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A cool, statistics driven RSS Aggregator for CMSC 22001 - Software Construction


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Milestone 5

Compiling and Installation

We are primarily using Django and AngularJS, so there is no direct compilation. However, there are several packages that need to be installed in order to get the system up and running. We heavily recommend Linux (Ubuntu) to install the necessary packages.

Step Zero: Clone the Repository

In the terminal, clone our git repository with the command git clone

Step One: Install PostgreSQL v.9.3 (if it is not installed already)
  1. Install postgresql * Run [your favourite package manager] install postgresql
  2. Initialize the postgres database and user
* The root folder contains the initialization script. Run `./`

* Run `systemctl start postgresql` and then `sudo -i -u postgres` and enter your password when prompted.
* Enter these commands in order: 
    * `createdb feeddb`
    * `createuser -P combustible`
    * `psql -c 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE feeddb TO combustible;'`
    * `exit`
######OSX or other
* Run `sudo su - postgres` and enter the password for your computer. Access the postgres shell with `. ./`.
    * Run `createdb feeddb;` to make a database named feeddb
    * Run `createuser -P combustible;` to make a user named combustible
    * Run `psql -c 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE feeddb TO combustible;'`
    * Run `exit` to exit the postgres shell.

Note: If you would like to change username or password, you can do so in the `~/rss_reader/rss_reader/conf/` file
Step Two: Install virtualenv and other packages
  1. Install pip, virtualenv, and virtualenvwrapper (if they are not otherwise installed)
  2. It is easiest to set up a virtualenv by following this tutorial.
  3. After adding the source command to your shell startup file, use mkvirtualenv YOUR_ENV_NAME to make a new virtualenv.
  4. Access your virtual environment with workon YOUR_ENV_NAME
  5. Navigate to the repository ~/rss_reader/ and run pip install -r requirements.txt to install the required packages.
Step Three: Install karma
  1. Install npm
  2. Run npm install -g karma
  3. Run npm install -g jasmine
  4. Run npm install -g karma-jasmine
  5. Run npm install -g karma-chrome-launcher
  6. Run npm install -g karma-cli This is not strictly necessary, but makes things much easier.
*Note:* the `-g` is a global install. You can install locally to a project with `--save-dev`. The official

guidelines recommend you do both if you have trouble.

Step Four: Start the RSS-reader
  1. Navigate to ~/rss-reader/rss_reader/ and run ./ migrate to set up the database.
  2. In the terminal, run ./ installwatson, then ./ buildwatson. These commands initialize watson, a Django search application.

And you've started an instance of the RSS-reader!

Flushing the Database

If the database is mistakenly edited when creating Feed objects, you will need to flush the database.

  1. Navigate to ~/rss-reader/rss_reader/
  2. Run ./ to flush the database
  3. Run ./ to reset the database (see Step 1.2 of the installation)
  1. sudo -i -u postgres
  2. dropdb feeddb
  3. dropuser combustible
  4. exit
  5. Follow the intructions of Step 1.2 to reinitialize the database
OSX / Other:
  • sudo su - postgresql, and enter the password if prompted
  • . ./
  • psql, and enter the postgresql user password if prompted
  • drop database feeddb;
  • drop user combustible;
  • sudo -u postgres -H sh -c "createdb feeddb"
  • sudo -u postgres -H sh -c "createuser -P combustible"
  • sudo -u postgres -H sh -c "psql -c 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE feeddb TO combustible;'"

After remaking the database, do Step Four of installation to make migrations and reinitialize watson.


Main functionality

Curatr basically allows you to subscribe to feeds and group them within particular topic categories. The user can add and remove topics to put feeds in. The user can search for feeds, using either an rss url or a string. Once subscribed to a feed, the user selects a topic to add the feed to, with a default Uncategorized topic. Each feed can only belong under one topic, but feeds can be moved from one topic to another. The user can also unsubscribe from feeds.

Regarding posts in one feed, the user can sort the posts alphabetically, by date, by length, and by read/unread status. The user can expand posts to read them as well as mark them as read or unread. The user can also filter the posts to only view unread posts.

