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Rikitake is a Python command line interface (CLI) software that:

  • Integrates the Rikitake Dynamo differential equation system with a Runge-Kutta 4th order algorithm with user-specified parameters and initial conditions, generating machine-readable solutions;
  • Estimates the greatest Lyapunov exponent of the obtained solution;
  • Generates plots with informations about the dynamics of the system;

Each of these tasks can be performed separately, allowing the user to run the program with more flexibility.

Introduction: The Rikitake dynamo

The Rikitake Geodynamo is a model proposed by Tsuneji Rikitake in his paper "Oscillations of a system of disk dynamos" in 1958 in order to describe and quantify Earth's magnetic field oscillation. The model consists in a linear system of three differential equations of three time dependant functions x1, x2 and y1 and two parameters μ and k. Exaustive theoretical explaination about Rikitake dynamo can be found in the supplementary material or in chapter 14 of "Fractals and Chaos in Geology and Geophysics" by D. L. Turcotte. Within this guide, the basic notions about the system, as well as about dynamic systems, will be considered known and will not be explained.

Getting started: download and installation

You can get Rikitake here. Downloaded the .zip file, extract it and you should be able to find the rikitake folder in it. You can also directly clone the git repository. In order to install and run Rikitake, you need Python v3 (here) and pip3 (here). From your command line, run the command

pip3 install -e path/to/rikitake

where path/to/rikitake should be replaced with the actual path of the rikitake folder in your local machine. When installation is complete, you can run Rikitake from any folder right from your command line, just by running the command:


If installation was successfull, Rikitake should run properly. In order to uninstall rikitake, from your command line run the command

pip3 uninstall rikitake

You will be asked confirmation before pip proceeds in the uninstallation. Confirm and Rikitake will be correctly uninstalled.

NOTE: When you uninstall Rikitake, all the files that it has created will not be deleted.

How Rikitake works

The Rikitake routine can be summarized in 4 steps:

  1. Input creation and/or reading;
  2. Integration;
  3. Estimate of the greatest Lyapunov exponent;
  4. Image generation;

Input reading and creation

There are two ways the user can specify the desired inputs to Rikitake: we can call them in-run and out-run. As first step, Rikitake will search for a file called input_values.txt within the current working directory. If this file doesn't exist, the in-run input procedure will automatically start. If such file exists, Rikitake will ask the user

Do you want to create a new 'input_values.txt' file? (y/n)

via standard output. Answer accordingly as you wish, typing y ("yes") if you wish to create a new input file or n ("no") otherwise. If the answer is y the in-run input procedure will start, otherwise the out-run input procedure will be performed.

In-run input

Rikitake will ask the user

Type the data in the form 'mu k N_steps x1_0 x2_0 y1_0 simulation_identifier'

via stanard output. The user will then enter the parameters they wish. These are:

  • mu (float) value of the μ parameter;
  • k (float) value of the k parameter;
  • N_steps (int) number of integration steps you wish to perform;
  • x1_0 (float) value of the initial state for function x1;
  • x2_0 (float) value of the initial state for function x2;
  • y1_0 (float) value of the initial state for function y1;
  • sim_ID (string) identifying string for the simulation.

The answer should be given writing all the values separated by a space ' ' character. N_steps determines for how many time steps the integration will be performed. The default time step is dt=1/256=0.00390625 (arbitrary time units), if not specified by the user (see here to see how to change it). This means that the simulation will run until a time value t=dt * N_steps, generating N_steps points as solution. As N_steps grows, the Lyapunov exponent estimate approaches to the real value, but it will take more computation time.

SimID functions as a "name" for the simulation: every file that Rikitake will generate will have this string as initial characters.

With these inputs Rikitake will create a file called input_values.txt in the working directory. For more informations about these file see the dedicated section.

Note: if an "input_values.txt" already exists in the current woring directory, this procedure will overwrite it. In this case, Rikitake will always warn the user and ask for more confirmations before proceeding.

Note: if you run two different simulations with the same Sim_ID, the output of the former one will be overwritten, so be careful!

Creation of the input file

With these inputs Rikitake will create the two initial conditions for the system. The first one, that from now on will be referred to as unperturbed state, is given by the triplet (x1_0, x2_0, y1_0). The second one, that from now on will be referred to as perturbed state, is obtained from the perturbed one with a procedure descripted in the supplementary material.

Input file layout

The input file is a two-lines text file with the following layout:

μ	k 	N_steps		x1_0u	x2_0u	y1_0u SimID
μ	k 	N_steps		x1_0p	x2_0p	y1_0p SimID

Where μ (float) and k (float) are the parameters of the simulation, N_steps (integer) is the number of integration steps and Sim_ID (string) is the simulation identifier, that is the name that Rikitake will use to store and identify the outputs. These values must be equal between the two lines, otherwise Rikitake will stop right after completing the integration (with exit value 6, see here. The x1_0u, x2_0u, y1_0u (floats) are the initial states for the unperturbed state; x1_0p, x2_0p, y1_0p (floats) are the initial states for the perturbed states. These triplets should be different, in order for the simulation to be meaningful. If the two initial states are equal Rikitake will not stop but it won't be able to calculate Lyapunov exponents (output Lyapunov exponent will be -∞). The user is free to write its own input_values.txt file (a simple text editor is enough) and Rikitake will work perfectly, given the file follows the right layout.

