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ftw.avatar generates a personal default avatar for new Plone users.


Simply install the ftw.avatar egg by adding it to the dependencies in your package or by adding it to your buildout configuration:

eggs +=

There is no need to install the addon in the Plone site, it automatically hooks in.


Generating avatars requires a Pillow (or PIL) installation with freetype support.

freetype can easily be installed on OS X with homebrew:

$ brew install freetype

After installing freetype Pillow may need to be rebuilt.

Default avatar generation

ftw.avatar generates default avatars for users which have not yet defined an avatar (Personal portrait) in the personal preferences. The avatar is generated with a random background color and two characters of their name.





Plone patches

Maximum user portait scale

Products.PlonePAS limits the maximum size of user portraits (a.k.a. avatars) to 75x100. ftw.avatar increases the size to a maximum of 300x300, allowing to build pages with bigger avatars such as user pages.

Default user portrait patch

ftw.avatar patches Products.PlonePAS to generate a default avatar when the user portrait is retrieved the first time and the user has not yet set an avatar. membership_tool.getPersonalPortrait() is patched.

Avatar scaling

ftw.avatar extends the avatar default view to accept a scaling parameter. The size parameter is used as maximum width and maximum height for the scale.

Example URL: http://localhost:8080/Plone/portal_memberdata/portraits/admin?size=26

Font licensing

For generating the avatar the font Fantasque Sans Mono is used. The font is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, see the License File

This package is copyright by 4teamwork.

ftw.avatar is licensed under GNU General Public License, version 2.