def challenge(self, environ, status, app_headers, forget_headers): # This challenge consists of logging out if environ.has_key('rwpc.logout'): log.warn("Headers before logout: " + str(app_headers)) app_headers = [(a, b) for a, b in app_headers \ if a.lower() != 'location' ] log.warn("Headers after logout: " + str(app_headers)) logout_url = '{cas_url}logout?service={service_url}'.format( cas_url=self.cas_url, service_url=urllib.quote(environ['rwpc.logout'])) # FIXME: should Location replace the key rwpc.logout? headers = [('Location', logout_url)] headers = headers + app_headers + forget_headers log.warn("Logout headers: " + str(headers)) return HTTPFound(headers=headers) # Perform a real challenge by redirecting the user to CAS else: login_url = '{cas_url}login?service={service_url}'.format( cas_url=self.cas_url, service_url=urllib.quote(self._serviceURL(environ))) log.warn('Login URL: ' + login_url) headers = [('Location', login_url)] cookies = [(h,v) for (h,v) in app_headers \ if h.lower() == 'set-cookie'] headers = headers + forget_headers + cookies return HTTPFound(headers=headers)
def create_new_iteration(self, old_pull_request, new_rev, title, description, reviewers): owner = User.get(request.authuser.user_id) new_org_rev = self._get_ref_rev(old_pull_request.org_repo, 'rev', new_rev) new_other_rev = self._get_ref_rev(old_pull_request.other_repo, old_pull_request.other_ref_parts[0], old_pull_request.other_ref_parts[1]) try: cmd = CreatePullRequestIterationAction(old_pull_request, new_org_rev, new_other_rev, title, description, owner, reviewers) except CreatePullRequestAction.ValidationError as e: h.flash(e, category='error', logf=log.error) raise HTTPNotFound try: pull_request = cmd.execute() Session().commit() except Exception: h.flash(_('Error occurred while creating pull request'), category='error') log.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise HTTPFound(location=old_pull_request.url()) h.flash(_('New pull request iteration created'), category='success') raise HTTPFound(location=pull_request.url())
def challenge(self, environ, status, app_headers, forget_headers): """challenge""" req = Request(environ) if req.path in [self.logout_handler_path, self.post_logout_url]: headers = app_headers + forget_headers return HTTPFound(headers=headers) else: came_from = get_came_from(environ) logger.debug("[saml2.challenge] RelayState >> '%s'", came_from) login = Login(self.server) try: login.initAuthnRequest() login.buildAuthnRequestMsg() logger.debug( "[saml2.challenge] RequestID: %r", login.request.iD ) headers = [('Location', login.msgUrl)] logger.debug( "[saml2.challenge] Redirected to: %s", login.msgUrl ) cookies = [ (_hdr, _val) for (_hdr, _val) in app_headers if _hdr.lower() == 'set-cookie' ] headers = headers + forget_headers + cookies return HTTPFound(headers=headers) except Error as msg: logger.debug("[saml2.challenge] error: %s", msg) raise
def delete(self, group_name): gr = c.repo_group = RepoGroup.guess_instance(group_name) repos = gr.repositories.all() if repos: h.flash(_('This group contains %s repositories and cannot be ' 'deleted') % len(repos), category='warning') raise HTTPFound(location=url('repos_groups')) children = gr.children.all() if children: h.flash( _('This group contains %s subgroups and cannot be deleted' % (len(children))), category='warning') raise HTTPFound(location=url('repos_groups')) try: RepoGroupModel().delete(group_name) Session().commit() h.flash(_('Removed repository group %s') % group_name, category='success') #TODO: in future action_logger(, '', '', '') except Exception: log.error(traceback.format_exc()) h.flash( _('Error occurred during deletion of repository group %s') % group_name, category='error') if gr.parent_group: raise HTTPFound(location=url( 'repos_group_home', group_name=gr.parent_group.group_name)) raise HTTPFound(location=url('repos_groups'))
