Esempio n. 1
def wtfromDDoDR(fbase,fend='.ang'):
  Quick hack, fill in options later.

  fDD = fbase+'.DRopt1'+fend
  fDR = fbase+'.DRopt2'+fend
  fRR = fbase+'.DRopt3'+fend

  DRfac = ximisc.getDRfactoronly(fbase,fend)

  t, DDg = np.loadtxt(fDD,skiprows=2,unpack=True)
  tchk, DRg = np.loadtxt(fDR,skiprows=2,unpack=True)
  assert (t==tchk).all()

  wt = 2.*DDg/DRg/DRfac - 1.

  return wtheta(wtfname=fbase,twlist= [t, wt])
Esempio n. 2
def wpfromDDoDR(fbase,dfacr=1,periodicopt=0,DRfacinfo=None,rpimax=80.,testing=0,icovfname=None):
  This function computes wp from DRopt[1-2] files.
  DRfacinfo is used to pass [DRfac, fixRR] (dont get it from file headers in this case)
  That feature is necessary for computing covariance matrices from bootstrap, where that factor
  should be fixed by total N and/or S, it does not vary from bootstrap region to region.

  if(dfacr != 1):
    print 'dfacr not 1 is not coded up yet!'

  if(periodicopt == 1): # periodic box.
    print 'did not code up periodic yet!'

    fDD = fbase+'.DRopt1'
    fDR = fbase+'.DRopt2'
    rpg, rpig, DDg = np.loadtxt(fDD,skiprows=3,unpack=True)
    rpg, rpig, DRg = np.loadtxt(fDR,skiprows=3,unpack=True)

    if DRfacinfo is None:
      DRfac = ximisc.getDRfactoronly(fbase)
        DRfac = DRfacinfo[0]
        DRfac = DRfacinfo

    print 'using DRfac',DRfac

    nrpibins = len(np.where(rpg == rpg[0])[0])
    nrpbins = len(np.where(rpig == rpig[0])[0])
    if nrpibins*nrpbins != len(DDg):
      return None

    xi = (2.*DDg/DRg/DRfac - 1.)

    rpi1d = rpig.reshape(nrpbins,nrpibins)[0]
    ## check that it's linearly spaced, get drpi
    drpi = rpi1d[1]-rpi1d[0]
    chk = rpi1d[1:] - rpi1d[:-1] - drpi
    aaa = np.where(np.fabs(chk) > 1.0e-5)[0]
    if(len(aaa) > 0):
      print 'error!'
    assert np.fabs(rpi1d[0]-drpi*0.5) < 1e-3
    rp1d = rpg.reshape(nrpbins,nrpibins)[:,0]

    mywp = np.zeros(len(rp1d),dtype='float')
    wpi = 0
    for rpval in rp1d:
        print 'inside testing'
        xx = np.where(rpg == rpval)[0]
        assert len(xx) == nrpibins
        xicurr = xi[xx]
        assert (rpig[xx] == rpi1d).all()
        assert np.fabs(rpi1d[0]-drpi*0.5) < 1e-3

      ## ok, we're sure rpigrid is sane.
      xx = np.where((rpg == rpval) & (rpig < rpimax))[0]
      mywp[wpi] = (xi[xx]).sum()*drpi*2.
      wpi += 1

    return wp(wpfname=fDR,icovfname=icovfname,rpwplist=[rp1d,mywp])