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What is this script??

This script create your new EC2 instance such as "Launch more like this".

Normally you manipulate from GUI(called GAMEN_POCHIPOCHI in japanese) when creating new EC2 Instance.

  1. Choice Based EC2 Instance
  2. Click Launch More Like This button
  3. Update New Instance Parameters
    • Private IP
    • Brock Device Mapping(EBS Mapping)
    • Security Groups ...etc
  4. Launch your New EC2 Instance

But we (at least I) think it's very boring to repeat above workflow... So I implement AWS console Launch more like this button on our terminal.

Conduct to "Launch more like this" on command line

1. Install me.

git clone

2. Install python module requires.

python develop


pip install boto


Required module is only boto. We use no third party python module for compatible python 2.6.X.

3. Launch More Like This!!

./ \
--base-ec2-name=YOUR_BASE_EC2_NAME_TAG \
--aws-access-key-id=YOUR_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID \

Specifying only 4 options, you can launch new EC2 instance.

Command Line Options

And we implemented following command line options. You can override various EC2 instance parameters such as AMI ID, Security Groups, EBS mapping and private IP address.


long option name short hand description default require?
--base-ec2-name -N Name tag of based EC2 instance - Either --base-ec2-id option and this are require
--base-ec2-id -I Based EC2 instance id like i-XXXXXXX - Either --base-ec2-name option and this are require
--hostname -H New EC2 instance hostname(Name Tag). -
--dry-run -D Dry run flag. This option must be "true" or "false" as str type. true
--wait-until-running -W Whether wait to change instance status is running. false
--log-level -L Console output log level. Must be DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR and CRITICAL. INFO


If you specify --log-level=DEBUG, you can see boto's debug logging.

AWS Credential

long option name short hand description default require?
--region-name -r AWS Region Name us-east-1
--aws-access-key-id -i AWS Access Key ID -
--aws-secret-access-key -k AWS Secret Access Key ID -


We will implement to get credential by IAM role of EC2 instance in the future. So you will not need to use "--aws-access-key-id" and "--aws-secret-access-key" options.

Override EC2 Option

You can apply following parameter new EC2 instance. All parameters in this section are not optional.

long option name short hand description
--orverride-ami-id -a Override AMI id(Base Image)
--ovreride-security-groups -s Override security groups
--override-subnet-id -c Override Subnet ID
--override-instance-type -t Override EC2 Instance Type
--override-primary-nic-private-ip-address -x Override Primary Private Address
--override-primary-nic-associate-public-ip-address -y Override Whether Associate Public IP
--override-secondary-nic-private-ip-address -X Override Private Address
--override-secondary-nic-associate-public-ip-address -Y Override Whether Associate Public IP
--override-terminate-protection -d Override Whether Protect Termination.
--override-shutdown-behavior -b Override shutdown behavior. You can specify either "stop" or "terminate"
--override-root-ebs-size -v Override root volume size
--override-root-ebs-type -f Override root volume type. You can specify either "standard"(Magnetic) or "consistent-iops"
--override-root-ebs-iops -o Override root volume IOPS
--override-optional-ebs-size -V Override optional volume size
--override-optional-ebs-device -G Override optional EBS device name. e.g: /dev/dbh
--override-optional-ebs-type -F Override optional volume type
--override-optional-ebs-iops -O Override optional volume IOPS


You can use cloud-init with --userdata option. But we don't support base64 encoded string and script file. You need to write directly script to your terminal.

e.g: --userdata='echo "hogehogehogehoge"'

Set your mind at ease. We will support base64 encoded string in the future.



When you want to apply multiple security groups, you need to use comma as delimiter.

e.g: --override-security-groups='sg-XXXXXXX,sg-YYYYYYYY''

Overriding Elastic NIC parameters

Sorry, we support up to 2 Elastic NIC. And if you not specify private IP address, your new instance has automatically private IP address by DHCP.

Overriding EBS parameters

Sorry, we support up to 2 EBS volumes.


  • Support temporary credential by IAM role of EC2 instance.
  • Support base64 encoded string as --userdata option.


create-ec2-more-like is released under the WTFPL license. WTFPL license logo


Create EC2 Instance like "Launch more like this".







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