def update_perms(self, group_name): """ Update permissions for given repository group :param group_name: """ c.repo_group = RepoGroup.guess_instance(group_name) valid_recursive_choices = ['none', 'repos', 'groups', 'all'] form_result = RepoGroupPermsForm(valid_recursive_choices)().to_python( request.POST) if not request.authuser.is_admin: if self._revoke_perms_on_yourself(form_result): msg = _('Cannot revoke permission for yourself as admin') h.flash(msg, category='warning') raise HTTPFound(location=url('edit_repo_group_perms', group_name=group_name)) recursive = form_result['recursive'] # iterate over all members(if in recursive mode) of this groups and # set the permissions ! # this can be potentially heavy operation RepoGroupModel()._update_permissions(c.repo_group, form_result['perms_new'], form_result['perms_updates'], recursive) #TODO: implement this #action_logger(request.authuser, 'admin_changed_repo_permissions', # repo_name, request.ip_addr) Session().commit() h.flash(_('Repository group permissions updated'), category='success') raise HTTPFound( location=url('edit_repo_group_perms', group_name=group_name))
def view_login_redirect(request): user_id = authenticated_userid(request) if user_id: return HTTPFound(location = request.application_url) else: return HTTPFound(location = request.application_url + '/login?failed=1')
def pastebin_manage_view(context, request): params = request.params message = params.get('message', u'') if params.has_key('form.submitted'): form = marshal(request.environ, request.body_file) checkboxes = form.get('delete', []) for checkbox in checkboxes: del context[checkbox] message = '%s pastes deleted' % len(checkboxes) url = resource_url(context, request, 'manage', query={'message':message}) response = HTTPFound(location=url) response.headers['Location'] = url return response pastebin_url = resource_url(context, request) pastes = utils.get_pastes(context, request, sys.maxint) return dict( api = utils.API(context, request), pastes = pastes, message = message, pastebin_url = pastebin_url, )
def pastebin_view(context, request): params = request.params author_name = utils.preferred_author(context, request) language = u'' paste = u'' message = u'' pastebin_url = resource_url(context, request) can_manage = has_permission('manage', context, request) if params.has_key('form.submitted'): if params.get('text'): # trap spambots return HTTPFound(location=resource_url(context, request)) paste = params.get('paste_', '') author_name = params.get('author_name_', '') language = params.get('language_', '') schema = PasteAddSchema() message = None try: schema.to_python(request.params) except formencode.validators.Invalid, why: message = str(why) else: pobj = PasteEntry(author_name, paste, language) pasteid = context.add_item(pobj) url = '%s%s' % (pastebin_url, pasteid) response = HTTPFound(location=url) response.set_cookie(utils.COOKIE_AUTHOR, author_name, max_age=864000) response.set_cookie(utils.COOKIE_LANGUAGE, language) return response
def create(self): self.__load_defaults() try: # CanWriteGroup validators checks permissions of this POST form_result = RepoForm(repo_groups=c.repo_groups, landing_revs=c.landing_revs_choices)() \ .to_python(dict(request.POST)) except formencode.Invalid as errors: return htmlfill.render(render('admin/repos/repo_add.html'), defaults=errors.value, errors=errors.error_dict or {}, prefix_error=False, force_defaults=False, encoding="UTF-8") try: # create is done sometimes async on celery, db transaction # management is handled there. task = RepoModel().create(form_result, request.authuser.user_id) task_id = task.task_id except Exception: log.error(traceback.format_exc()) msg = (_('Error creating repository %s') % form_result.get('repo_name')) h.flash(msg, category='error') raise HTTPFound(location=url('home')) raise HTTPFound(location=h.url('repo_creating_home', repo_name=form_result['repo_name_full'], task_id=task_id))
def delete_photo_view(request, photo): request.app_context.catalog.unindex(photo) trash = find_trash(photo) trash_id = trash.trash(photo) response = HTTPFound(location=model_url(request, photo.__parent__)) response.set_cookie('undo', 'trash:%s|Photo+deleted.' % trash_id) return response
