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AsrielBot - A utility IRC bot for role playing channels

AsrielBot is an all-around utility bot for gaming or roleplay channels. It includes a number of helpful functions such as a dice roller, information retrieval, and so forth.


This is a continuation of an IRC bot project which was originally written in mIRC Scripting Language (known as reibot-mirc), and then again in Ruby (as rbreibot), and now, in its third generation, and as homage to one of my favorite games, it's been rewritten in Python and named AsrielBot.

I did not ditch Ruby, mind you. It's still one of my favorite general purpose languages, but I needed a reason to pick up Python for professional purposes. What better way than using it heavily in a hobby project?

With a new language comes a change of frameworks, and instead of the Cinch IRC framework used by Reibot, AsrielBot uses the irc3 framework.

Features and usage info

AsrielBot has the same feature list as Reibot, with some slight usage differences.

Note system

The note system allows you to leave notes for users who are not active or even offline. The next time a user joins the bot's channel (or speaks, if they never left), the bot will deliver all messages a person has waiting for them. This is super helpful on busy channels, and unlike the MemoServ system provided by most IRC service packages, you can leave notes for people who are not registered.

Here's an example session

<SomeGuy> ?note TomFubar Hey remember to check the status of the Gonkulator when you get back, thanks!
<AsrielBot> Your note for TomFubar has been queued for delivery.
** TomFubar has joined #test
<AsrielBot> TomFubar, I have 1 memo for you!
<AsrielBot> SomeGuy // 2 hours ago // Hey remember to check the status of the Gonkulator when you get back, thanks!

Messages are delivered in the context they were left - so if you leave a note in private message to the bot, the bot will deliver the message in private to the user, and if you leave the note in a channel, the bot will deliver the message wherever the recipient speaks first.

Definitions (profiles) system

This is AsrielBot's main feature.

The definitions system allows you to store and retrieve arbitrary data. In AsrielBot's home server, this functionality is used to store character profiles for role playing purposes. Any information can be stored though - think of anything you need to display repetitively, such as channel rules, or the address for your clan's TF2 server, or a particularly funny quote that someone has inadvertently made...

Basic Usage

To store information, you use ?learn (name) (associated info), and then ?? (name) to retrieve it:

<you> ?learn Rules Don't whizz on the electric fence!
<AsrielBot> Your info "Rules" has been stored.
** Newbie has joined #test
<you> Hi Newbie, make sure you read the server rules!
<newbie> ?? rules
<AsrielBot> Don't whizz on the electric fence!

Additionally, if you ?learn on something that already exists, the text you enter will be appended to that info as another line.

Lines can be deleted by ?forget (name), but only either by the bot owner (who's set as admin in the config file), or by the person who created it. Note this system only checks nicknames, not hostmasks (as most sane servers have systems to prevent squatting on nicknames.)

Random Lines

Let's say you want to save quotes, or some other information where you want a different line to come back every time? ?learn the info as normal, adding as many lines as you please, then do ?toggle_random on that item. From then on, the bot will retrieve a random item whenever an item is ??'d.

Items that are in random mode are denoted by an (r) when the line is displayed.

Public Lines

Perhaps you want a profile to be editable by anyone. To do this, run ?toggle_public on that item. Then, anyone can edit (but not delete) that item.

Items that are publicly editable are denoted by a (p) when the line is displayed.

Web Editing

Furthermore, a web editing system exists. A user can type ?edit (name) on something they own, and they will receive a randomly-generated URL to edit the profile in a graphical environment.

Dice roller

AsrielBot's dice roller allows you to roll arbitrary combinations of dice with arbitrary mathematical functions carried out on the results. The command looks like:

(number of dice)d(number of sides per dice)(math modifier)(options)(text)

That looks really complicated, but here are some examples:

<someguy> 2d20+5 TomFubar to hit
<AsrielBot> [9, 5]=> 14+5 ==> 19, TomFubar to hit

This would roll two 20-sided dice, and add 5 to the overall result.

Other types of dice are supported as well, but you must use ?roll rather than just speaking a dice expression.


Use the -s flag to ?roll:

?roll (number of dice)d6 -s (text)
<SomeGuy> ?roll 10d6 -s Hacking the gibson
<AsrielBot> [4, 2, 2, 1, 4, 6, 6, 2, 6, 5]=> 38 (4 hits, 1 glitches) (hacking the gibson)

Tumblr Image Poster

This requires configuration. You must register an app on Tumblr, and obtain Oauth configuration data (this is your consumer key and secret, and your Oauth token and secret)

Enter those into the appropriate areas of your config.ini, uncomment the plugin.

Then, every time someone in your channel mentions an image link, it will be submitted to the Tumblr blog your credentials reference.

A database is used to prevent duplicate images (really duplicate addresses) from being reposted.


  • Python 3.5 or better
  • Pip

Installing and getting started

  • Clone the repo
  • Install the requirements: pip -r requirements.txt
  • Edit the config.ini file to meet your needs
  • Start the bot with python


Copyright 2016 Michael Parks, TKWare Enterprises.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use the software in this repository except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Third generation utility bot for IRC role playing game channels







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