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To understand how the reanalyse project works, you'll need to read carefully:

  • this file
  • the ./templates/content/method_content_fr.html page, included in the site
  • the ./reanalyseapp/ file, explaining the technical part of codes


git source

$ sudo aptitude install git
$ mkdir /var/opt/reanalyse
$ git clone reanalyse

java for SOLR

$ sudo aptitute install default-jre
$ sudo aptitude install apache2-threaded-dev
$ apxs2 -iac mod_xsendfile.c

haystack + django_tables2 (not used anymore ?)

$ sudo pip install django-haystack
$ sudo pip install django-tables2


$ sudo aptitude install python-dev
$ sudo aptitude install python-lxml


$ hg clone
$ sudo pyton python-solr/ install

python-magic (used to detect file mimetype)

$ sudo easy_install python-magic

apache > django conf

$ vi /apache/reanalyse.conf
$ vi /apache/django.wsgi

absent directories

  • ./

  • ./download/

  • ./logs/

  • ./solrdataindex/

  • ./upload/

    $ vi

    $ mkdir logs upload download solrdataindex

    $ sudo chown -R www-data:www-data solr log upload download


remplacer ident par md5 pour local désactiver les autres host

$ sudo vi /etc/postgresql/8.4/main/pg_hba.conf

check port 5432 postgresql conf

$ sudo vi /etc/postgresql/8.4/main/postgresql.conf

create db and user

$ sudo su - postgres
$ psql
$ postgres=# create user reanalyse with password 'password';
$ postgres=# CREATE DATABASE reanalyse WITH OWNER=reanalyse;
$ postgres=# grant all privileges on database reanalyse to reanalyse;
$ postgres=# \q

sync django db

$ python syncdb

apache conf

$ sudo ln -s /var/opt/reanalyse/apache/reanalyse.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/
$ sudo a2ensite reanalyse.conf
$ sudo service apache2 reload

Static Html Pages

files are stored within the ./template/content/ dir

django Internationalization how-to

within template

{% load i18n %}
{% comment %}Translators: Login page title{% endcomment %}
<title>{% trans 'Login Page' %}</title>

within view

from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
mystring = _('congratulations')


$ sudo apt-get install gettext

from django project root, do:

$ sudo makemessages --ignore ./upload --ignore ./media --ignore ./solr -a

manually translate file ./locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/django.po

$ compilemessages

solr is based on the default conf (from example), except for

  • ./solr/solr/conf/schema.xml defining how models are indexed
  • ./solr/solr/conf/solrconfig.xml defines:
  • datadir = ./../solrdataindex/ (temp files)
  • < maxFieldLength > 2147483647 < /maxFieldLength > (in case of big files)
  • ./solr/etc/jetty.xml if you want to change webserver port
  • ./solr/solr/conf/*_fr.txt : stopwords, synonyms, protwords, etc...

Normalisation process

Alt text

more about icons for paraverbal

the normalisation process is described within the "Method" page in the website ./templates/content/method_content_fr.html

to add more icons, please refer to the comments within the ./reanalyseapp/ file

django models & views

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