def journal_add_view(context, request): if IJournalEntry.providedBy(context): entry = context project = context.__parent__.__parent__ add_form = False else: entry = JournalEntry() project = context add_form = True errors = {} defaults = {} if 'form.submitted' in request.POST: try: # FormEncode validation defaults = dict(request.POST) defaults['indicators'] = request.POST.get('indicators') form_result = entry_schema.to_python(request.POST) except formencode.validators.Invalid, why: errors = why.error_dict else: session = DBSession() # Handle image upload if form_result['image'] is not None: entry.image = File('image.jpg', form_result['image'].read()) elif form_result['image_action'] == 'delete' and entry.image: session.delete(entry.image) = entry.text = form_result['text'] entry.user = authenticated_user(request) # Check whether indicator belongs to this project. indicator_query = session.query(Indicator) indicator_query = indicator_query.filter( == indicator_query = indicator_query.join(Project.objectives) indicator_query = indicator_query.join(Objective.competences) indicator_query = indicator_query.join(Competence.indicator_sets) indicator_query = indicator_query.join(IndicatorSet.indicators) if form_result['indicators']: indicator_query = indicator_query.filter(['indicators'])) indicators = indicator_query.all() entry.indicators = indicators if add_form: project.journal_entries.append(entry) if ITeacher.providedBy(authenticated_user(request)): return HTTPFound(location=model_url( get_root(request)['projects'][], request)) return HTTPFound( location=model_url(authenticated_user(request), request))
def delete(self, repo_name, revision, f_path): repo = c.db_repo if repo.enable_locking and repo.locked[0]: h.flash(_('This repository has been locked by %s on %s') % (h.person_by_id(repo.locked[0]), h.fmt_date(h.time_to_datetime(repo.locked[1]))), 'warning') raise HTTPFound(location=h.url('files_home', repo_name=repo_name, revision='tip')) # check if revision is a branch identifier- basically we cannot # create multiple heads via file editing _branches = repo.scm_instance.branches # check if revision is a branch name or branch hash if revision not in _branches.keys() + _branches.values(): h.flash(_('You can only delete files with revision ' 'being a valid branch'), category='warning') raise HTTPFound(location=h.url('files_home', repo_name=repo_name, revision='tip', f_path=f_path)) r_post = request.POST c.cs = self.__get_cs(revision) c.file = self.__get_filenode(c.cs, f_path) c.default_message = _('Deleted file %s via Kallithea') % (f_path) c.f_path = f_path node_path = f_path author = request.authuser.full_contact if r_post: message = r_post.get('message') or c.default_message try: nodes = { node_path: { 'content': '' } } self.scm_model.delete_nodes( user=request.authuser.user_id, repo=c.db_repo, message=message, nodes=nodes, parent_cs=c.cs, author=author, ) h.flash(_('Successfully deleted file %s') % f_path, category='success') except Exception: log.error(traceback.format_exc()) h.flash(_('Error occurred during commit'), category='error') raise HTTPFound(location=url('changeset_home', repo_name=c.repo_name, revision='tip')) return render('files/files_delete.html')
def members_view(context, request): session = DBSession() all_students = session.query(Student).all() all_students = [ student for student in all_students if not student in context.students ] all_teachers = session.query(Teacher).all() all_teachers = [ teacher for teacher in all_teachers if not teacher in context.teachers ] if 'form.submitted' in request.POST: student_id = request.POST.get('student_id', None) if student_id: student = session.query(Student).filter_by(id=student_id).first() if student: context.students.append(student) teacher_id = request.POST.get('teacher_id', None) if teacher_id: teacher = session.query(Teacher).filter_by(id=teacher_id).first() if teacher: context.teachers.append(teacher) return HTTPFound(location=model_url(context, request, 'members.html')) # This should be a post request, but it has to be finished today ... elif 'remove_student' in request.GET: student_id = request.GET.get('remove_student', None) if student_id: student = context.students.filter_by(id=student_id).first() if student: context.students.remove(student) return HTTPFound(location=model_url(context, request, 'members.html')) elif 'remove_teacher' in request.GET: teacher_id = request.GET.get('remove_teacher', None) if teacher_id: teacher = context.teachers.filter_by(id=teacher_id).first() if teacher: context.teachers.remove(teacher) return HTTPFound(location=model_url(context, request, 'members.html')) root = get_root(request) students = [] for student in context.students: students.append(root['users'][]) teachers = [] for teacher in context.teachers: teachers.append(root['users'][]) return dict(api=TemplateAPI(request), context=context, students=students, all_students=all_students, teachers=teachers, all_teachers=all_teachers)
