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Effect of data balance in Machine Learning


Because Human is perfectible and error-prone, because Science should be open and flow and because cogito ergo sum.

Research target output

  1. ACPR 2015 - Apply the different techniques for melanoma detection with imbalanced dataset.
  2. CVIU - Comparison of the different techniques on some benchmark datasets.

Package requirements

In order to execute the scripts and pipelines designed for the experiments, you need to install the following python package:

These packages can be found as submodule in this repository.


The dataset can be found in the following link. In our experiment, refer to the file data/ in order to fetch the data and be able to reproduce the experiments.

Project folder structure

Structure Description

    |- doc/                  # documentation for the study
    |  |- paper/             # manuscript(s), whether generated or not
    |  +- source/            # sphinx source
    |- data                  # raw and primary data, are not changed once created
    |  |- raw/               # raw data, will not be altered
    |  +- clean/             # cleaned data, will not be altered once created
    |- pipeline/             # The different pipeline used for the study
    |  +- feature-classification  # pipeline to perform the classification
    |- results               # all output from workflows and analyses
    |  |- figures/           # graphs, likely designated for manuscript figures
    |  +- pictures/          # diagrams, images, and other non-graph graphics
    |- scratch/              # temporary files that can be safely deleted or lost
    |- script/               # scripts used to run on the cluster
    |- src/                  # any programmatic code
    |- notebook/	     # workflow notebook
    |- Makefile              # executable Makefile for this study, if applicable
    |- datapackage.json      # metadata for the (input and output) data files
    |- requirements.txt      # list of the required packages (see virtualenv)
    |-             # the top level description of content


Use a virtual environment (Virtualenv + VirtualenvWrapper)

Virtual-environments are not virtual machines. Virtual-environments are used to avoid library classing between the libraries of a project and those fom the system. Find more information in this virtual environment post describing how to use virtual environment for a mozilla marketplace testing.

Use the following to create a data_balancing environment based on the ./requirements.txt associated with the source directory ./src:

mkvirtualenv data_balancing -a src -r ../requirements.txt

Notice that mkvirtualenv activates such environment. The command deactivate is used to exit the virtual environment. Once the virtual environment exist on the system, the command workon data_balancing is rather convenient since it jumps into the working directory and activates the virtual enviroment.

Remember to keep requirements.txt up to date. For more details regarding the usage of the virtual enviroment, please look at the command reference.


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