Esempio n. 1
	def replace_func(tx, symbol, pos, match_num):
		if char_at(tx, pos + 1) == '{' or char_at(tx, pos + 1).isdigit():
			# it's a variable, skip it
			return False
		# replace sequence of $ symbols with padded number  
		j = pos + 1
		if j < len(text):
			while char_at(tx, j) == '$' and char_at(tx, j + 1) != '{': j += 1
		return (tx[pos:j], value.zfill(j - pos))
Esempio n. 2
    def replace_func(tx, symbol, pos, match_num):
        if char_at(tx, pos + 1) == '{' or char_at(tx, pos + 1).isdigit():
            # it's a variable, skip it
            return False

        # replace sequence of $ symbols with padded number
        j = pos + 1
        if j < len(text):
            while char_at(tx, j) == '$' and char_at(tx, j + 1) != '{': j += 1

        return (tx[pos:j], value.zfill(j - pos))
Esempio n. 3
def has_output_placeholder(text):
    Test if text contains output placeholder $#
    @param text: str
    @return: bool
    for i, ch in enumerate(text):
        if ch == '\\': # escaped char
        elif ch == '$' and char_at(text, i + 1) == '#':
            return True

    return False
Esempio n. 4
def has_output_placeholder(text):
    Test if text contains output placeholder $#
    @param text: str
    @return: bool
    for i, ch in enumerate(text):
        if ch == '\\':  # escaped char
        elif ch == '$' and char_at(text, i + 1) == '#':
            return True

    return False
Esempio n. 5
    def next_while(ix, fn):
        while ix < il:
            if not fn(char_at(text, ix)): break
            ix += 1

        return ix
Esempio n. 6
def process_text_before_paste(text, escape_fn, tabstop_fn):
    Process text that should be pasted into editor: clear escaped text and
    handle tabstops

    @type text: str
    @param escape_fn: Handle escaped character. Must return replaced value
    @type escape_fn: function
    @param tabstop_fn: Callback function that will be called on every
    tabstob occurance, passing <b>index</b>, <code>number</code> and
    <b>value</b> (if exists) arguments. This function must return
    replacement value
    @type tabstop_fn: function
    @returns: str
    i = 0
    il = len(text)
    str_builder = []

    def next_while(ix, fn):
        while ix < il:
            if not fn(char_at(text, ix)): break
            ix += 1

        return ix

    while i < il:
        ch = text[i]
        if ch == '\\' and i + 1 < il:
            # handle escaped character
            str_builder.append(escape_fn(text[i + 1]))
            i += 2
        elif ch == '$':
            # looks like a tabstop
            next_ch = char_at(text, i + 1)
            _i = i
            if next_ch.isdigit():
                # $N placeholder
                start_ix = i + 1
                i = next_while(start_ix, lambda n: n.isdigit())
                if start_ix < i:
                    str_builder.append(tabstop_fn(_i, text[start_ix:i]))
            elif next_ch == '{':
                # ${N:value} or ${N} placeholder
                brace_count = [1]
                start_ix = i + 2
                i = next_while(start_ix, lambda n: n.isdigit())

                if i > start_ix:
                    if char_at(text, i) == '}':
                        str_builder.append(tabstop_fn(_i, text[start_ix:i]))
                        i += 1 # handle closing brace
                    elif char_at(text, i) == ':':
                        val_start = i + 2

                        def fn(c):
                            if c == '{': brace_count[0] += 1
                            elif c == '}': brace_count[0] -= 1
                            return bool(brace_count[0])

                        i = next_while(val_start, fn)
                        str_builder.append(tabstop_fn(_i, text[start_ix:val_start - 2], text[val_start - 1:i]))
                        i += 1 # handle closing brace
            i = _i

        # push current character to stack
        i += 1

    return ''.join(str_builder)
Esempio n. 7
 def next_byte():
     char = char_at(stream, pos[0])
     pos[0] += 1
     return ord(char)
Esempio n. 8
    def next_while(ix, fn):
        while ix < il:
            if not fn(char_at(text, ix)): break
            ix += 1

        return ix
Esempio n. 9
def process_text_before_paste(text, escape_fn, tabstop_fn):
    Process text that should be pasted into editor: clear escaped text and
    handle tabstops

    @type text: str
    @param escape_fn: Handle escaped character. Must return replaced value
    @type escape_fn: function
    @param tabstop_fn: Callback function that will be called on every
    tabstob occurance, passing <b>index</b>, <code>number</code> and
    <b>value</b> (if exists) arguments. This function must return
    replacement value
    @type tabstop_fn: function
    @returns: str
    i = 0
    il = len(text)
    str_builder = []

    def next_while(ix, fn):
        while ix < il:
            if not fn(char_at(text, ix)): break
            ix += 1

        return ix

    while i < il:
        ch = text[i]
        if ch == '\\' and i + 1 < il:
            # handle escaped character
            str_builder.append(escape_fn(text[i + 1]))
            i += 2
        elif ch == '$':
            # looks like a tabstop
            next_ch = char_at(text, i + 1)
            _i = i
            if next_ch.isdigit():
                # $N placeholder
                start_ix = i + 1
                i = next_while(start_ix, lambda n: n.isdigit())
                if start_ix < i:
                    str_builder.append(tabstop_fn(_i, text[start_ix:i]))
            elif next_ch == '{':
                # ${N:value} or ${N} placeholder
                brace_count = [1]
                start_ix = i + 2
                i = next_while(start_ix, lambda n: n.isdigit())

                if i > start_ix:
                    if char_at(text, i) == '}':
                        str_builder.append(tabstop_fn(_i, text[start_ix:i]))
                        i += 1  # handle closing brace
                    elif char_at(text, i) == ':':
                        val_start = i + 2

                        def fn(c):
                            if c == '{': brace_count[0] += 1
                            elif c == '}': brace_count[0] -= 1
                            return bool(brace_count[0])

                        i = next_while(val_start, fn)
                            tabstop_fn(_i, text[start_ix:val_start - 2],
                                       text[val_start - 1:i]))
                        i += 1  # handle closing brace
            i = _i

        # push current character to stack
        i += 1

    return ''.join(str_builder)
Esempio n. 10
 def next_byte():
     char = char_at(stream, pos[0])
     pos[0] += 1
     return ord(char)