Esempio n. 1
 def test_get_clip_mask(self):
     proj_gk = osr.SpatialReference()
     coords = np.array([[2600020., 5630020.], [2600030., 5630030.],
                        [2600040., 5630040.], [2700100., 5630030.],
                        [2600040., 5640000.]])
     mask = zonalstats.get_clip_mask(coords, self.npobj, proj_gk)
     out = np.array([True, True, True, False, False])
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(mask, out)
Esempio n. 2
 def test_get_clip_mask(self):
     proj_gk = osr.SpatialReference()
     coords = np.array([[2600020., 5630020.], [2600030., 5630030.],
                        [2600040., 5630040.], [2700100., 5630030.],
                        [2600040., 5640000.]])
     mask = zonalstats.get_clip_mask(coords, self.npobj, proj_gk)
     out = np.array([True, True, True, False, False])
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(mask, out)
Esempio n. 3
def read_trmm(filename1, filename2, bbox=None):
    """Reads TRMM files for matching with GR

    filename1 : string
        path of the TRMM 2A23 file
    filename2 : string
        path of the TRMM 2A25 file
    bbox : dict
        dictionary with bounding box coordinates (lon, lat),
        defaults to None

    trmm_data : dict
        dictionary of trmm data

    See :ref:`/notebooks/match3d/wradlib_match_workflow.ipynb`.
    # trmm 2A23 and 2A25 data is hdf4
    pr_data1 = nc.Dataset(filename1, mode="r")
    pr_data2 = nc.Dataset(filename2, mode="r")

    lon = pr_data1.variables["Longitude"]
    lat = pr_data1.variables["Latitude"]

    if bbox is not None:
        poly = [
            [bbox["left"], bbox["bottom"]],
            [bbox["left"], bbox["top"]],
            [bbox["right"], bbox["top"]],
            [bbox["right"], bbox["bottom"]],
            [bbox["left"], bbox["bottom"]],
        from wradlib.zonalstats import get_clip_mask

        mask = get_clip_mask(np.dstack((lon[:], lat[:])), poly)
        mask = np.ones_like(lon, dtype=bool)

    mask = np.nonzero(np.count_nonzero(mask, axis=1))

    lon = pr_data1.variables["Longitude"][mask]
    lat = pr_data1.variables["Latitude"][mask]

    year = pr_data1.variables["Year"][mask]
    month = pr_data1.variables["Month"][mask]
    dayofmonth = pr_data1.variables["DayOfMonth"][mask]
    # dayofyear = pr_data1.variables['DayOfYear'][mask]
    hour = pr_data1.variables["Hour"][mask]
    minute = pr_data1.variables["Minute"][mask]
    second = pr_data1.variables["Second"][mask]
    # secondofday = pr_data1.variables['scanTime_sec'][mask]
    millisecond = pr_data1.variables["MilliSecond"][mask]
    date_array = zip(
        millisecond.astype(np.int32) * 1000,
    pr_time = np.array(
        [dt.datetime(d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4], d[5], d[6]) for d in date_array]

    pflag = pr_data1.variables["rainFlag"][mask]
    ptype = pr_data1.variables["rainType"][mask]

    status = pr_data1.variables["status"][mask]
    zbb = pr_data1.variables["HBB"][mask].astype(np.float32)
    bbwidth = pr_data1.variables["BBwidth"][mask].astype(np.float32)

    quality = pr_data2.variables["dataQuality"][mask]
    refl = pr_data2.variables["correctZFactor"][mask] / 100.0
    zenith = pr_data2.variables["scLocalZenith"][mask]


    # mask array
    refl =

    # Ground clutter
    refl[refl == -8888.0] =
    # Misssing data
    refl[refl == -9999.0] =
    # Scaling
    refl /= 100.0

    # Check for bad data
    if max(quality) != 0:
        raise ValueError("TRMM contains Bad Data")

    # Determine the dimensions
    ndim = refl.ndim
    if ndim != 3:
        raise ValueError(
            "TRMM Dimensions do not match!" "Needed 3, given {0}".format(ndim)

    tmp = refl.shape
    nscan = tmp[0]
    nray = tmp[1]
    nbin = tmp[2]

