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A robot framework library for Django.



DjangoLibrary is a web testing library to test Django with Robot Framework. It uses Selenium2Library to run tests against a real browser instance.

The library will automatically start and stop your Django instance while running the tests. It also comes with serveral autologin keywords that allow you to login different users during your tests, without the need to actually access the login page.


Robot Framework Django Library Keyword Documentation


robotframework-djangolibrary is still in alpha, therefore you have to use '--pre' to install it with pip:

$ pip install --pre robotframework-djangolibrary

In order to be able to use DjangoLibrary's autologin keywords you have to add the AutologinAuthenticationMiddleware to your MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES in your



Make sure that you add this middleware only to your test setup and NEVER to your deployment! The middleware just checks for a 'autologin' cookie and then authenticates and login ANY user.

First Robot Test

In order to write your first robot test, make sure that you include Selenium2Library and DjangoLibrary. Create a test.robot file with the following content:

*** Variables ***

${SERVER}               http://localhost:8000/
${BROWSER}              firefox

*** Settings ***

Documentation   Django Robot Tests
Library         Selenium2Library  timeout=10  implicit_wait=0
Library         DjangoLibrary  55001  path=mysite/mysite  manage=mysite/  settings=mysite.settings  db=mysite/db.sqlite3
Suite Setup     Start Django and Open Browser
Suite Teardown  Stop Django and Close Browser

*** Keywords ***

Open Browser To Login Page
  Open Browser  ${SERVER}  ${BROWSER}
  Maximize Browser Window

*** Test Cases ***

Scenario: As a visitor I can visit the django default page
  Go To  ${SERVER}
  Wait until page contains element  id=explanation
  Page Should Contain  It worked!
  Page Should Contain  Congratulations on your first Django-powered page.

Run Tests

Then you can run the test with pybot:

$ pybot test.robot

The output should look like this:

Test :: Django Robot Tests
Scenario: As a visitor I can visit the django default page            | PASS |
Test :: Django Robot Tests                                            | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Output:  /home/timo/workspace/prounix/robotframework-djangolibrary/output.xml
Log:     /home/timo/workspace/prounix/robotframework-djangolibrary/log.html
Report:  /home/timo/workspace/prounix/robotframework-djangolibrary/report.html


Checkout repository from github:

$ git clone

Create a virtual Python environment:

$ cd robotframework-djangolibrary/
$ virtualenv .env
$ source .env/bin/activate

Install robotframework-djangolibrary in development mode:

$ python develop

Install the requirements:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Run robotframework-djangolibrary tests:

$ pybot DjangoLibrary/tests/