def url_view(request, URL=URL): """model for test hooks""" matchdict = request.matchdict try: context = URL.m.find({'short_url' : matchdict['short_url']}).one() resp = HTTPFound(location=context.url) resp.expires=expire_one_year() except StopIteration: resp = HTTPNotFound(body="<h1>404 Not Found</h1> Nobody here but us fish...glug glug.") return resp
def _logout(self, request, credential): if hasattr(self.credential_broker, 'logout'): self.credential_broker.logout(credential) redirect_to = request.params.get('redirect_to', None) if redirect_to is None: redirect_to = request.application_url response = HTTPFound(location=redirect_to) response.delete_cookie(self.cookie_name) return response
def delete_ip(self, id): ip_id = request.POST.get('del_ip_id') user_model = UserModel() user_model.delete_extra_ip(id, ip_id) Session().commit() h.flash(_("Removed IP address from user whitelist"), category='success') if 'default_user' in request.POST: raise HTTPFound(location=url('admin_permissions_ips')) raise HTTPFound(location=url('edit_user_ips', id=id))
def application_view(context, request): user = authenticated_user(request) if user: if ITeacher.providedBy(user): return HTTPFound( location=model_url(context, request, 'dashboard.html')) return HTTPFound(location=model_url(user, request)) return HTTPFound(location=model_url(context, request, 'login.html'))
def Comment(context, request): if request.method == "POST": try: data = form.CSRFForm(NoteSchema()).validate(request) except formish.FormError: return HTTPFound( location=route_url("invoice_view", request, context.notes.append(InvoiceNote(comment=data["comment"])) return HTTPFound( location=route_url("invoice_view", request,
def redirect(where): exc = HTTPFound(location=where) try: exc.identity = response.identity except: pass if response.flash_obj: decoded_flash = pickle.dumps(response.flash_obj) exc.set_cookie('flash_obj', base64.b64encode(decoded_flash)) raise exc
def _main(self, request): if request.path == '/__main__': tmpl = os.path.join(_HERE, 'templates', 'main.mako') with open(tmpl) as f: tmpl = Template( return tmpl.render(appviews=self.appviews, libraries=self.libraries) if request.path == '/__main__/add' and request.method == 'POST': def _name2path(name): # MORE CHARS path = name.lower() path = path.replace(' ', '') return '/' + path data = {} name = data['name'] = request.POST['name'] data['root'] = _name2path(data['name']) data['description'] = request.POST['description'] rbr = _DEFAULT_APP % data code = _DEFAULT_CODE location = os.path.join(_APPS, name) os.mkdir(location) appview = AppView(wsgiapp=self, location=location, rbr=rbr, code=code, name=name) appview.generate() self.appviews.append((appview.get_root(), appview)) self.appviews.sort(by_len) # XXX url = 'http://%s%s/__editor__' % (request.environ['HTTP_HOST'], appview.get_root()) return HTTPFound(location=url) if request.path == '/__main__/addlib' and request.method == 'POST': # loading a new lib name = request.POST['name'] file_ = request.POST['file'] if hasattr(file_, 'file'): code = else: code = '' self.libraries.append(VirtualModule(name, code)) # XXX url = 'http://%s/__lib__/%s' % (request.environ['HTTP_HOST'], name) return HTTPFound(location=url) return self._404()
def undo_view(request, code): if not code.startswith('trash:'): return None # XXX Need security here. Probably need to add api to trash to be able # to retrieve context(s) involved for purposes of security checking, before # performing undo operation. trash_id = code[6:] trash = find_trash(request.context) restored = trash.restore(trash_id, request.app_context.catalog) response = HTTPFound(location=model_url(request, restored)) response.set_cookie('undo', '') return response
def logged_in_view(context, request): user = authenticated_user(request) # Direct to the url of the "home" menu item which is user type specific. home_entry = get_current_registry().queryMultiAdapter((user, request), IGlobalMenuEntry, name="home") if home_entry: return HTTPFound(location=home_entry.url) else: return HTTPFound(location=model_url( context, request, 'login.html', query={'login_failed': '1'}))