    # Reverse direction along the beam
    refl = np.flip(refl, axis=-1)

    # Simplify the precipitation flag
    ipos = (pflag >= 10) & (pflag <= 20)
    icer = pflag >= 20
    pflag[ipos] = 1
    pflag[icer] = 2

    # Simplify the precipitation types
    istr = (ptype >= 100) & (ptype <= 200)
    icon = (ptype >= 200) & (ptype <= 300)
    ioth = ptype >= 300
    inone = ptype == -88
    imiss = ptype == -99
    ptype[istr] = 1
    ptype[icon] = 2
    ptype[ioth] = 3
    ptype[inone] = 0
    ptype[imiss] = -1

    # Extract the surface type
    sfc = np.zeros((nscan, nray), dtype=np.uint8)
    i0 = status == 168
    sfc[i0] = 0
    i1 = status % 10 == 0
    sfc[i1] = 1
    i2 = (status - 1) % 10 == 0
    sfc[i2] = 2
    i3 = (status - 3) % 10 == 0
    sfc[i3] = 3
    i4 = (status - 4) % 10 == 0
    sfc[i4] = 4
    i5 = (status - 5) % 10 == 0
    sfc[i5] = 5
    i9 = (status - 9) % 10 == 0
    sfc[i9] = 9

    # Extract 2A23 quality
    # TODO: Why is the `quality` variable overwritten?
    quality = np.zeros((nscan, nray), dtype=np.uint8)
    i0 = status == 168
    quality[i0] = 0
    i1 = status < 50
    quality[i1] = 1
    i2 = (status >= 50) & (status < 109)
    quality[i2] = 2

    trmm_data = {}
            "nscan": nscan,
            "nray": nray,
            "nbin": nbin,
            "date": pr_time,
            "lon": lon,
            "lat": lat,
            "pflag": pflag,
            "ptype": ptype,
            "zbb": zbb,
            "bbwidth": bbwidth,
            "sfc": sfc,
            "quality": quality,
            "refl": refl,
            "zenith": zenith,

    return trmm_data
Esempio n. 4
def read_gpm(filename, bbox=None):
    """Reads GPM files for matching with GR

    filename : string
        path of the GPM file
    bbox : dict
        dictionary with bounding box coordinates (lon, lat),
        defaults to None

    gpm_data : dict
        dictionary of gpm data

    See :ref:`/notebooks/match3d/wradlib_match_workflow.ipynb`.
    pr_data = nc.Dataset(filename, mode="r")
    lon = pr_data["NS"].variables["Longitude"]
    lat = pr_data["NS"].variables["Latitude"]

    if bbox is not None:
        poly = [
            [bbox["left"], bbox["bottom"]],
            [bbox["left"], bbox["top"]],
            [bbox["right"], bbox["top"]],
            [bbox["right"], bbox["bottom"]],
            [bbox["left"], bbox["bottom"]],
        from wradlib.zonalstats import get_clip_mask

        mask = get_clip_mask(np.dstack((lon[:], lat[:])), poly)
        mask = np.ones_like(lon, dtype=bool, subok=False)

    mask = np.nonzero(np.count_nonzero(mask, axis=1))

    lon = lon[mask]
    lat = lat[mask]

    year = pr_data["NS"]["ScanTime"].variables["Year"][mask]
    month = pr_data["NS"]["ScanTime"].variables["Month"][mask]
    dayofmonth = pr_data["NS"]["ScanTime"].variables["DayOfMonth"][mask]
    # dayofyear = pr_data['NS']['ScanTime'].variables['DayOfYear'][mask]
    hour = pr_data["NS"]["ScanTime"].variables["Hour"][mask]
    minute = pr_data["NS"]["ScanTime"].variables["Minute"][mask]
    second = pr_data["NS"]["ScanTime"].variables["Second"][mask]
    # secondofday = pr_data['NS']['ScanTime'].variables['SecondOfDay'][mask]
    millisecond = pr_data["NS"]["ScanTime"].variables["MilliSecond"][mask]
    date_array = zip(
        millisecond.astype(np.int32) * 1000,
    pr_time = np.array(
        [dt.datetime(d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4], d[5], d[6]) for d in date_array]

    sfc = pr_data["NS"]["PRE"].variables["landSurfaceType"][mask]
    pflag = pr_data["NS"]["PRE"].variables["flagPrecip"][mask]

