Esempio n. 1
    def download_selections(self, sels):
        """Download any missing implementations in the given selections.
		If no downloads are needed, but we haven't checked for a while, start
		a background process to check for updates (but return None immediately).
		@return: a blocker which resolves when all needed implementations are available
		@rtype: L{tasks.Blocker} | None
        # Check the selections are still available
        blocker = sels.download_missing(self.config)  # TODO: package impls

        if blocker:
            return blocker
            # Nothing to download, but is it time for a background update?
            timestamp_path = os.path.join(self.path, 'last-checked')
                utime = os.stat(timestamp_path).st_mtime
                staleness = time.time() - utime
      "Staleness of app %s is %d hours", self,
                            staleness / (60 * 60))
                freshness_threshold = self.config.freshness
                need_update = freshness_threshold > 0 and staleness >= freshness_threshold

                if need_update:
                    last_check_attempt_path = os.path.join(
                        self.path, 'last-check-attempt')
                    if os.path.exists(last_check_attempt_path):
                        last_check_attempt = os.stat(
                        if last_check_attempt + 60 * 60 > time.time():
                                "Tried to check within last hour; not trying again now"
                            need_update = False
            except Exception as ex:
                logger.warn("Failed to get time-stamp of %s: %s",
                            timestamp_path, ex)
                need_update = True

            if need_update:
                from zeroinstall.injector import background
                r = self.get_requirements()
                background.spawn_background_update2(r, False, self)
Esempio n. 2
    def download_selections(self, sels):
        """Download any missing implementations in the given selections.
		If no downloads are needed, but we haven't checked for a while, start
		a background process to check for updates (but return None immediately).
		@return: a blocker which resolves when all needed implementations are available
		@rtype: L{tasks.Blocker} | None
        # Check the selections are still available
        blocker = sels.download_missing(self.config)  # TODO: package impls

        if blocker:
            return blocker
            # Nothing to download, but is it time for a background update?
            timestamp_path = os.path.join(self.path, "last-checked")
                utime = os.stat(timestamp_path).st_mtime
                staleness = time.time() - utime
      "Staleness of app %s is %d hours", self, staleness / (60 * 60))
                freshness_threshold = self.config.freshness
                need_update = freshness_threshold > 0 and staleness >= freshness_threshold

                if need_update:
                    last_check_attempt_path = os.path.join(self.path, "last-check-attempt")
                    if os.path.exists(last_check_attempt_path):
                        last_check_attempt = os.stat(last_check_attempt_path).st_mtime
                        if last_check_attempt + 60 * 60 > time.time():
                  "Tried to check within last hour; not trying again now")
                            need_update = False
            except Exception as ex:
                logger.warn("Failed to get time-stamp of %s: %s", timestamp_path, ex)
                need_update = True

            if need_update:
                from zeroinstall.injector import background

                r = self.get_requirements()
                background.spawn_background_update2(r, False, self)
Esempio n. 3
	def _check_for_updates(self, sels, use_gui):
		"""Check whether the selections need to be updated.
		If any input feeds have changed, we re-run the solver. If the
		new selections require a download, we schedule one in the
		background and return the old selections. Otherwise, we return the
		new selections. If we can select better versions without downloading,
		we update the app's selections and return the new selections.
		If we can't use the current selections, we update in the foreground.
		We also schedule a background update from time-to-time anyway.
		@type sels: L{zeroinstall.injector.selections.Selections}
		@type use_gui: bool
		@return: the selections to use
		@rtype: L{selections.Selections}"""
		need_solve = False		# Rerun solver (cached feeds have changed)
		need_update = False		# Update over the network

		if sels:
			utime = self._get_mtime('last-checked', warn_if_missing = True)
			last_solve = max(self._get_mtime('last-solve', warn_if_missing = False), utime)

			# Ideally, this would return all the files which were inputs into the solver's
			# decision. Currently, we approximate with:
			# - the previously selected feed files (local or cached)
			# - configuration files for the selected interfaces
			# - the global configuration
			# We currently ignore feeds and interfaces which were
			# considered but not selected.
			# Can yield None (ignored), paths or (path, mtime) tuples.
			# If this throws an exception, we will log it and resolve anyway.
			def get_inputs():
				for sel in sels.selections.values():"Checking %s", sel.feed)

					if sel.feed.startswith('distribution:'):
						# If the package has changed version, we'll detect that below
						# with get_unavailable_selections.
					elif os.path.isabs(sel.feed):
						# Local feed
						yield sel.feed
						# Cached feed
						cached = basedir.load_first_cache(namespaces.config_site, 'interfaces', model.escape(sel.feed))
						if cached:
							yield cached
							raise IOError("Input %s missing; update" % sel.feed)