def index(self): c.came_from = request.GET.get('came_from', '') if c.came_from: if not self._validate_came_from(c.came_from): log.error('Invalid came_from (not server-relative): %r', c.came_from) raise HTTPBadRequest() else: c.came_from = url('home') if request.POST: # import Login Form validator class login_form = LoginForm()() try: # login_form will check username/password using ValidAuth and report failure to the user c.form_result = login_form.to_python(dict(request.POST)) username = c.form_result['username'] user = User.get_by_username_or_email(username) assert user is not None # the same user get just passed in the form validation except formencode.Invalid as errors: defaults = errors.value # remove password from filling in form again defaults.pop('password', None) return htmlfill.render(render('/login.html'), defaults=errors.value, errors=errors.error_dict or {}, prefix_error=False, encoding="UTF-8", force_defaults=False) except UserCreationError as e: # container auth or other auth functions that create users on # the fly can throw this exception signaling that there's issue # with user creation, explanation should be provided in # Exception itself h.flash(e, 'error') else: # login_form already validated the password - now set the session cookie accordingly auth_user = log_in_user(user, c.form_result['remember'], is_external_auth=False, ip_addr=request.ip_addr) if auth_user: raise HTTPFound(location=c.came_from) h.flash(_('Authentication failed.'), 'error') else: # redirect if already logged in if not request.authuser.is_anonymous: raise HTTPFound(location=c.came_from) # continue to show login to default user return render('/login.html')
def get_concrete_response(self): try: result = self.get_data_response() except NoViewMethod as exc: return HTTPUnsupportedMediaType(body=render_error_page( 415, exc, mimetype=self.mimetype), content_type="text/html") except InvalidInput as exc: ## if the model raises a InvalidInput, retry the request as ## a GET request for the same program, and set the code to 400. request = make_duplicate_request(self.request) request.method = 'GET' c = HTTPController(request, self.manifest, self.model_mock, errors=exc) response = c.get_response() response.status_int = 400 return response except NotAuthorized as exc: return HTTPForbidden(body=render_error_page( 403, exc, mimetype=self.mimetype), content_type="text/html") except (DataNotFound, ProgramNotFound) as exc: return HTTPNotFound(body=render_error_page(404, exc, mimetype=self.mimetype), content_type="text/html") if type(result['body']) == Redirection: response = HTTPFound(location=result['body'].path) else: lazy = None body = result['body'] if type(body) == tuple: lazy = body body = '' if hasattr(body, 'read'): body = response = Response( status=200, body=body, content_type=result['mimetype'], ) response.lazy_data = lazy return response
def get_concrete_response(self): try: result = self.get_data_response() except NoViewMethod as exc: return HTTPUnsupportedMediaType( body=render_error_page(415, exc, mimetype=self.mimetype), content_type="text/html" ) except InvalidInput as exc: ## if the model raises a InvalidInput, retry the request as ## a GET request for the same program, and set the code to 400. request = make_duplicate_request(self.request) request.method = 'GET' c = HTTPController(request, self.manifest, self.model_mock, errors=exc) response = c.get_response() response.status_int = 400 return response except NotAuthorized as exc: return HTTPForbidden( body=render_error_page(403, exc, mimetype=self.mimetype), content_type="text/html" ) except (DataNotFound, ProgramNotFound) as exc: return HTTPNotFound( body=render_error_page(404, exc, mimetype=self.mimetype), content_type="text/html" ) if type(result['body']) == Redirection: response = HTTPFound(location=result['body'].path) else: lazy = None body = result['body'] if type(body) == tuple: lazy = body body = '' if hasattr(body, 'read'): body = response = Response( status=200, body=body, content_type=result['mimetype'], ) response.lazy_data = lazy return response
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): if not operator.is_active(key): if not redirect_to: raise HTTPNotFound('Switch \'%s\' is not active' % key) else: raise HTTPFound(location=redirect_to) return func(*args, **kwargs)
def directory_view(context, request): path_info = request.environ['PATH_INFO'] if not path_info.endswith('/'): response = HTTPFound(location=path_info + '/') return response defaults = ('index.html', 'index.stx', '') for name in defaults: try: index = context[name] except KeyError: continue return file_view(index, request) response = Response('No default view for %s' % context.path) response.content_type = 'text/plain' return response