Note: this file is explicitly searched by Rikitake with the exact name input_values.txt. Any other name will make the file invisible to the program.

Out-run input

Rikitake will read the existing input_values.txt file in the save directory and will start with the actual simulation. In this way the user is able to perform desired modifications to a previously-generated input_values.txt file. The user is also free to fully write its own input file (until it follows the correct layout).


In this step, Rikitake reads the input_values.txt file. Rikitake reads the first line, extracts the informations about the system and makes a Runge-Kutta 4th-order integration (see supplementary material for details about the precise algorithm). N_Steps integration steps are performed. The results are saved in .csv format, in a file named SimID_unperturbed.csv (where the string SimID will be replaced by the simulation identifier given in input). The same is done reading the second line of input_values.txt creating a file named SimID_perturbed.csv. More information about the structure of this output files here.

Lyapunov exponents estimate

In this step, Rikitake reads the results of the two simulations and estimates the greatest Lyapunov exponent from these (the calculation procedure is rather complex and will be omitted here. You can find it in the supplementary material. Rikitake calculates the estimated Lyapunov exponent for each timestep of the integration, thus creating a time series of estimated Lyapunov exponents. Given the asymptotical definition of the Lyapunov exponents, the last values are supposed to be the most meaningful, so Rikitake will calculate the mean of the last 100 values. This mean value will be stored in a file named SimIDlyap.dat. The time-series of the Lyapunov exponents will be plotted and saved as an image named SimID_lyap_exp.png

Image generation

As final step, Rikitake creates 12 plots, 6 for each integration. The plots made for each integration are

  1. A 3-dimensional plot of the trajectory of the system in the x1 *x2*y1 phase-space
  2. A projection of the trajectory in the x1 x2 plane
  3. A projection of the trajectory in the x1 y1 plane
  4. A projection of the trajectory in the x2 y1 plane
  5. A x1 vs time plot
  6. A x2 vs time plot

The file format is .png. The file naming follows the structure "SimID_"+"unperturbed/perturbed"+"plot subject", the tag 'unperturbed' or 'perturbed' accordingly identifies the simulation. See the output section.

Once image generation is complete, the simulation is over. Rikitake will ask the user if he wishes to perform another simulation. If the answer is yes, Rikitake will start again from the input reading and creation step, otherwise it will end with exit value 0 ( more about exit values).

The outputs

Rikitake will create 17 files (16 proper output files plus the input_values.txt file). Each of them will be explained here. In all of these filenames 'SimID' will be replaced with the simulation ID you gave Rikitake. Files labeled with the 'unperturbed' or 'perturbed' tag, according to what simulation it refers to.

  1. SimID_unperturbed.csv
  2. SimID_perturbed.csv

Two .csv files that store the results of the integration, one for each solution. The first line records the values of parameters µ and k. The second line is a header reporting the column structure. From the third line on, the integration results are stored in the format

  1. SimID_unperturbed_3Dplot.png
  2. SimID_perturbed_3Dplot.png

Two .png images showing the 3D plot of the trajectory of the solutions in the x1 x2 y1 space.

  1. SimID_unperturbed_X1time.png
  2. SimID_perturbed_X1time.png

Two .png images showing the x1 vs time plot for the solutions.

  1. SimID_unperturbed_X2time.png
  2. SimID_perturbed_X2time.png

Two .png images showing the x2 vs time plot for the solutions.

  1. SimID_unperturbed_X1X2.png
  2. SimID_perturbed_X1X2.png

Two .png images showing the projection of the trajectory in the x1 x2 plane.

  1. SimID_unperturbed_X1Y1.png
  2. SimID_perturbed_X1Y1.png

Two .png images showing the projection of the trajectory in the x1 y1 plane.

  1. SimID_unperturbed_X2Y1.png
  2. SimID_perturbed_X2Y1.png

Two .png images showing the projection of the trajectory in the x2 y1 plane.

  1. SimIDlyap.dat

A .dat file storing the value of the estimated greatest Lyapunov exponent of the system. This value is the mean of the last 100 Lyapunov exponents calculated.

  1. SimID_lyap_exp.png

A .png image showing the Lyapunov exponent estimate vs time plot.


Rikitake accepts several switches. These commands can be given right from command line when calling the program, in the format:

rikitake --command <args>

where you should replace --command with the actual command and <args> with the argument when is needed.

  • Suppress images command: --NOimg.

Suppress all image generation, except for the Lyapunov exponent plot.

  • Suppress integration command: --NOint.

Suppress the integration. Use this switch only if you already have the integration results, as the rest of the code relies upon them.

  • Suppress Lyapunov exponent estimate command: --NOly.

Suppress the Lyapunov exponent estimate. The Lyapunov exponent plot will also not be produced.

  • Turn on the alarm command: -a, --alarm.

Rikitake will produce an acustic signal when the process is completed. The sound is very annoying, so handle with care.

