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Enable policy-based clustering service for VNFs in Tacker

This spec describes the plan to add VNF high availability deployment and management function into NFV Orchestrator (NFVO). This function is used to deploy a cluster of Active and Standby VNFs in order to provide the high availability for VNF. This function also supports policy-based clustering management for VNFs.

Problem description

In Telco environment, the reliability of network service (NS) is highly required. Beside auto-healing and auto-scaling solutions, traditional redundancy configuration methods, such as active-active or active-standby (form a high availability cluster) could be applied to VNFs to ensure the reliability of the NS. These high availability cluster configurations enable fast recovery of VNFs operation in case of failure. Operators will need a way to deploy and manage such kind of high availability clusters via NFVO component. Refer to ETSI-REL [#first]_ for VNF protection schemes in NFV system.

The challenge of high availability cluster deployment involves several requirements that need to be handled by the NFV component as described as below:

  • Resource usage information of each VIM and availability zone for optimal cluster member placement
  • NFVO should find optimal locations for cluster members (based on predefined policies or dynamic network condition and resource usage status)
  • Load balancing strategies and monitoring strategies (heartbeat between cluster members or from NFVO)

Currently, in Tacker, there is no feature to create and manage such kind of high availability clusters. With this proposal, we intend to allow Tacker users to create and manage such kind of high availability clusters. This function enables Tacker to deploy a cluster of Active and Standby VNFs based on predefined operator polices. These high availability policies includes VNF placement locations (i.e. availability zones, VIMs), load balancer configuration. On the other hand, we also define a new recovery actions which are going to be triggered when failure occurs from cluster members.

Proposed change

The proposed component in NFVO to support high availability cluster management is shown as below figure:

Architecture of HA deployment in Tacker

The high level changes needed to Tacker aim at accommodating a new feature in VNF cluster management will include changes to Tacker Client and Tacker Server. The changes include:

  • Adding a cluster REST APIs to Tacker Client which a client can use to CRUD cluster via command line interface. The client can use the REST APIs to deploy VNF cluster from VNFD (from existing VNF will be supported in future). The created cluster should include: (1) The created VNFs that are added to cluster as cluster members, these VNFs must be deployed from the same VNFD, (2) The Neutron load balancer that connects to cluster members aiming at loadbalancing traffic among cluster members, and (3) the attached deployment policy (Be described in detail as below). The proposed operations are:

    Example of CRUD cluster CLI:

    .. code-block:: console

    tacker cluster-create
    tacker cluster-show
    tacker cluster-list
    tacker cluster-delete

    Example of CRUD cluster-member CLI:

    .. code-block:: console

    tacker cluster-member-add
    tacker cluster-member-show
    tacker cluster-member-list
    tacker cluster-member-delete
  • In order to make cluster creation become more flexible, --policy-file argument is added in cluster-related command, Tacker Client changes will read the policy-file and pass the deployment configuration to Tacker Server via REST API. The policy should include a role configuration, placement strategies attached members, and the load balancer configuration.

  • Tacker Server will also need to modify the NFVO extensions and NFVO plugin in order to incorporate VNF cluster related operations and resources.

  • The drivers for cluster will need to be written in order to handle both of cluster CRUD operations.

Note that this spec is supposed to only provide cluster management in single site, multi-site scenario will be considered in the future.


Data model impact

Data model impact includes the creation of clusters, clustermembers tables

  • The clusters table will hold all the relevant attributes of cluster resource, while the attributes of the cluster members that belong to the created cluster are stored in the clustermembers table and has an individual cluster_id attribute which is mapped to the cluster resouces.

  • lb_info and role_config in clusters table will store all of the deployment data that are generated during cluster deployment. These attributes will be queried during recovery sessioninclude since the Neutron load balancer and cluster nodes information are included.

REST API impact

Because the policy needs to be defined and attached to a cluster, the policy file needs to be created first, then it will be passed to cluster creation command as an argument via --policy-file. A typical policy template file is be shown as below:

.. code-block:: yaml

        VIM0: 1
        VIM0: 1
        protocol: HTTP
        protocol_port: 80
        subnet: subnet_mgmt
        lb_method: ROUND_ROBIN
        subnet: subnet_mgmt
        protocol: HTTP
        protocol_port: 80
      target: CP1

The policy contains role and load_balancer attributes. The role attribute indicates which VIM the VNF should deploy on and which member roles (Active or Standby) will be taken by VNFs. Note that deployment of cluster over multi-VIMs is outside of the scope in this spec, but it might be extended to support multi-VIMs cluster deployment later. The load_balancer attribute contains configured parameters that will be used to invoke Neutron Client for deploying a Neutron load balancer.

