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Fitness Club

Caution! This code was created to be a attachment for a job application. It is not suitable for commercial purposes. If you find something interesting in it, please do not hesitate to reuse.


Notice The repository contains all the data required to run the application. Please ensure that you have avalible port:80. Just copy repository and from the main folder level run listed below commands.

To restore the database:

docker-compose up -d db_postgresql

docker-compose exec -T db_postgresql pg_restore -C --clean --no-acl --no-owner -U fitness_club_admin -d fitness_club < ./databases/database.backup

docker-compose stop db_postgresql

To run containers:

docker-compose up

Appplication frontend side.

url: http://localhost

Appplication backendside.

url: http://panel.localhost
login: employee
password: fitness

Table of Contents

  1. Application stack overview
  2. Introduction
  3. Programming environment and tools
  4. Description of functionalities
  5. Detailed list of used technologies

1. Application stack overview

2. Introduction

"Fitness Club" is a web application which allows customers to get to know fitness center's offer and events. It provides many tools both in terms of improving customer service and marketing activities.

3. Programming environment and tools

Docker and Docker Compose are used to perform the virtualization of the runtime environment.

Http requests for static files are supported directly by Nginx. Site content created dynamically is 
delivered using uWsgi.

Support of subdomains traffic is supported by Django Hosts (Django library).

Application's main data are saved in PostgreSQL database. Data used to search through blog posts are 
saved in noSql format. Other information which can not be gruped are formatted and pleaced in *.txt files.

Application's backend is based on Python web framework - Django and oter libraries connected to it. 

All JS and CSS/SCSS files are bundled using the Webpack. Every site contains only one *.js and *.css files.

4. Description of functionalities

Application features grouped by modules.

    - reading posts
    - recommending reading posts through email message
    - commenting posts
    - searching posts by tag
    - searching similar posts
    - searching posts by keywords
    - using RSS web feed

    - creating, editing and removing posts
    - photo processing
    - assigning tags and SEO friendly urls
    - providing sitemap

    - viewing employees pictures
    - reading employees descriptions

    - creating and removing employees accounts
    - editing employees data

    - editing footer data

    - creating and removing main site slides
    - changing slides order

    - authenticating employees

5. Detailed list of used technologies

Type Technologies
Serwers Nginx, Uwsgi
Databases PostgreSQL, Redis
Search engine Apache Solr
Python Pip, Django, Django REST, Crispy Forms, Taggit, Sitemap, Feed, Haystack, Pillow, Django Hosts, Serializers, sorl-thumbnail, Django-Betterforms
Frontend Html5, Css3, Sass, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Data Tables, DateTime Picker, CropperJs, jQuery-ui, Waypoints, Parallax, CountUp
Others Node JS, Npm, Webpack (Css and Js optimizers, svg to woff converter), Docker, Docker-Compose, Mailhog