  • Specify working directory command: --save-dir <path/to/dir>

Specify the directory in which Rikitake will run and save files. path/to/dir has to be replace with the actual path of the directory. Default is current working directory.

  • Set time step command: --set-dt <VALUE>

Specify the time step for the integration. Replace VALUE in the command with the desired value (it must be a number). Default value is 2^-8.

  • Verbose mode command: -v, --verbose.

Rikitake will inform the user with more outputs in the standard output. Right now (v2.0.0) this flag doesn't really add much, but more will be implemented in the future.

Errors and exit codes

When Rikitake terminates, wether it may be beacause the routine is over or errors have been arised, it returns an exit code, that is a number associated with a certain error in order to inform the user what happened. These exit codes are:

  1. Rikitake ran succesfully without problems.
  2. Integration results could not be opened. The files are missing or the user has not reading permissions. This may happen if the user uses the --NOint switch without a prior integration.
  3. "input_values.txt" could not be opened. This error happens wheter if the file has been deleted or if the user has not reading permissions.
  4. ".temp_for_create_infiles.txt" file could not be opened. .temp_for_create_infiles.txt is a temporary file that in which Rikitake holds some useful in-run informations, and deletes it when the run is over. This error happens wheter if the file has been deleted or if the user has not reading permissions.
  5. ".temp_for_create_infiles.txt" is not written as expected. Given that this file is directly created by Rikitake, is very hard for this error to be raised. If this happens, is very likely this is due to a bug, so don't hesitate to signal it.
  6. "input_values.txt" is not written as expected. This happens when the layout of the file doesn't respect the indications in here. Check if the two lines of the file have the same values (except for the initial conditions).
  7. Integration results are not written as expected. In particular, the two result files may have different values of μ, k or a different number of integration steps. This happens if user-given integration results don't follow the proper layout.

WARNINGS: along with errors, Rikitake is provided with warnings for the user. These warnings will not stop Rikitake, and it may run flawlessly. These are usually due to the presence of unrecommended input values:

  • N_steps < 20000 : This low number of integration steps could lead to the non-convergence of the Lyapunov exponent.
  • μ is not in the recommendend range of values, that is 0< μ< 102. This may cause overflow or undeflow issues during integration.
  • k is not in the recommendend range of values, that is 10-2< k< 102. This may cause overflow or undeflow issues during integration.
  • Sim_ID containing '.' character . This causes issues when the images are saved, cropping the SimID in the file names (e.g. if the SimID is "abc.def", images will be saved as if the Sim_ID was only "abc").

Example usage

We want to use Rikitake to estimate the Lyapunov exponents of Rikitake geodynamo with parameters μ=10, k= 2 and unperturbed initial conditions (1,1,1). We want to perform 100000 integration steps. We choose "foo" as SimID. Run Rikitake from command line:


If an "input_values.txt" file already exists in the working directory the user will be asked (twice) if they still wish to create a new input file and overwrite the previous one. If no such file exists or if we answered 'yes' to the previous questions, Rikitake will ask us for the input data. Type in the command line:

10 2 100000 1 1 1 foo

Press enter and let Rikitake do its job. Once all the steps are completed, Rikitake will ask if the user wishes to run another simulation. Answer as you wish. We now have all the output files in our directory. In particular the file foolyap.dat contains the value of the estimate of the Lyapunov exponent, that is, in our case, -0.2194168146332044.

This is all you need to know in order to make Rikitake work. If you have any feedback or suggestion don't hesitate to contact me! Thanks for reading and have fun with Rikitake!

The file structure of Rikitake

The structure of Rikitake is the following:


  • rikitake/

Each of these files will be presented here. (in rikitake folder)

Empty file. It's presence is necessary in order to have a successfull installation. (in rikitake folder)

This script leads the proper execution of the program. Its main feature is the application-class Rikitake, whose method main runs all along the execution of the program and eventually calling the other scripts. In the Rikitake class are also defined the switches and three functions (there_is_infile,there_is_not_infile,create_infile) for the input management.

In this script are defined the functions that perform the in-run input creation. This script is called directly by the create_infile function in file

This script leads the image generation process. the function image_creator is directly called by main function in

This script leads the integration process. It defines the class "dynamo", used to represent a single simulation. Its internal variables store the simulation parameters and the x1,x2,y1, y2 time series. Its internal methods are evolve, that performs the actual integration, and a set of functions Evo_x1, Evo_x2, Evo_y1; k1x1, k1x2, k1y1,..., k4x1, k4x2, k4y1 to calculate the Runge-Kutta factors. The method generate_data leads the process and is directly called in

This script leads the calculation of the Lyapunuv exponents, with the algorithm explained in the supplementary material. It also hosts the functions that plot the Lyapunov exponent time series.

This script contains the function that run the algorithm to calculate the perturbed starting position, as explained in the supplementary material. Function perturbed_start leads the execution of the script and is called by the create_infile function in script.

This script is a collection of functions used to read the various input and outputs Rikitake needs. Its methods are called in several places all along rikitake.

This script is necessary for the system wide installation.


This file contains all the testing procedures that have been used to test Rikitake. You can run it using pytest.


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