id})
        # show results
        if itr % 100 == 0:
            print('============== %d ============' % itr)
            print('question id: %d' % quest_id)
            print('question\t: %s' % question)
            print('answer\t: %s' % real_answer)
            print('VAQ answer\t: %s (%0.2f)' % (vaq_answer, scores[idx]))

    quest_ids = [res[u'question_id'] for res in result]
    # save results'Saving results')
    res_file = 'result/rescore_state_dev_dev.json'
    json.dump(result, open(res_file, 'w'))
    from vqa_eval import evaluate_model
    acc = evaluate_model(res_file, quest_ids)
    print('Over all accuarcy: %0.2f' % acc)
    return acc
Esempio n. 2
def test():
    from util import unpickle
    import json
    from inference_utils.question_generator_util import SentenceGenerator
    from w2v_answer_encoder import MultiChoiceQuestionManger

    config = MLPConfig()
    model = SequenceMLP(config, phase='test')
    prob = model.prob

    # Load vocabulary
    to_sentence = SentenceGenerator(trainset='trainval')
    # create multiple choice question manger
    mc_manager = MultiChoiceQuestionManger(subset='trainval',

    sess = tf.Session()
    # Load model
    ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(FLAGS.train_dir)
    checkpoint_path = ckpt.model_checkpoint_path
    saver = tf.train.Saver()
    saver.restore(sess, checkpoint_path)

    # get data
    result = []
    dataset = unpickle('data/rescore_dev.pkl')
    for itr, datum in enumerate(dataset):
        seq_index, att_mask, label = _process_datum(datum)
        quest_id = datum['quest_id']
        quest = seq_index[0].tolist()
        feed_dict = model.fill_feed_dict([seq_index, att_mask])
        scores =, feed_dict=feed_dict)
        idx = scores.argmax()
        # parse question and answer
        question = to_sentence.index_to_question([0] + quest)
        mc_ans = mc_manager.get_candidate_answers(quest_id)
        vaq_answer = mc_ans[idx]
        real_answer = mc_ans[label.argmax()]
        # add result
        result.append({u'answer': vaq_answer, u'question_id': quest_id})
        # show results
        if itr % 100 == 0:
            print('============== %d ============' % itr)
            print('question id: %d' % quest_id)
            print('question\t: %s' % question)
            print('answer\t: %s' % real_answer)
            print('VAQ answer\t: %s (%0.2f)' % (vaq_answer, scores[idx]))

    quest_ids = [res[u'question_id'] for res in result]
    # save results'Saving results')
    res_file = 'result/rescore_dev_dev.json'
    json.dump(result, open(res_file, 'w'))
    from vqa_eval import evaluate_model
    acc = evaluate_model(res_file, quest_ids)
    print('Over all accuarcy: %0.2f' % acc)