Because the VNF is treated as a cluster member - a basic unit in cluster, in order to deploy the cluster the VNFD template need to be created by the client first. There is no extension of the VNFD compared to the original one. However, in order to archive HA feature for deployed cluster, a new active whose name is recovery need to be defined and declared in VNFD as an triggred action in the case of failure. A sample of VNFD with recovery action can be seen in the following block:

.. code-block:: yaml

  tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_profile_for_nfv_1_0_0

  description: Demo example for VNF cluster
    template_name: sample-tosca-vnfd-cluster

        type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VDU.Tacker
              num_cpus: 1
              mem_size: 256 MB
              disk_size: 1 GB
          image: cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk
          availability_zone: nova
          mgmt_driver: noop
            name: ping
              monitoring_delay: 45
              count: 3
              interval: 1
              timeout: 2
              failure: recovery
          config: |
            param0: key1
            param1: key2

        type: tosca.nodes.nfv.CP.Tacker
          management: true
          order: 0
          anti_spoofing_protection: true
          - virtualLink:
              node: VL1
          - virtualBinding:
              node: VDU1

        type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VL
          network_name: net_mgmt
          vendor: Tacker

Example of cluster creation CLI: .. code-block:: console

tacker cluster-create --vnfd-name vnfd-sample --policy-file policy.yaml --name cluster-sample

At cluster creation time, the NFVO plugin will query VNFM to find available VNFD resouces that exist from provided VNFD ID. It also read policy file in order to deploy cluster by following the defined configuration.

New 'nfvo' extension will be introduced in Tacker API v1 that implements REST API end point for clusters and clustermembers resources as described below:

.. csv-table:: /clusters :header: Attribute Name,Type,Access,Default, Validation Conversion,Des

id, string (UUID),"RO, All",generated,N/A,identity
tenant_id, String (UUID), "RW, All", "None, (Required)", uuid, "tenant ID
to launch vnf-cluster"
name, string,"RW, All","None, (Required)",string,human-readable name
description, string, "RW, All", None, string, description of cluster
status, string, "RO, All", generated, string, Status of created cluster
vnfd_id, string (UUID), "RO, All", None (Required), uuid, "VNFD ID to use
to deploy cluster members"
lb_info, string, "RO, All", "None, (Required)", string, "attributes of
created load balancer"
role_config, string, "RO, All", "None, (Required)", string, "role
configuration of cluster members"

.. csv-table:: /clustermembers :header: Attribute Name,Type,Access,Default, Validation Conversion,Des

id,string (UUID),"RO, All",generated,N/A,identity
tenant_id, String (UUID), "RW, All", "None, (Required)", uuid, "tenant ID
to launch cluster member"
name, string,"RW, All","None, (Required)",string,human-readable name
cluster_id, string (UUID), "RO, All", generated, uuid, "ID of associated
vnf_id, string (UUID), "RO, All", generated, uuid, "ID of associated vnf"
mgmt_url, string, "RO, All", generated, string, "Management URL of
associated vnf"
role, string, "RW, All", generated, String, Role of member in cluster
lb_member_id, string (UUID), "RO, All", generated, uuid, "ID of associated
Neutron load balancer"
placement_attr, string, "RW, All", None (Required), string, "VIM name where
cluster members are deployed"

Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact

There will be changes to python-tackerclient for the end user in order to manage clusters and cluster-members. The changes will involve adding new shell extensions to python-tackerclient in order to allow CRUD operations for cluster and cluster-member.

Performance Impact


Other deployer impact

neutron-lbaas and octavia should be installed to make this feature work so it is necessary to update the tacker's Devstack installation procedure in the script and the manual installation guideline. Because neutron-lbaas resources are queried in order to deploy load balancer during cluster creation by using Neutron client.

Developer impact



Technical Report and Poster

Technical Report : K-ONE#37 Optimization models for placing high availability requests over cloud infra.pdf

Poster : [숭실대학교]ONK 2018 Fall.pdf


Primary author and contact.



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