The user has the ability to queue feeds at their pleasure, which releases a certain number of posts to the user in a specified time interval. This allows the user to read fewer or more posts of a feed than usual, access old posts that are stored in the database, and set a convenient time interval for receiving new posts.

Queue Scenario 1: Say that the user wants to read 1 post per week of the comic xkcd. The user would be able to set the xkcd feed to be a queue and could choose the time interval of 1 week for which he or she receives 1 post. Every week, then, the user would receive one xkcd post rather than the daily post that a normal, unqueued xkcd feed would give.

Queue Scenario 2: Conversely, if the user chose to get 5 posts of xkcd per day, old posts that are stored in the database will be pulled to give the user these additional posts, starting from the oldest and converging to the newest.

Settings functionality

The user can change their password in the user settings and can measure their reading speed in the Reading Test section.

Usage Tutorial

Automatic initialization (if you want to start with a user and some topics/feeds already initialized)

  1. Run our intitalization script from ~/rss_reader/rss_reader with ./ shell <
  2. Access localhost:8000 via web browser, log in with the credentials Username: lemon and Password: lemon
  3. You should see several Topics (Comics, Science, and Uncategorized) along with a few feeds in each topic

Manual initialization

Register a user
  1. Access localhost:8000 via web browser and click on 'Register Here'
  2. Enter a username and password
  3. You're done!
Add a Topic
  1. Click on "Add a topic" in the sidebar
  2. You should see a popup. Enter the name of your topic in the field and click on "Add Topic"
Search for a feed
  1. Enter keywords or an rss url in the searchbar
  2. If you enter keywords, the results shown will be the search results from our database of feeds (and therefore it is possible that the feed you expect may not show up). If you entered a url, Curatr will fetch the feed for you
Subscribe to feeds
  1. Search for a feed (as above)
  2. Click on the add icon to the right of your desired feed
  3. A popup should open asking you to choose a topic
  4. Choose your desired topic and click "Subscribe"
View a feed
  1. Expand one of your topics in the sidebar
  2. Click on the feed you wish to view
Unsubscribe from a feed
  1. Click on "Edit" in the sidebar
  2. Click the "X" next to the feed you wish to unsubscribe from
  3. Click on "Save changes"
Rename a topic
  1. Click on "Edit" in the sidebar
  2. Click on the edit icon to the right of the topic. The icon is a diagonal pencil
  3. Enter the new name of the topic in the field that appears
  4. Click on "Submit"
  5. If you wish to not rename the topic after you click the icon, just leave the field blank and click "submit"
Rearrange feeds within topics
  1. Click on "Edit" in the sidebar
  2. Drag and drop the feeds as you please
  3. You can drag and drop the feeds among different topics
  4. Click on "Save changes"
Delete a topic
  1. Click on "Edit" in the sidebar
  2. Click on the "X" to the right of the topic you wish to delete
  3. Click on "Save changes"
Expand a post
  1. View a feed (instructions above)
  2. Click on a post to expand it
Mark a post as read/unread
  1. View a feed (instructions above)
  2. Click on the read/unread switch to the right of the post you wish to mark
Sort posts
  1. View a feed (instructions above)
  2. Click on "Sort by" in the top-right corner
  3. Choose to sort by alphabet, time, length or unread status
Only see unread posts
  1. View a feed (instructions above)
  2. Click on "View only unread" at the top-right
  3. You can reverse this by clicking on "View all posts"
Change password
  1. Click on the gear icon to the right of the searchbar
  2. Click on user settings
  3. Enter your new password in the field and click "Submit"

Known Issues

  1. Adding a non-rss style URL to the search bar and pressing enter will result in a 400 error.
  2. If a post contains no words inside of its content, no read time will show up for it.
  3. Queuing and then dequeuing can sometimes cause the old (queued) feed to remain on the topic's list of feeds. We did not find a consistent pattern for which feeds this fails on, but it seems to generally work.
  4. When changing passwords, the password change will occur, but the user needs to log out and relog in before everything will work properly afterwards. If the user does not log out, when trying access posts, 404 errors will occur and authentication will be requested.