Esempio n. 1
 def __init__(self, pos=(0, 0), radious=10, density=800):
     '''@pos (x, y) is the pixel position in the screen
     @radious of the ball for collision detection, in pixels
     @density of the sphere, in kg/m^3'''
     # set up the sprite
     self.image = pygame.Surface((radious * 2, radious * 2),
                                 pygame.SRCALPHA | pygame.HWSURFACE, 32).convert_alpha()
     self.rect = self.image.get_rect(center=pos)
     image = pygame.image.load('resources/images/ball.png').convert_alpha()
     image = pygame.transform.scale(image, self.rect.size)
     self.image.blit(image, (0, 0))
     # some internal values
     self.x, self.y = pos
     self.r = radious
     # dynamic properties set
     self.body = ode.Body(globals.ode_world)
     self.mass = ode.Mass()
     self.mass.setSphere(density, world.pix_to_dist(radious))
     # object spatial setup
     self.geom = ode.GeomSphere(globals.ode_space, world.pix_to_dist(radious))
     # custom attributes = 0.0
     self.geom.bounce = 0.5
     # bind it to the 2d plane
     self.body.setPosition((0, 0, 0))
     self.join = ode.Plane2DJoint(globals.ode_world)
     self.join.attach(self.body, ode.environment)
     # to simulate friction we set the plane2djoint as if it was a 2d motor
     # always trying to reach a 0 velocity
     self.join.setXParam(ode.paramVel, 0)
     self.join.setXParam(ode.paramFMax, globals.FIELD_FRICTION)
     self.join.setYParam(ode.paramVel, 0)
     self.join.setYParam(ode.paramFMax, globals.FIELD_FRICTION)
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, pos=0, penguins=1, controller=None, team=0):
        @pos is the x position of this bar, 0 is the goal
        @penguins is the number of penguins in this bar (1 for keeper, etc...)
        @controller is a Controller instance that will control the bar
        @team the team number
        # for now, testing purpose, the position is hard-coded
        #pos = (globals.DISPLAY_SIZE[0] / 2, globals.DISPLAY_SIZE[1] / 2)
        pos = (globals.FIELD_TOP_LEFT[0] + pos, globals.DISPLAY_SIZE[1] / 2 + 2)
        self.controller = controller = team
        if team == 0: self.color = (0, 64, 0) # TODO config?
        elif team == 1: self.color = (64, 0, 0)
        else: self.color = (128, 128, 128)
        # set up the sprite
        self.base_image = pygame.Surface((64, globals.FIELD_SIZE[1]),
                                    | pygame.HWSURFACE, 32).convert_alpha()
        self.image = self.base_image.copy()
        self.rect = self.image.get_rect(center=pos)
        self.base_pos = self.rect.topleft
        if not PenguinBar.bar_image:
            PenguinBar.bar_image = pygame.image.load(
        if not PenguinBar.sprites:
            PenguinBar.sprites = (pygame.image.load(
            PenguinBar.sprites_k = (pygame.image.load(
            r = PenguinBar.sprites[0].get_rect()
            PenguinBar.sprite_size = r.h
            PenguinBar.num_frames = r.w / r.h
        # drawing optimization stuff
        self.updated = False
        # get a position for the bar
        bar_pos = world.pix_to_w(pos)
        bar_pos = (bar_pos[0], bar_pos[1], self.BAR_HEIGHT) # height over z axis
        # init the sliding part
        self.slider_bar = ode.Body(globals.ode_world)

        self.slider = ode.SliderJoint(globals.ode_world)
        self.slider.attach(self.slider_bar, ode.environment)
        self.slider.setAxis((0, 1, 0))
        #self.slider.setParam(ode.ParamVel, 0.0) # add a motor to simulate friction
        #self.slider.setParam(ode.ParamFMax, 1000.0)
        # the hinged part
        self.rot_bar = ode.Body(globals.ode_world)

        self.hinge = ode.HingeJoint(globals.ode_world)
        self.hinge.attach(self.rot_bar, self.slider_bar)
        self.hinge.setAxis((0, 1, 0))
        #self.hinge.setParam(ode.ParamVel, 0.0) # add a motor to simulate friction
        #self.hinge.setParam(ode.ParamFMax, 100.0)
        self.rotating = 0
        # penguins
        self.num_penguins = penguins
        self.bodies = [None] * penguins
        penguin_separation = globals.FIELD_SIZE[1] / penguins
        first_penguin = globals.FIELD_TOP_LEFT[1] + penguin_separation / 2.0
        for i in xrange(penguins):
            # set up the ode body with a mass and position
            peng = ode.Body(globals.ode_world)
            self.bodies[i] = peng
            pgpos = world.pix_to_w((pos[0], first_penguin + penguin_separation * i))
            # glue it to the hinged bar with a fixed joint
            peng.fixjoint = ode.FixedJoint(globals.ode_world)
            peng.fixjoint.attach(self.bodies[i], self.rot_bar)
            # penguins are the only part of the bar that will collide, so they
            # need to have a geom representation. can be whatever, but for starters
            # we will use a single sphere
            peng.geom = ode.GeomSphere(globals.ode_space,
            # set custom friction and bounce for the penguins
   = 0
            peng.geom.bounce = -0.5 # will not bounce the ball, so we can stop it
        h = world.pix_to_dist(globals.FIELD_SIZE[1])
        if self.num_penguins == 1: # keeper can only move inside the goal area
            self.max_extent = world.pix_to_dist(globals.GOAL_SIZE[1] * 1.5)
            self.max_extent = (h / float(self.num_penguins)) / 2