def create(self): require.user.create() if self.email_is_blacklisted(self.form_result['email']): return ret_abort(_("Sorry, but we don't accept registrations with " "this email address."), category='error', code=403) # SPAM protection recaptcha captacha_enabled = config.get('recaptcha.public_key', "") if captacha_enabled: recaptcha_response = h.recaptcha.submit() if not recaptcha_response.is_valid: c.recaptcha = h.recaptcha.displayhtml( use_ssl=True, error=recaptcha_response.error_code) redirect("/register") # SPAM protection hidden input input_css = self.form_result.get("input_css") input_js = self.form_result.get("input_js") if input_css or input_js: redirect("/") #create user user = model.User.create(self.form_result.get("user_name"), self.form_result.get("email").lower(), password=self.form_result.get("password"), locale=c.locale) model.meta.Session.commit() event.emit(event.T_USER_CREATE, user) libmail.send_activation_link(user) if c.instance: membership = user.instance_membership(c.instance) if membership is None: membership = model.Membership(user, c.instance, c.instance.default_group) model.meta.Session.expunge(membership) model.meta.Session.add(membership) model.meta.Session.commit() # authenticate the new registered member using the repoze.who # api. This is done here and not with an redirect to the login # to omit the generic welcome message who_api = get_api(request.environ) login = self.form_result.get("user_name").encode('utf-8') credentials = { 'login': login, 'password': self.form_result.get("password").encode('utf-8')} authenticated, headers = who_api.login(credentials) if authenticated: # redirect to dashboard with login message session['logged_in'] = True location = h.base_url('/user/%s/dashboard' % login) raise HTTPFound(location=location, headers=headers) else: raise Exception('We have added the user to the Database ' 'but cannot authenticate him: ' '%s (%s)' % (credentials['login'], user))
def challenge(self, environ, status, app_headers, forget_headers): path_info = environ['PATH_INFO'] # Configuring the headers to be set: cookies = [(h, v) for (h, v) in app_headers if h.lower() == 'set-cookie'] headers = forget_headers + cookies if path_info == self.logout_handler_path: params = {} if 'came_from' in environ: params.update({'came_from': environ['came_from']}) destination = _build_url(environ, self.post_logout_url, params=params) else: came_from_params = parse_qs(environ.get('QUERY_STRING', '')) params = { 'came_from': _build_url(environ, path_info, came_from_params) } destination = _build_url(environ, self.login_form_url, params=params) return HTTPFound(location=destination, headers=headers)
def update(self, id): _form = DefaultsForm()() try: form_result = _form.to_python(dict(request.POST)) for k, v in form_result.items(): setting = Setting.create_or_update(k, v) Session().commit() h.flash(_('Default settings updated successfully'), category='success') except formencode.Invalid as errors: defaults = errors.value return htmlfill.render( render('admin/defaults/defaults.html'), defaults=defaults, errors=errors.error_dict or {}, prefix_error=False, encoding="UTF-8", force_defaults=False) except Exception: log.error(traceback.format_exc()) h.flash(_('Error occurred during update of defaults'), category='error') raise HTTPFound(location=url('defaults'))
def __call__(self): if self.request.method == "POST": if self.request.POST["action"] == "cancel": return HTTPFound(location=route_url("home", self.request)) account = if account: response = HTTPFound( location=route_url("dashboard", self.request)) loginUser(account, self.request, response) return response return render("", self.request, status_int=202 if self.request.method == "POST" else 200, view=self, action_url=route_url("signup", self.request))
def register_view(context, request): form = Form(Signup(), buttons=('register', )) rendered_form = form.render(null) if 'register' in request.POST: try: appstruct = form.validate(request.POST.items()) except ValidationFailure, e: rendered_form = e.render() else: pending = request.registry.queryAdapter(context, IRegistrations, name='pending') if pending is None: #pragma NO COVERAGE pending = PendingRegistrations(context) email = appstruct['email'] token = getRandomToken(request) pending.set(email, token=token) from_addr = request.registry.settings['cartouche.from_addr'] delivery = request.registry.queryUtility(IMailDelivery, default=localhost_mta) confirmation_url = view_url(context, request, 'confirmation_url', 'confirm_registration.html', email=email) body = REGISTRATION_EMAIL % { 'token': token, 'confirmation_url': confirmation_url } message = Message() message['Subject'] = 'Site registration confirmation' message.set_payload(body) delivery.send(from_addr, [email], message) return HTTPFound(location=confirmation_url)
