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tfx aims to make working with transforms and poses much simpler. It is provided as a ROS package, but the tfx python module can be imported without ROS installed; ROS-related features will be simply disabled.


The tfx module provides convenience classes for working with transformations. The main classes are tb_angles, which represents rotations as easily-understood Tait-Bryan angles (aircraft angles), and the classes from the canonical module.

Additionally, if ROS is available, importing the tfx module installs a singleton factory on tf.TransformListener which frees up code from having to pass around a listener, since only one instance can exist in a node. This singleton can be accessed through the function tfx.TransformListener(), providing a drop-in replacement in existing code. The module also provides convenience functions for commonly-used operations on TransformListener.


tb_angles exists to make it easier to view and create rotations. Most rotation representations, such as quaternions, rotation matrices, and even axis-angle are hard to visualize directly. However, Tait-Bryan angles, also known as aircraft angles, are very easy to visualize. It is an intrinsic (moving-axis) yaw-pitch-roll (zyx) rotation. They are very similar to Euler angles, and in fact are often referred to as Euler angles. However, the term Tait-Bryan angles is used here to clearly distinguish them from other forms of Euler angles. Further documentation is available in the class doc.


The canonical module contains several classes that have the purpose of making it easier to convert between formats. There are five main classes:

  • CanonicalStamp (timestamps)
  • CanonicalDuration (time duration)
  • CanonicalPoint (3D point or vector with optional frame and timestamp)
  • CanonicalRotation (3D rotation with optional frame and timestamp)
  • CanonicalTransform (3D transform or pose)

Each class is capable of being created from a variety of formats, and each has methods for converting back to these formats.

The classes should not be created directly. The following functions, which are imported into the tfx namespace, provide None-safe creation, error checking, and, in the case of transform() and pose(), the ability to convert ROS message types that contain arrays (PoseArray and tfMessage) into lists of CanonicalTransforms:

  • stamp()
  • duration()
  • time(): allows conversion to stamp or duration based on input
  • point() or vector()
  • rotation() or quaternion(): equivalent, both provided for convenience
  • transform() and pose(): nearly equivalent, see below.

Two methods rotation_tb and rotation_euler are provided for creating CanonicalRotations from Tait-Bryan and Euler angles, respectively.

Methods for creating identity transforms, poses, and rotations, and random points, rotations, transforms and poses are also provided.

CanonicalTransform represents both transforms and poses. The transform from frame A to frame B is equal to the pose of frame A's axes in frame B. This equivalence is used in CanonicalTransform. Whether the object is a pose or a transform is stored in the object's pose attribute. There are two frame fields on CanonicalTransform, each of which has multiple aliases: parent and frame: The destination frame of the transform or the frame of the pose. child and name: The source frame of the transform or a name for the pose.

Mathematical operations on canonical objects use operator overloading. Multiplying two transforms T1 and T2 is T1 * T2. To this end, CanonicalPoint, CanonicalRotation, and CanonicalTransform are subclasses of numpy.matrix, which has the same semantics. If a numpy array is needed, the array property will return a view of the data as an array. Mathematical operations are auto-converting; for example, given a CanonicalTransform, right-multiplying a (non-canonical) point will succeed if the point is in any format that can be recognized by CanonicalPoint. Left-multiplication of a non-canonical object will autoconvert if the object does not support multiplication with canonical objects; because the left object has priority in applying the multiplication, conversion cannot be guaranteed in all cases. The only exception is multiplication of a transform with a sequence of length 4 with elements 0,0,0,1: this could be an identity rotation as a quaternion, or the point (0,0,0) as a 4-vector. In this case, an exception will be raised.

Operations on canonical objects are frame-aware. If the objects have frames defined, and the frames conflict, an exception will be raised. If a transform from frame A to frame B is applied by left-multiplication to a point or rotation in frame B, the transform will automatically apply its inverse and return the result in frame A.

The copy() methods on the objects allow keyword arguments for replacing fields on the copy; for example, for a CanonicalPoint p, p.copy(x=0,stamp='now') will return a copy with the same frame (if any), y and z values, but with x set to 0 and the timestamp set to the current time.

Conversion to ROS for CanonicalStamp and CanonicalDuration is provided by the ros attribute, which returns a rospy.Time or rospy.Duration, respectively. On CanonicalPoint, CanonicalRotation, and CanonicalTransform, conversion to ROS messages is provided by a generator object available at the msg attribute. This generator object has methods named for each of the messages (despite being methods, the initial letter is capitalized). The generators have two methods in common, named Header and stamp. Each of these has two keyword arguments, default_stamp and stamp_now. Setting default_stamp to True indicates that if no stamp is set, the current time should be used. Setting stamp_now to True overrides default_stamp if it is set, and always sets the stamp to be the current time (without changing the stamp on the object). The methods for creating stamped messages also take these keyword arguments. The tfMessage method on the message generator for CanonicalTransform is slightly different; see its documentation for details.


tfx provides several convenience scripts:


This functions similar to tf_echo in the tf package, but prints in the format used by CanonicalTransform.tostring() by default (i.e., using Tait-Bryan angles for the rotation), so the rotation should be easier to interpret.


This script functions similar to rostopic echo, but works on Pose, PoseStamped, Transform, and TransformStamped messages, printing them in the format used by CanonicalTransform.tostring() by default (i.e., using Tait-Bryan angles for the rotation), so the rotation should be easier to interpret.

transform/pose publishing

Publishing a transform or pose can be accomplished using one of three scripts, which all use the same underlying code:

  • pose_publisher, publishing pose by default
  • tf_publisher, publising transform by default
  • publisher, which can publish either transform or pose (for advanced usage)

The transform/pose published by these scripts can be static, dynamically adjusted using keyboard input, or even based on a separate pose/transform topic. See the documentation for options and examples.


tfx code as a ROS catkin package






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  • Python 97.5%
  • C++ 2.4%
  • Other 0.1%