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The ftw.publisher packages provide tools for publishing plone contents from one instance to another.

By providing a simple mechanism to invoke the publishing, it's possible to set up the publisher in a variety of ways, such as workflow bound, manually invoked or automated publication.

The ftw.publisher package library also provides a variety of surveillance and analysis tools for making maintenance confortable.


The ftw.publisher is meant to be used in a environment where there are two seperate plone-sites which do not share their database. The editors work on a editorial site and the contents are published to a public site when they are ready. Setting up such an environment with ftw.publisher let you have a powerful staging solution with completly isolated instances.

Network security

Using an environment with two isolated installations makes it possible to protect the editorial site with firewalls or to put it even in a private company network. This way the editorial site is completly protected from the internet, which is in some use cases mandatory for protecting other -unpublished - contents (for example when publishing the internet contents from the intranet).

Component support

  • Archetypes objects
  • Standard Archetypes field types
  • Topics: criterias are published automatically when topic is published
  • Backreferences - references are added automatically as soon both objects are published
  • Additional interfaces added on /manage_interfaces or by other products
  • Contextual portlets
  • Properties

With the publisher adapter structure it is as easy as creating another adapter to support other components. For instance annotations are not supported by design, because you may not wan't to publish all annotations but only certain ones. Therefore it is easyer to implement custom adapters for those annotations which need to be published.


Core packages


The sender package provides a configuration panel and is responsible for sending contents to the target instance. It's usually installed on a editorial site. ftw.publisher.sender source | ftw.publisher.sender pypi


The receiver package is installed on the public site and is the target of the publishing process. It has tools for receiving a request and creating, updating or deleting objects which should be published or retrieved. ftw.publisher.receiver source | ftw.publisher.receiver pypi


The core package is installed on both, sender and receiver instances. It provides adapters for serializing and unserializing components of plone contents (such as portlets). ftw.publisher.core source | ftw.publisher.core pypi

Addon packages


This example package provides a publisher-bound workflow and shows how to write an integration package for this use case. ftw.publisher.example source | ftw.publisher.example pypi


Sends alert mails when the publisher queue is blocked and publishing does no longer work. ftw.publisher.monitor source | ftw.publisher.monitor pypi


Sends scheduled reports about the publishing state (executed jobs, failed jobs, etc.). ftw.publisher.mailreport source | ftw.publisher.mailreport pypi


Views for comparing the editorial and the public site. Detects inconsistencies and problems by comparing the catalogs of the two sites. Useful in workflow based publishing environments. ftw.publisher.controlling source | ftw.publisher.controlling pypi

Installation & Usage

Take a look at the ftw.pubisher.example package and the example buildout. See also the wiki.

Override realm configuration with ZCML

The realms are by default configured in the database through the control panel. When copying the database from a production environment to a staging environment the realm configuration is copied too, which could result in publishing from the staging editorial site to the production public site, which is very bad.

For solving this issue it is possible to override the realm configuration with ZCML, so that it can be configured also using the zcml-additional option of the buildout.

<configure xmlns:publisher="">

    <include package="ftw.publisher.sender" file="meta.zcml" />

        password="publisher-password" />


Use asynchronous task queue for extraction

When creating a lot of publishing jobs in one single request, the extracting of the content (JSON serializing) may take a lot of time. In order to reduce the feedback time the user has an optional taskqueue based on collective.taskqueue may be configured. By default the extraction is done blocking.

Example buildout configuration:

zope-conf-additional +=

%import collective.taskqueue <taskqueue /> <taskqueue-server />

environment-vars +=


Configure workflows to publish

The ftw.publisher can be used with workflows. For using it with workflows you need to configure your workflow to use publisher actions and you need to provide a configuration for your workflow, telling the publisher what each state and transition means.