def login(request): """Handle login request""" login_url = route_url('login', request) referrer = request.url if referrer == login_url: # never use the login form itself as came_from referrer = '/' came_from = request.params.get('came_from', referrer) message = '' login = '' password = '' if 'form.submitted' in request.params: login = request.params['login'] password = request.params['password'] if USERS.get(login) == password: headers = remember(request, login) return HTTPFound(location=came_from, headers=headers) message = 'Failed login' return dict( message=message, url=request.application_url + '/login', came_from=came_from, login=login, password=password, )
def test_call_ingress_plugin_replaces_application(self): from webob.exc import HTTPFound environ = self._makeEnviron() headers = [('a', '1')] app = DummyWorkingApp('200 OK', headers) challengers = [] credentials = {'login': '******', 'password': '******'} identifier = DummyIdentifier( credentials, remember_headers=[('a', '1')], replace_app=HTTPFound('')) identifiers = [('identifier', identifier)] authenticator = DummyAuthenticator() authenticators = [('authenticator', authenticator)] mdproviders = [] mw = self._makeOne(app=app, challengers=challengers, identifiers=identifiers, authenticators=authenticators, mdproviders=mdproviders) start_response = DummyStartResponse() result = b''.join(mw(environ, start_response)).decode('ascii') self.assertTrue(result.startswith('302 Found')) self.assertEqual(start_response.status, '302 Found') headers = start_response.headers #self.assertEqual(len(headers), 3, headers) #self.assertEqual(headers[0], # ('Location', '')) self.assertEqual(headers[2], ('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8')) self.assertEqual(headers[3], ('a', '1')) self.assertEqual(start_response.exc_info, None) self.assertFalse('repoze.who.application' in environ)
def redirect(*args, **kwargs): """Compose a URL using :func:`url_for` and raise a redirect. :raises: :class:`webob.exc.HTTPFound` """ url = url_for(*args, **kwargs) raise HTTPFound(location=url)
def edit_statistics(self, repo_name): c.repo_info = self._load_repo() repo = c.repo_info.scm_instance if c.repo_info.stats: # this is on what revision we ended up so we add +1 for count last_rev = c.repo_info.stats.stat_on_revision + 1 else: last_rev = 0 c.stats_revision = last_rev c.repo_last_rev = repo.count() if repo.revisions else 0 if last_rev == 0 or c.repo_last_rev == 0: c.stats_percentage = 0 else: c.stats_percentage = '%.2f' % ((float( (last_rev)) / c.repo_last_rev) * 100) = 'statistics' if request.POST: try: RepoModel().delete_stats(repo_name) Session().commit() except Exception as e: log.error(traceback.format_exc()) h.flash( _('An error occurred during deletion of repository stats'), category='error') raise HTTPFound( location=url('edit_repo_statistics', repo_name=c.repo_name)) return render('admin/repos/repo_edit.html')
def edit_advanced_fork(self, repo_name): """ Mark given repository as a fork of another :param repo_name: """ try: fork_id = request.POST.get('id_fork_of') repo = ScmModel().mark_as_fork(repo_name, fork_id, request.authuser.username) fork = repo.fork.repo_name if repo.fork else _('Nothing') Session().commit() h.flash(_('Marked repository %s as fork of %s') % (repo_name, fork), category='success') except RepositoryError as e: log.error(traceback.format_exc()) h.flash(e, category='error') except Exception as e: log.error(traceback.format_exc()) h.flash(_('An error occurred during this operation'), category='error') raise HTTPFound( location=url('edit_repo_advanced', repo_name=repo_name))