    # bbflag = pr_data['NS']['CSF'].variables['flagBB'][mask]
    zbb = pr_data["NS"]["CSF"].variables["heightBB"][mask]
    # print(zbb.dtype)
    bbwidth = pr_data["NS"]["CSF"].variables["widthBB"][mask]
    qbb = pr_data["NS"]["CSF"].variables["qualityBB"][mask]
    qtype = pr_data["NS"]["CSF"].variables["qualityTypePrecip"][mask]
    ptype = pr_data["NS"]["CSF"].variables["typePrecip"][mask]

    quality = pr_data["NS"]["scanStatus"].variables["dataQuality"][mask]
    refl = pr_data["NS"]["SLV"].variables["zFactorCorrected"][mask]
    # print(pr_data['NS']['SLV'].variables['zFactorCorrected'])

    zenith = pr_data["NS"]["PRE"].variables["localZenithAngle"][mask]


    # Check for bad data
    if max(quality) != 0:
        raise ValueError("GPM contains Bad Data")

    pflag = pflag.astype(np.int8)

    # Determine the dimensions
    ndim = refl.ndim
    if ndim != 3:
        raise ValueError(
            "GPM Dimensions do not match! " "Needed 3, given {0}".format(ndim)

    tmp = refl.shape
    nscan = tmp[0]
    nray = tmp[1]
    nbin = tmp[2]

    # Reverse direction along the beam
    refl = np.flip(refl, axis=-1)

    # Change pflag=1 to pflag=2 to be consistent with 'Rain certain' in TRMM
    pflag[pflag == 1] = 2

    # Simplify the precipitation types
    ptype = (ptype / 1e7).astype(np.int16)

    # Simplify the surface types
    imiss = sfc == -9999
    sfc = (sfc / 1e2).astype(np.int16) + 1
    sfc[imiss] = 0

    # Set a quality indicator for the BB and precip type data
    # TODO: Why is the `quality` variable overwritten?

    quality = np.zeros((nscan, nray), dtype=np.uint8)

    i1 = ((qbb == 0) | (qbb == 1)) & (qtype == 1)
    quality[i1] = 1

    i2 = (qbb > 1) | (qtype > 2)
    quality[i2] = 2

    gpm_data = {}
            "nscan": nscan,
            "nray": nray,
            "nbin": nbin,
            "date": pr_time,
            "lon": lon,
            "lat": lat,
            "pflag": pflag,
            "ptype": ptype,
            "zbb": zbb,
            "bbwidth": bbwidth,
            "sfc": sfc,
            "quality": quality,
            "refl": refl,
            "zenith": zenith,

    return gpm_data
Esempio n. 5
def read_trmm(filename1, filename2, bbox=None):
    """Reads TRMM files for matching with GR

    filename1 : string
        path of the TRMM 2A23 file
    filename2 : string
        path of the TRMM 2A25 file
    bbox : dict
        dictionary with bounding box coordinates (lon, lat),
        defaults to None

    trmm_data : dict
        dictionary of trmm data

    See :ref:`/notebooks/match3d/wradlib_match_workflow.ipynb`.
    # trmm 2A23 and 2A25 data is hdf4
    pr_data1 = nc.Dataset(filename1, mode="r")
    pr_data2 = nc.Dataset(filename2, mode="r")

    lon = pr_data1.variables['Longitude']
    lat = pr_data1.variables['Latitude']

    if bbox is not None:
        poly = [[bbox['left'], bbox['bottom']], [bbox['left'], bbox['top']],
                [bbox['right'], bbox['top']], [bbox['right'], bbox['bottom']],
                [bbox['left'], bbox['bottom']]]
        from wradlib.zonalstats import get_clip_mask
        mask = get_clip_mask(np.dstack((lon[:], lat[:])), poly)
        mask = np.ones_like(lon, dtype=bool)

    mask = np.nonzero(np.count_nonzero(mask, axis=1))