Defining a publisher configuration

A publisher configuration is a simple IWorkflowConfiguration adapter, which could look like this:

from ftw.publisher.sender.workflows import interfaces
from zope.component import adapts
from zope.interface import Interface
from zope.interface import implements

class MyWorkflowConfiguration(object):

    def __init__(self, request):
        self.request = request

    def states(self):
        return {
            'private': None,
            'pending': None,
            'published': interfaces.PUBLISHED,
            'revision': interfaces.REVISION}

    def transitions(self):
        return {
            'submit': interfaces.SUBMIT,
            'publish': interfaces.PUBLISH,
            'reject': interfaces.RETRACT,
            'retract': interfaces.RETRACT,
            'revise': None}

The named-adapter is then registered with some ZCML, where the name of the adapter is the ID of the workflow in portal_workflow.

<adapter factory=".config.MyWorkflowConfiguration"
         name="my-workflow" />


ftw.lawgiver is a tool for writing workflows. If you are using the lawgiver, you can use LawgiverWorkflowConfiguration as a base class, which allows you to define the states and transitions by name / statement instead of ID:

from ftw.publisher.sender.workflows import config
from ftw.publisher.sender.workflows import interfaces

class ExampleWorkflowConfiguration(config.LawgiverWorkflowConfiguration):
    workflow_id = 'publisher-example-workflow'

    def lawgiver_states(self):
        return {
            'Internal': None,
            'Pending': None,
            'Published': interfaces.PUBLISHED,
            'Revision': interfaces.REVISION}

    def lawgiver_transitions(self):
        return {
            'submit (Internal => Pending)': interfaces.SUBMIT,
            'publish (Internal => Published)': interfaces.PUBLISH,
            'reject (Pending => Internal)': None,
            'publish (Pending => Published)': interfaces.PUBLISH,
            'retract (Published => Internal)': interfaces.RETRACT,
            'revise (Published => Revision)': None,
            'publish (Revision => Published)': interfaces.PUBLISH,

Transition validation (constraints)

When a user publishes a content and its container is not yet published it will fail on the remote system, because the container is missing.

The publisher provides workflow constraints for prohibiting bad transitions and for warning when something should be done (e.g. references should also be published).

You should enable those constraints for your workflow by changing the transition action URL ("Display in actions box" -> "URL (formatted)") to the format %(content_url)s/publisher-modify-status?transition=TRANSITION (replace TRANSITION) with the transition ID. The default Plone URL is %(content_url)s/content_status_modify?workflow_action=TRANSITION.

The constraints are adapters registered for each workflows. This allows to change the constraints per workflow easily. Take a look at the publisher example workflow constraints.

You might either subclass the example workflow constraint and extend it, write your own constraint definitions from scratch or directly use the example workflow constraints for your workflow.

Reusing the example workflow constraints is as simple as registering a named adapter (your workflow ID in portal_workflow is the name of the adapter):

<adapter factory="ftw.publisher.sender.workflows.example.ExampleWorkflowConstraintDefinition"
         name="my-workflow" />

Testing workflows

For automatically testing whether your worlfow configuration is correct you can reuse the publisher `example workflow configuration tests <>`:

from ftw.publisher.sender.tests import test_example_workflow_config
from my.package.testing import MY_INTEGRATION_TESTING

class TestMyWorkflowConfig(test_example_workflow_config.TestWorkflowConfig):
    workflow_id = 'my-workflow'

If you write custom constraints you should also take at the example constraints tests.

Disable creating publisher jobs

from ftw.publisher.sender.nojobs import publisher_jobs_disabled

with publisher_jobs_disabled():
    pass  # no publisher jobs created here.

FormGen / EasyForm integration

The FormGen integration allows it to download the data entered on a published site. If the content is published it will get the data from from the public site. If it isn't published it will use the local data. The reason for this distinction is that we support internal forms, which are never published at all. In this case the internally collected data should be downloaded.

Further hint for EasyForm: Easyform supports Excel as export format from saved data. In order to support this openpyxl is required. openpyxl will compine the two excel files (local and remote) and return it


The main project package is ftw.publisher.sender since it contains all the configuration panels and the most tools - but without the other mandatory packages it will not work. Here are some additional links:

This package is copyright by 4teamwork.

ftw.publisher.sender is licensed under GNU General Public License, version 2.


Staging and publishing addon for Plone contents.






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