					# Per-feed configuration
					yield basedir.load_first_config(namespaces.config_site, namespaces.config_prog,
									   'interfaces', model._pretty_escape(sel.interface))

				# Global configuration
				yield basedir.load_first_config(namespaces.config_site, namespaces.config_prog, 'global')

			# If any of the feeds we used have been updated since the last check, do a quick re-solve
				for item in get_inputs():
					if not item: continue
					if isinstance(item, tuple):
						path, mtime = item
						path = item
							mtime = os.stat(path).st_mtime
						except OSError as ex:"Triggering update to {app} due to error: {ex}".format(
								app = self, path = path, ex = ex))
							need_solve = True

					if mtime and mtime > last_solve:"Triggering update to %s because %s has changed", self, path)
						need_solve = True
			except Exception as ex:"Error checking modification times: %s", ex)
				need_solve = True
				need_update = True

			# Is it time for a background update anyway?
			if not need_update:
				staleness = time.time() - utime"Staleness of app %s is %d hours", self, staleness / (60 * 60))
				freshness_threshold = self.config.freshness
				if freshness_threshold > 0 and staleness >= freshness_threshold:
					need_update = True

			# If any of the saved selections aren't available then we need
			# to download right now, not later in the background.
			unavailable_selections = sels.get_unavailable_selections(config = self.config, include_packages = True)
			if unavailable_selections:"Saved selections are unusable (missing %s)",
					    ', '.join(str(s) for s in unavailable_selections))
				need_solve = True
			# No current selections
			need_solve = True
			unavailable_selections = True

		if need_solve:
			from zeroinstall.injector.driver import Driver
			driver = Driver(config = self.config, requirements = self.get_requirements())
			if driver.need_download():
				if unavailable_selections:
					return self._foreground_update(driver, use_gui)
					# Continue with the current (cached) selections while we download
					need_update = True
				old_sels = sels
				sels = driver.solver.selections
				from import xmltools
				if old_sels is None or not xmltools.nodes_equal(sels.toDOM(), old_sels.toDOM()):
					self.set_selections(sels, set_last_checked = False)
			except OSError as ex:
				logger.warning("Error checking for updates: %s", ex)

		# If we tried to check within the last hour, don't try again.
		if need_update:
			last_check_attempt = self._get_mtime('last-check-attempt', warn_if_missing = False)
			if last_check_attempt and last_check_attempt + 60 * 60 > time.time():"Tried to check within last hour; not trying again now")
				need_update = False

		if need_update:
			except OSError as ex:
				logger.warning("Error checking for updates: %s", ex)
				from zeroinstall.injector import background
				r = self.get_requirements()
				background.spawn_background_update2(r, False, self)

		return sels
Esempio n. 4
	def _check_for_updates(self, sels):
		"""Check whether the selections need to be updated.
		If any input feeds have changed, we re-run the solver. If the
		new selections require a download, we schedule one in the
		background and return the old selections. Otherwise, we return the
		new selections. If we can select better versions without downloading,
		we update the app's selections and return the new selections.
		We also schedule a background update from time-to-time anyway.
		@return: the selections to use
		@rtype: L{selections.Selections}"""
		need_solve = False		# Rerun solver (cached feeds have changed)
		need_update = False		# Update over the network

		utime = self._get_mtime('last-checked', warn_if_missing = True)
		last_solve = max(self._get_mtime('last-solve', warn_if_missing = False), utime)

		# Ideally, this would return all the files which were inputs into the solver's
		# decision. Currently, we approximate with:
		# - the previously selected feed files (local or cached)
		# - configuration files for the selected interfaces
		# - the global configuration
		# We currently ignore feeds and interfaces which were
		# considered but not selected.
		# Can yield None (ignored), paths or (path, mtime) tuples.
		# If this throws an exception, we will log it and resolve anyway.
		def get_inputs():
			for sel in sels.selections.values():"Checking %s", sel.feed)
				feed = iface_cache.get_feed(sel.feed)
				if not feed:
					raise IOError("Input %s missing; update" % sel.feed)
					if feed.local_path:
						yield feed.local_path
						yield (feed.url, feed.last_modified)

				# Per-feed configuration
				yield basedir.load_first_config(namespaces.config_site, namespaces.config_prog,
								   'interfaces', model._pretty_escape(sel.interface))

			# Global configuration
			yield basedir.load_first_config(namespaces.config_site, namespaces.config_prog, 'global')

		# If any of the feeds we used have been updated since the last check, do a quick re-solve
		iface_cache = self.config.iface_cache
			for item in get_inputs():
				if not item: continue
				if isinstance(item, tuple):
					path, mtime = item
					path = item
					mtime = os.stat(path).st_mtime

				if mtime and mtime > last_solve:"Triggering update to %s because %s has changed", self, path)
					need_solve = True
		except Exception as ex:"Error checking modification times: %s", ex)
			need_solve = True
			need_update = True

