Esempio n. 1
  def test_stringify_type(self):
    fake_span = self.fake_span
    m = self.m
    number_5 = ast.Number(m, fake_span, '5')
    number_2 = ast.Number(m, fake_span, '2')
    number_3 = ast.Number(m, fake_span, '3')
    bits_token = Token(TokenKind.KEYWORD, value=Keyword.BITS, span=fake_span)

    type_ = ast_helpers.make_builtin_type_annotation(m, fake_span, bits_token,
    self.assertEqual('bits[5]', str(type_))

    type_ = ast_helpers.make_builtin_type_annotation(
        m, fake_span,
        Token(TokenKind.KEYWORD, value=Keyword.U32,
              span=fake_span), (number_5,))
    self.assertEqual('u32[5]', str(type_))

    # "no-volume" bits array.
    # TODO(leary): 2020-08-24 delete bits in favor of uN
    type_ = ast_helpers.make_builtin_type_annotation(m, fake_span, bits_token,
    self.assertEqual('bits', str(type_))

    # TypeRef with dims.
    my_type_tok = Token(TokenKind.IDENTIFIER, value='MyType', span=fake_span)
    name_def = ast.NameDef(m, fake_span, 'MyType')
    type_def = ast.TypeDef(m, False, name_def, type_)
    type_ref = ast.TypeRef(m, fake_span, my_type_tok.value, type_def=type_def)
    type_ = ast_helpers.make_type_ref_type_annotation(m, fake_span, type_ref,
                                                      (number_2, number_3))
    self.assertEqual('MyType[2][3]', str(type_))
Esempio n. 2
  def test_type_annotation_properties(self):
    m = self.m
    fake_span = self.fake_span
    number_5 = ast.Number(m, fake_span, '5')
    number_2 = ast.Number(m, fake_span, '2')
    number_3 = ast.Number(m, fake_span, '3')
    bits_token = Token(TokenKind.KEYWORD, value=Keyword.BITS, span=fake_span)
    un_token = Token(TokenKind.KEYWORD, value=Keyword.UN, span=fake_span)
    u32_token = Token(TokenKind.KEYWORD, value=Keyword.U32, span=fake_span)

    type_ = ast_helpers.make_builtin_type_annotation(m, fake_span, bits_token,
    self.assertEqual('bits[5]', str(type_))

    type_ = ast_helpers.make_builtin_type_annotation(m, fake_span, bits_token,
                                                     (number_5, number_2))
    self.assertIsInstance(type_, ast.ArrayTypeAnnotation)
    self.assertEqual('bits[5][2]', str(type_))

    type_ = ast_helpers.make_builtin_type_annotation(m, fake_span, u32_token,
    self.assertEqual('u32', str(type_))

    type_ = ast_helpers.make_builtin_type_annotation(m, fake_span, u32_token,
    self.assertIsInstance(type_, ast.ArrayTypeAnnotation)
    self.assertEqual('u32[3]', str(type_))

    type_ = ast_helpers.make_builtin_type_annotation(m, fake_span, un_token,
    self.assertEqual('uN[2]', str(type_))

    type_ = ast_helpers.make_builtin_type_annotation(m, fake_span, un_token,
                                                     (number_2, number_3))
    self.assertIsInstance(type_, ast.ArrayTypeAnnotation)
    self.assertEqual('uN[2][3]', str(type_))

    # TODO(leary): 2020-08-24 delete bits in favor of uN
    # "no-volume" bits array.
    type_ = ast_helpers.make_builtin_type_annotation(m, fake_span, bits_token,
    self.assertEqual('bits', str(type_))

