Esempio n. 1
    def test_embed_conversion_with_default_whitelist(self):
        widget = HalloRichTextArea()

        result = widget.value_from_datadict({
            'body': '<p>image <img src="foo" data-embedtype="image" data-id="123" data-format="left" data-alt="test alt" /> embed <span data-embedtype="media" data-url="">blah</span> badger <span data-embedtype="badger" data-colour="black-and-white">badger</span></p>'
        }, {}, 'body')
        self.assertHTMLEqual(result, '<p>image <embed embedtype="image" id="123" format="left" alt="test alt" /> embed <embed embedtype="media" url="" /> badger </p>')
Esempio n. 2
    def test_embed_conversion_with_custom_whitelist(self):
        widget = HalloRichTextArea(features=['h1', 'bold', 'image', 'somethingijustmadeup'])

        result = widget.value_from_datadict({
            'body': '<p>image <img src="foo" data-embedtype="image" data-id="123" data-format="left" data-alt="test alt" /> embed <span data-embedtype="media" data-url="">blah</span></p>'
        }, {}, 'body')
        self.assertHTMLEqual(result, '<p>image <embed embedtype="image" id="123" format="left" alt="test alt" /> embed </p>')
Esempio n. 3
    def test_link_conversion_with_default_whitelist(self):
        widget = HalloRichTextArea()

        result = widget.value_from_datadict({
            'body': '<p>a <a href="/foo" data-linktype="page" data-id="123">page</a>, <a href="/foo" data-linktype="squirrel" data-id="234">a squirrel</a> and a <a href="/foo" data-linktype="document" data-id="345">document</a></p>'
        }, {}, 'body')
        self.assertHTMLEqual(result, '<p>a <a linktype="page" id="123">page</a>, a squirrel and a <a linktype="document" id="345">document</a></p>')
Esempio n. 4
    def test_link_conversion_with_custom_whitelist(self):
        widget = HalloRichTextArea(features=['h1', 'bold', 'link', 'somethingijustmadeup'])

        result = widget.value_from_datadict({
            'body': '<p>a <a href="/foo" data-linktype="page" data-id="123">page</a>, <a href="/foo" data-linktype="squirrel" data-id="234">a squirrel</a> and a <a href="/foo" data-linktype="document" data-id="345">document</a></p>'
        }, {}, 'body')
        self.assertHTMLEqual(result, '<p>a <a linktype="page" id="123">page</a>, a squirrel and a document</p>')
Esempio n. 5
 def test_custom_whitelist(self):
     widget = HalloRichTextArea(features=['h1', 'bold', 'somethingijustmadeup'])
     # accept elements that are represented in the feature list
     result = widget.value_from_datadict({
         'body': '<h1>h1</h1> <h2>h2</h2> <script>script</script> <p><b>bold</b> <i>italic</i></p> <blockquote>blockquote</blockquote>'
     }, {}, 'body')
     self.assertEqual(result, '<h1>h1</h1> h2 script <p><b>bold</b> italic</p> blockquote')
Esempio n. 6
 def test_custom_whitelist(self):
     widget = HalloRichTextArea(features=['h1', 'bold', 'somethingijustmadeup'])
     # accept elements that are represented in the feature list
     result = widget.value_from_datadict({
         'body': '<h1>h1</h1> <h2>h2</h2> <script>script</script> <p><b>bold</b> <i>italic</i></p> <blockquote>blockquote</blockquote>'
     }, {}, 'body')
     self.assertEqual(result, '<h1>h1</h1> h2 script <p><b>bold</b> italic</p> blockquote')
Esempio n. 7
    def test_default_whitelist(self):
        widget = HalloRichTextArea()

        # when no feature list is specified, accept elements that are part of the default set
        # (which includes h2)
        result = widget.value_from_datadict({
            'body': '<h2>heading</h2><script>script</script><blockquote>blockquote</blockquote>'
        }, {}, 'body')
        self.assertEqual(result, '<h2>heading</h2>scriptblockquote')
Esempio n. 8
    def test_default_whitelist(self):
        widget = HalloRichTextArea()

        # when no feature list is specified, accept elements that are part of the default set
        # (which includes h2)
        result = widget.value_from_datadict({
            'body': '<h2>heading</h2><script>script</script><blockquote>blockquote</blockquote>'
        }, {}, 'body')
        self.assertEqual(result, '<h2>heading</h2>scriptblockquote')
Esempio n. 9
    def test_default_whitelist(self):
        widget = HalloRichTextArea()

        # when no feature list is specified, accept elements that are part of the default set
        # (which includes h2) or registered through the construct_whitelister_element_rules hook
        # (which includes blockquote in the test environment)
        result = widget.value_from_datadict({
            'body': '<h2>heading</h2><script>script</script><blockquote>blockquote</blockquote>'
        }, {}, 'body')
        self.assertEqual(result, '<h2>heading</h2>script<blockquote>blockquote</blockquote>')
Esempio n. 10
    def test_custom_features(self):
        widget = HalloRichTextArea(features=['h1', 'link', 'somethingijustmadeup'])

        result = widget.render(
            '<p>a <a linktype="page" id="3">page</a> and a <a linktype="document" id="1">document</a></p>',
            {'id': 'id_foo'},
        soup = BeautifulSoup(result, 'html.parser')
        result_value = soup.textarea.string

        self.assertHTMLEqual(result_value, '<p>a <a data-linktype="page" data-id="3" data-parent-id="2" href="/events/">page</a> and a <a>document</a></p>')
Esempio n. 11
    def test_default_features(self):
        widget = HalloRichTextArea()

        result = widget.render(
            '<p>a <a linktype="page" id="3">page</a> and a <a linktype="document" id="1">document</a></p>',
            {'id': 'id_foo'},
        soup = BeautifulSoup(result, 'html.parser')
        result_value = soup.textarea.string

        self.assertHTMLEqual(result_value, '<p>a <a data-linktype="page" data-id="3" data-parent-id="2" href="/events/">page</a> and a <a data-linktype="document" data-id="1" href="/documents/1/test.pdf">document</a></p>')
Esempio n. 12
    def test_heading_order(self):
        # Using the `register_rich_text_features` doesn't work here,
        # probably because the features have already been scanned at that point.
        # Extending the registry directly instead.
        feature_registry.default_features.extend(['h1', 'h5', 'h6'])

        widget = HalloRichTextArea()
        html = widget.render('the_name', '<p>the value</p>', attrs={'id': 'the_id'})

        expected_options = (
            '"halloheadings": {"formatBlocks": ["p", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6"]}'
        self.assertIn(expected_options, html)
Esempio n. 13
    def test_heading_order(self):
        # Using the `register_rich_text_features` doesn't work here,
        # probably because the features have already been scanned at that point.
        # Extending the registry directly instead.
        feature_registry.default_features.extend(['h1', 'h5', 'h6'])

        widget = HalloRichTextArea()
        html = widget.render('the_name', '<p>the value</p>', attrs={'id': 'the_id'})

        expected_options = (
            '"halloheadings": {"formatBlocks": ["p", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6"]}'
        self.assertIn(expected_options, html)
Esempio n. 14
 def test_hallo(self):