		# Is it time for a background update anyway?
		if not need_update:
			staleness = time.time() - utime"Staleness of app %s is %d hours", self, staleness / (60 * 60))
			freshness_threshold = self.config.freshness
			if freshness_threshold > 0 and staleness >= freshness_threshold:
				need_update = True

		if need_solve:
			from zeroinstall.injector.driver import Driver
			driver = Driver(config = self.config, requirements = self.get_requirements())
			if driver.need_download():
				# Continue with the current (hopefully cached) selections while we download
				need_update = True
				old_sels = sels
				sels = driver.solver.selections
				from import xmltools
				if not xmltools.nodes_equal(sels.toDOM(), old_sels.toDOM()):
					self.set_selections(sels, set_last_checked = False)

		# If we tried to check within the last hour, don't try again.
		if need_update:
			last_check_attempt = self._get_mtime('last-check-attempt', warn_if_missing = False)
			if last_check_attempt and last_check_attempt + 60 * 60 > time.time():"Tried to check within last hour; not trying again now")
				need_update = False

		if need_update:
			from zeroinstall.injector import background
			r = self.get_requirements()
			background.spawn_background_update2(r, False, self)

		return sels
Esempio n. 5
    def _check_for_updates(self, sels):
        """Check whether the selections need to be updated.
		If any input feeds have changed, we re-run the solver. If the
		new selections require a download, we schedule one in the
		background and return the old selections. Otherwise, we return the
		new selections. If we can select better versions without downloading,
		we update the app's selections and return the new selections.
		We also schedule a background update from time-to-time anyway.
		@return: the selections to use
		@rtype: L{selections.Selections}"""
        need_solve = False  # Rerun solver (cached feeds have changed)
        need_update = False  # Update over the network

        utime = self._get_mtime('last-checked', warn_if_missing=True)
        last_solve = max(self._get_mtime('last-solve', warn_if_missing=False),

        # Ideally, this would return all the files which were inputs into the solver's
        # decision. Currently, we approximate with:
        # - the previously selected feed files (local or cached)
        # - configuration files for the selected interfaces
        # - the global configuration
        # We currently ignore feeds and interfaces which were
        # considered but not selected.
        # Can yield None (ignored), paths or (path, mtime) tuples.
        # If this throws an exception, we will log it and resolve anyway.
        def get_inputs():
            for sel in sels.selections.values():
      "Checking %s", sel.feed)
                feed = iface_cache.get_feed(sel.feed)
                if not feed:
                    raise IOError("Input %s missing; update" % sel.feed)
                    if feed.local_path:
                        yield feed.local_path
                        yield (feed.url, feed.last_modified)

                # Per-feed configuration
                yield basedir.load_first_config(
                    namespaces.config_site, namespaces.config_prog,
                    'interfaces', model._pretty_escape(sel.interface))

            # Global configuration
            yield basedir.load_first_config(namespaces.config_site,
                                            namespaces.config_prog, 'global')

        # If any of the feeds we used have been updated since the last check, do a quick re-solve
        iface_cache = self.config.iface_cache
            for item in get_inputs():
                if not item: continue
                if isinstance(item, tuple):
                    path, mtime = item
                    path = item
                    mtime = os.stat(path).st_mtime

                if mtime and mtime > last_solve:
                        "Triggering update to %s because %s has changed", self,
                    need_solve = True
        except Exception as ex:
  "Error checking modification times: %s", ex)
            need_solve = True
            need_update = True

        # Is it time for a background update anyway?
        if not need_update:
            staleness = time.time() - utime
  "Staleness of app %s is %d hours", self,
                        staleness / (60 * 60))
            freshness_threshold = self.config.freshness
            if freshness_threshold > 0 and staleness >= freshness_threshold:
                need_update = True

        if need_solve:
            from zeroinstall.injector.driver import Driver
            driver = Driver(config=self.config,
            if driver.need_download():
                # Continue with the current (hopefully cached) selections while we download
                need_update = True
                old_sels = sels
                sels = driver.solver.selections
                from import xmltools
                if not xmltools.nodes_equal(sels.toDOM(), old_sels.toDOM()):
                    self.set_selections(sels, set_last_checked=False)

