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The Scribe app is a part of the Charges "Sign your Mortgage" service. It provides the document signing functions that the service needs to create a legally binding digital signature.

Currently for Alpha the Scribe will perform signatures itself. By Live our plan is for the Scribe to handoff document signing to a Hardware Security Module, acting as a facade over this hardware.



GET /key # get all keys POST /deed/<deed_id>/<borrower_id>/signature/ # sign the mortgage deed

Getting started

Get the git submodules

git submodule init
git submodule update

Install the requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements_test.txt

Export your database URI

export DATABASE_URI=postgresql://username:password@localhost/database

To run the migration run the command

python db upgrade head

To run the application run the command

python runserver

## Changing the migration
All you have to do is change/create the related model and run the command

python db revision --autogenerate

> For some helpful documentation on using alembic go [here](

## Current model


    "id": 24,
    "public_key": "PUBLIC_KEY",
    "private_key": "PRIVATE_KEY"

## Testing

### Unit tests

Run the unit tests


### Acceptance tests

All of the acceptance tests are contained within the acceptance-tests folder with the feature files under the features folder and the step-definitions under the steps folder.

If you would like to run all of the acceptance tests then navigate into the acceptance-tests folder and run the following command:


You can also pass arguments to this command as you would if you were just running cucumber on it's own.

For example you can use the following command to display a cut down version of cucumbers progress when it is running:

./ --format progress

Or you can use the following to run only the scenarios that have been tagged with whatever tags you specify:

/ --tags @USXX

### Running Rubocop

Rubocop is ruby gem that will check any ruby code in the repository against the ruby style guide and then provide a report of any offenses.

In order to run Rubocop on the acceptance test code then navigate into the acceptance test folder and run the command:


If you wish to amend what cops are used, what files are ignored when running Rubocop then you will need to put this in the rubocop.yml file.