    # TypeRef with dims.
    name_def = ast.NameDef(m, fake_span, 'MyType')
    type_def = ast.TypeDef(m, False, name_def, type_)
    type_ref = ast.TypeRef(m, fake_span, 'MyType', type_def=type_def)
    type_ = ast_helpers.make_type_ref_type_annotation(m, fake_span, type_ref,
                                                      (number_2, number_3))
    self.assertIsInstance(type_, ast.ArrayTypeAnnotation)
    self.assertEqual('MyType[2][3]', str(type_))

    type_ = ast.TupleTypeAnnotation(
        m, fake_span,
        (ast_helpers.make_builtin_type_annotation(m, fake_span, bits_token,
         ast_helpers.make_builtin_type_annotation(m, fake_span, bits_token,
    self.assertIsInstance(type_, ast.TupleTypeAnnotation)
    self.assertEqual('(bits[5], bits[2])', str(type_))
Esempio n. 3
def _create_element_invocation(owner: ast.AstNodeOwner, span_: span.Span,
                               callee: Union[ast.NameRef, ast.ModRef],
                               arg_array: ast.Expr) -> ast.Invocation:
    """Creates a function invocation on the first element of the given array.

  We need to create a fake invocation to deduce the type of a function
  in the case where map is called with a builtin as the map function. Normally,
  map functions (including parametric ones) have their types deduced when their
  ast.Function nodes are encountered (where a similar fake ast.Invocation node
  is created).

  Builtins don't have ast.Function nodes, so that inference can't occur, so we
  essentually perform that synthesis and deduction here.

    owner: AST node owner.
    span_: The location in the code where analysis is occurring.
    callee: The function to be invoked.
    arg_array: The array of arguments (at least one) to the function.

    An invocation node for the given function when called with an element in the
    argument array.
    annotation = ast_helpers.make_builtin_type_annotation(
        owner, span_,
        scanner.Token(scanner.TokenKind.KEYWORD, span_, scanner.Keyword.U32),
    index_number = ast.Number(owner, span_, '32', ast.NumberKind.OTHER,
    index = ast.Index(owner, span_, arg_array, index_number)
    return ast.Invocation(owner, span_, callee, (index, ))
Esempio n. 4
 def test_visit_match_multi_pattern(self):
     fake_pos = self.fake_pos
     fake_span = Span(fake_pos, fake_pos)
     e = ast.Number(fake_span, u'0xf00')
     p0 = ast.NameDefTree(fake_span, e)
     p1 = ast.NameDefTree(fake_span, e)
     arm = ast.MatchArm(patterns=(p0, p1), expr=e)
     c = _Collector()
     self.assertEqual(c.collected, [e])
Esempio n. 5
def concrete_type_to_annotation(
    concrete_type: concrete_type_mod.ConcreteType) -> ast.TypeAnnotation:
  if isinstance(concrete_type, concrete_type_mod.BitsType):
    keyword = SN_KEYWORD if concrete_type.get_signedness() else UN_KEYWORD
    num_tok = scanner.Token(scanner.TokenKind.NUMBER, FAKE_SPAN,
    return ast.make_builtin_type_annotation(
        FAKE_SPAN, keyword, dims=(ast.Number(num_tok),))

  raise NotImplementedError(concrete_type)
Esempio n. 6
 def five(self) -> ast.Number:
   return ast.Number(self.m, self.fake_span, '5')
Esempio n. 7
 def test_binary_number_with_underscores(self):
   fake_pos = self.fake_pos
   fake_span = Span(fake_pos, fake_pos)
   n = ast.Number(self.m, fake_span, u'0b1_0_0_1')
   self.assertEqual(9, n.get_value_as_int())
Esempio n. 8
 def test_hex_number_with_underscores(self):
   fake_pos = self.fake_pos
   fake_span = Span(fake_pos, fake_pos)
   n = ast.Number(self.m, fake_span, '0xf_abcde_1234')
   self.assertEqual(0xfabcde1234, n.get_value_as_int())
Esempio n. 9
 def test_unicode_hex_number(self):
   fake_pos = self.fake_pos
   fake_span = Span(fake_pos, fake_pos)
   n = ast.Number(self.m, fake_span, u'0xf00')
   self.assertEqual(0xf00, n.get_value_as_int())
Esempio n. 10
 def _make_number(self, value: int,
                  type_: Optional[ast.TypeAnnotation]) -> ast.Number:
     """Creates a number AST node with value 'value' of type 'type_'."""
     return ast.Number(self.fake_span,
                       hex(value).rstrip('L'), ast.NumberKind.OTHER, type_)