        # If we tried to check within the last hour, don't try again.
        if need_update:
            last_check_attempt = self._get_mtime('last-check-attempt',
            if last_check_attempt and last_check_attempt + 60 * 60 > time.time(
                    "Tried to check within last hour; not trying again now")
                need_update = False

        if need_update:
            from zeroinstall.injector import background
            r = self.get_requirements()
            background.spawn_background_update2(r, False, self)

        return sels
Esempio n. 6
    def _check_for_updates(self, sels, use_gui):
        """Check whether the selections need to be updated.
		If any input feeds have changed, we re-run the solver. If the
		new selections require a download, we schedule one in the
		background and return the old selections. Otherwise, we return the
		new selections. If we can select better versions without downloading,
		we update the app's selections and return the new selections.
		If we can't use the current selections, we update in the foreground.
		We also schedule a background update from time-to-time anyway.
		@type sels: L{zeroinstall.injector.selections.Selections}
		@type use_gui: bool
		@return: the selections to use
		@rtype: L{selections.Selections}"""
        need_solve = False  # Rerun solver (cached feeds have changed)
        need_update = False  # Update over the network

        if sels:
            utime = self._get_mtime('last-checked', warn_if_missing=True)
            last_solve = max(
                self._get_mtime('last-solve', warn_if_missing=False), utime)

            # Ideally, this would return all the files which were inputs into the solver's
            # decision. Currently, we approximate with:
            # - the previously selected feed files (local or cached)
            # - configuration files for the selected interfaces
            # - the global configuration
            # We currently ignore feeds and interfaces which were
            # considered but not selected.
            # Can yield None (ignored), paths or (path, mtime) tuples.
            # If this throws an exception, we will log it and resolve anyway.
            def get_inputs():
                for sel in sels.selections.values():
          "Checking %s", sel.feed)

                    if sel.feed.startswith('distribution:'):
                        # If the package has changed version, we'll detect that below
                        # with get_unavailable_selections.
                    elif os.path.isabs(sel.feed):
                        # Local feed
                        yield sel.feed
                        # Cached feed
                        cached = basedir.load_first_cache(
                            namespaces.config_site, 'interfaces',
                        if cached:
                            yield cached
                            raise IOError("Input %s missing; update" %

                    # Per-feed configuration
                    yield basedir.load_first_config(
                        namespaces.config_site, namespaces.config_prog,
                        'interfaces', model._pretty_escape(sel.interface))

                # Global configuration
                yield basedir.load_first_config(namespaces.config_site,

            # If any of the feeds we used have been updated since the last check, do a quick re-solve
                for item in get_inputs():
                    if not item: continue
                    if isinstance(item, tuple):
                        path, mtime = item
                        path = item
                            mtime = os.stat(path).st_mtime
                        except OSError as ex:
                                "Triggering update to {app} due to error: {ex}"
                                .format(app=self, path=path, ex=ex))
                            need_solve = True

                    if mtime and mtime > last_solve:
                            "Triggering update to %s because %s has changed",
                            self, path)
                        need_solve = True
            except Exception as ex:
      "Error checking modification times: %s", ex)
                need_solve = True
                need_update = True

            # Is it time for a background update anyway?
            if not need_update:
                staleness = time.time() - utime
      "Staleness of app %s is %d hours", self,
                            staleness / (60 * 60))
                freshness_threshold = self.config.freshness
                if freshness_threshold > 0 and staleness >= freshness_threshold:
                    need_update = True

            # If any of the saved selections aren't available then we need
            # to download right now, not later in the background.
            unavailable_selections = sels.get_unavailable_selections(
                config=self.config, include_packages=True)
            if unavailable_selections:
      "Saved selections are unusable (missing %s)",
                            ', '.join(str(s) for s in unavailable_selections))
                need_solve = True
            # No current selections
            need_solve = True
            unavailable_selections = True

        if need_solve:
            from zeroinstall.injector.driver import Driver
            driver = Driver(config=self.config,
            if driver.need_download():
                if unavailable_selections:
                    return self._foreground_update(driver, use_gui)
                    # Continue with the current (cached) selections while we download
                    need_update = True
                old_sels = sels
                sels = driver.solver.selections
                from import xmltools
                if old_sels is None or not xmltools.nodes_equal(
                        sels.toDOM(), old_sels.toDOM()):
                    self.set_selections(sels, set_last_checked=False)
            except OSError as ex:
                logger.warning("Error checking for updates: %s", ex)

        # If we tried to check within the last hour, don't try again.
        if need_update:
            last_check_attempt = self._get_mtime('last-check-attempt',
            if last_check_attempt and last_check_attempt + 60 * 60 > time.time(
                    "Tried to check within last hour; not trying again now")
                need_update = False

        if need_update:
            except OSError as ex:
                logger.warning("Error checking for updates: %s", ex)
                from zeroinstall.injector import background
                r = self.get_requirements()
                background.spawn_background_update2(r, False, self)

        return sels