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How is my country doing?

This is a template site for comparing data of pandemics progression between places.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


First, download the source code by cloning this repository:

git clone

Configuring the database

The project uses MySQL as default database engine, you will need an instance running with a database for the project. If you want to change to another engine refer to SQLAlchemy Manual and edit the

Also if you dont want to setup a database initially, you can use a development database provide on the Using Docker setup. WARNING: we DO NOT recommend using this database on production environment, since all database data WILL BE WIPED on the container removal.

Using Docker

We recommend using Docker to facilitate the configuration of the project.

After installing the Docker engine, edit the environment section in docker-compose.yaml file (line 13) with your database connection. If you're running the database locally, leave the DB_HOST set to host.docker.internal.

If you dont have a database runnning. Comment lines 14-18 of docker-compose.yaml and uncomment lines 19-36 to use a development mysql database.

Then you can run the following command to create the containers (Notice: this can take a while depending on how much resources you enabled for Docker).

docker-compose up -d

After the container finished building, configure the database with:

docker exec himcd pipenv run flask migrate up

And access http://localhost:5000 to see the running site.

Notice: At first there wont be much content as the database is empty. See Data for more information on importing data.

Using Pipenv

Also you can use Pipenv to install and run the project.

First, install the dependencies

pipenv install

Configure your .env file. This repository comes with an example config in .env.example. Please fill in the correct connection to your database

cp .env.example .env

Setup your database

pipenv run flask migrate up

Run the application using the flask webserver

pipenv run flask run

Or using Gunicorn WSGY

pipenv run sh ./

Access http://localhost:5000 (or to the other port configured on your .env file) to see the running site.

Notice: At first there wont be much content as the database is empty. See Data for more information on importing data.


The project provides an interface to import pandemic data into the database. Use the data/ folder to store your CSV files.

You can import new files with the command

pipenv run flask data load data/file.csv

Or if you are using Docker

docker exec himcd pipenv run flask data load data/file.csv

The command will take the CSV data and add to the Country and CountryStatus tables.

Note the command by default will only append new data, not update or delete previous data.

But you can pass the --override flag to erase all previous data before importing.

We provide a data/sample_data.csv file as an example of data accepted.

The file content format is

'Country Name', 'Date', 'Total', 'Day' (days since beginning of the pandemic), 'TotalDeaths', 'TotalPer100k', 'TotalDeathsPer100k', 'DayNorm' (days since country's 10th death, 'GrowthRate' (increase factor from previous day), 'GrowthRateDeaths', 'DaysToDouble' (number of days to double cases based on current rate), 'DaysToDoubleDeaths', 'WeeklyGrowth' (percentage of growth in the previous 7 days), 'WeeklyGrowthDeaths'

Templates structure

The project provides pré-built pages structures and components, inside the app/templates folder.

To start a new page you can rename the example page at app/templates/pages/page.html.jinja.

Also add a new route on app/routes/


To contribute to the translations section follow the steps:


To markdown text to translation you have to use the _l() and _() functions from the flask-babel library. Use the _l() function to mark strings outside a request handler (routes functions or templates). And use _() function to mark string inside a request handler




<h2>{{ _('The Project') }}</h2>



from flask_babelex import lazy_gettext as _l

submit = SubmitField(_l('Show Report'))


Translation and localization

To translate added texts, first we need to update the translations folders with the command:

pipenv run flask translate update

Now access the messages.po file corresponding to the language you want to translate. Their are located on the folder /translations/<language>/LC_MESSAGES/ Place under the text on English the translation.




#: app/templates/about_us.html:6
msgid "The Project"
msgstr "O Projeto"


#: app/ app/
msgid "Show Report"
msgstr "Mostrar Relatório"



To compile all translations and effect all changes, just run the command:

pipenv run flask translate compile


The people behind the site are:

  • Guilmor Rossi
  • Luca Almeida
  • Luiz Celso Gomes Jr
  • Nicole Kobayashi
  • Vitor Corrêa
  • Zulmira Coimbra


This project is licensed under the MIT License


No description, website, or topics provided.






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