    lon = pr_data1.variables['Longitude'][mask]
    lat = pr_data1.variables['Latitude'][mask]

    year = pr_data1.variables['Year'][mask]
    month = pr_data1.variables['Month'][mask]
    dayofmonth = pr_data1.variables['DayOfMonth'][mask]
    # dayofyear = pr_data1.variables['DayOfYear'][mask]
    hour = pr_data1.variables['Hour'][mask]
    minute = pr_data1.variables['Minute'][mask]
    second = pr_data1.variables['Second'][mask]
    # secondofday = pr_data1.variables['scanTime_sec'][mask]
    millisecond = pr_data1.variables['MilliSecond'][mask]
    date_array = zip(year, month, dayofmonth, hour, minute, second,
                     millisecond.astype(np.int32) * 1000)
    pr_time = np.array([
        dt.datetime(d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4], d[5], d[6])
        for d in date_array

    pflag = pr_data1.variables['rainFlag'][mask]
    ptype = pr_data1.variables['rainType'][mask]

    status = pr_data1.variables['status'][mask]
    zbb = pr_data1.variables['HBB'][mask].astype(np.float32)
    bbwidth = pr_data1.variables['BBwidth'][mask].astype(np.float32)

    quality = pr_data2.variables['dataQuality'][mask]
    refl = pr_data2.variables['correctZFactor'][mask] / 100.
    zenith = pr_data2.variables['scLocalZenith'][mask]


    # mask array
    refl =

    # Ground clutter
    refl[refl == -8888.] =
    # Misssing data
    refl[refl == -9999.] =
    # Scaling
    refl /= 100.

    # Check for bad data
    if max(quality) != 0:
        raise ValueError('TRMM contains Bad Data')

    # Determine the dimensions
    ndim = refl.ndim
    if ndim != 3:
        raise ValueError('TRMM Dimensions do not match!'
                         'Needed 3, given {0}'.format(ndim))

    tmp = refl.shape
    nscan = tmp[0]
    nray = tmp[1]
    nbin = tmp[2]

    # Reverse direction along the beam
    refl = np.flip(refl, axis=-1)

    # Simplify the precipitation flag
    ipos = (pflag >= 10) & (pflag <= 20)
    icer = (pflag >= 20)
    pflag[ipos] = 1
    pflag[icer] = 2

    # Simplify the precipitation types
    istr = (ptype >= 100) & (ptype <= 200)
    icon = (ptype >= 200) & (ptype <= 300)
    ioth = (ptype >= 300)
    inone = (ptype == -88)
    imiss = (ptype == -99)
    ptype[istr] = 1
    ptype[icon] = 2
    ptype[ioth] = 3
    ptype[inone] = 0
    ptype[imiss] = -1

    # Extract the surface type
    sfc = np.zeros((nscan, nray), dtype=np.uint8)
    i0 = (status == 168)
    sfc[i0] = 0
    i1 = (status % 10 == 0)
    sfc[i1] = 1
    i2 = ((status - 1) % 10 == 0)
    sfc[i2] = 2
    i3 = ((status - 3) % 10 == 0)
    sfc[i3] = 3
    i4 = ((status - 4) % 10 == 0)
    sfc[i4] = 4
    i5 = ((status - 5) % 10 == 0)
    sfc[i5] = 5
    i9 = ((status - 9) % 10 == 0)
    sfc[i9] = 9

    # Extract 2A23 quality
    # TODO: Why is the `quality` variable overwritten?
    quality = np.zeros((nscan, nray), dtype=np.uint8)
    i0 = (status == 168)
    quality[i0] = 0
    i1 = (status < 50)
    quality[i1] = 1
    i2 = ((status >= 50) & (status < 109))
    quality[i2] = 2

    trmm_data = {}
        'nscan': nscan,
        'nray': nray,
        'nbin': nbin,
        'date': pr_time,
        'lon': lon,
        'lat': lat,
        'pflag': pflag,
        'ptype': ptype,
        'zbb': zbb,
        'bbwidth': bbwidth,
        'sfc': sfc,
        'quality': quality,
        'refl': refl,
        'zenith': zenith

    return trmm_data