def edit_advanced(self, repo_name): c.repo_info = self._load_repo() c.default_user_id = kallithea.DEFAULT_USER_ID c.in_public_journal = UserFollowing.query() \ .filter(UserFollowing.user_id == c.default_user_id) \ .filter(UserFollowing.follows_repository == c.repo_info).scalar() _repos = Repository.query(sorted=True).all() read_access_repos = RepoList(_repos, perm_level='read') c.repos_list = [(None, _('-- Not a fork --'))] c.repos_list += [(x.repo_id, x.repo_name) for x in read_access_repos if x.repo_id != c.repo_info.repo_id and x.repo_type == c.repo_info.repo_type] defaults = { 'id_fork_of': c.repo_info.fork_id if c.repo_info.fork_id else '' } = 'advanced' if request.POST: raise HTTPFound(location=url('repo_edit_advanced')) return htmlfill.render(render('admin/repos/repo_edit.html'), defaults=defaults, encoding="UTF-8", force_defaults=False)
def tutorialbin_add_view(context, request): params = request.params title = u'' url = u'' language = u'' text = u'' code = u'' message = u'' attachment= '' tutorialbin_url = resource_url(context, request) user = authenticated_userid(request) can_manage = has_permission('manage', context, request) if params.has_key('form.submitted'): title = params.get('title', u'') text = params.get('text', u'') code = params.get('code', u'') url = params.get('url', u'') language = params.get('language', u'') schema = TutorialAddEditSchema() message = None attachment = params.get('attachment') try: schema.to_python(request.params) except formencode.validators.Invalid, why: message = str(why) else: file_name = None mime_type = None stream = None if hasattr(attachment, 'filename'): file_name = attachment.filename mime_type = attachment.type stream = attachment.file pobj = Tutorial(title, user, text, url, code, language, stream, file_name, mime_type) acl = context.__acl__[:] acl.extend([(Allow, user, 'edit'), (Allow, 'admin', 'edit')]) pobj.__acl__ = acl tutorialid = context.add_item(pobj) response = HTTPFound(location = '%s%s' % (tutorialbin_url, tutorialid)) response.set_cookie(COOKIE_LANGUAGE, language) return response
def cook(self, form, login, password, authenticated_for, back): privkey = tlib.read_key(form.context.pkey) val = base64.b64encode( tlib.bauth( form.context.cipher, '%s:%s' % (login, password)) ) #val = val.replace('\n', '', 1) validtime = + datetime.timedelta(hours=1) validuntil = int(time.mktime(validtime.timetuple())) ticket = tlib.create_ticket( privkey, login, validuntil, tokens=list(authenticated_for), extra_fields=(('bauth', val),)) back = form.back(login) res = HTTPFound(location=back) res.set_cookie('auth_pubtkt', quote(ticket), path='/', domain='', secure=False) return res
def _login(self, request): login = request.params.get('login', '') password = request.params.get('password', None) status_msg = request.params.get('status_msg', '') redirect_to = request.params.get('redirect_to', None) if redirect_to is None: redirect_to = request.application_url if login and password: if self.password_broker(login, password): credential = self.credential_broker.login(login) response = HTTPFound(location=redirect_to) response.set_cookie(self.cookie_name, credential) return response status_msg = "Bad login" body = self.form_template( login=login, status_msg=status_msg, redirect_to=redirect_to, ) return webob.Response(body, content_type='text/html')
def delete_photos_view(request, album): if request.subpath: visibility = request.subpath.pop(0) else: visibility = None photos = [] for photo in if visibility is None or photo.visibility == visibility: photos.append(photo) assert photos, "Nothing to delete." catalog = request.app_context.catalog catalog.unindex_photos_in_album(album, photos) trash = find_trash(album) trash_id = trash.trash_photos_in_album(album, photos) response = HTTPFound(location=model_url(request, album)) response.set_cookie('undo', 'trash:%s|Deleted+photos' % trash_id) return response
def home(request): domain = email = password = message = '' if request.method == 'POST': domain = request.POST['domain'] email = request.POST['email'] password = request.POST['password'] # validate form if not (domain and email and password): message = 'You must fill in all the boxes' else: # auth and retrieve bank entries # pass bank info to expense rendering form (how? session?) response = HTTPFound(location="/expense") # XXX I should NOT be storing sensitive data in cookies # How to pass these to other pages? response.set_cookie('domain_', domain) response.set_cookie('email', email) response.set_cookie('password', password) return response return dict(domain=domain, email=email, password=password, message=message)