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##gerrit-sync This tool is used to create users, create groups, create projects and sync projects. Users and groups that already exist will not be modified on subsequent invocations.

####Usage Invoke gerrit-sync with an optional argument for configuration file. /etc/gerrit-python-tools/projects.yaml will be used by default when no configuration file argument is provided.


##gerrit-python-tools This was written for a scenario involving an upstream gerrit and a downstream gerrit. Downstream gerrit should receive code updates from upstream as changes are merged in on upstream. Code changes that have successfully passed review on downstream should be sent to upstream for review.

This tool will set up an event listener to both upstream and downstream and will respond to gerrit events on either accordingly.

ref-updated events on configured projects on the upstream event stream will cause a sync to downstream to take place.

comment-added events on configured projects on the downstream event stream will cause a push to upstream for review if configured criteria is met.

####Usage Invoke gerrit-python-tools with an optional argument for configuration file. /etc/gerrit-python-tools/projects.yaml will be used by defauled when no configuration file argument is provided.



###Logging The configuration for logging is located at /etc/gerrit-python-tools/logging.yaml. This may be made configurable in the future. The log will always use a TimedRotatingFileHandler that switches over at midnight.


file: '/var/log/gerrit-python-tools/gerrit-sync'
level: 'info'
format: '%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'
Key Value
file where the log file should live
level one of: debug, info, warn, error, critical. At this time, only debug, info, and error are used in this code.
format The format of a log message.

Everything else

Configuration for everything else should be in a single yaml file. By default, this file is located at /etc/gerrit-python-tools/projects.yaml. This file should contain the following sections


This section configures author information. gerrit-python-tools should only be authoring changes when it is configured to manage project.config files for downstream gerrit projects.

  email: ''
  name: 'joe somebody'
Key Value
email Email address of the author
name Name of the author

gerrit-python-tools will run the following commands when authoring a project.config.

git config "<name>"
git config "<email>"


This section configures how to talk to a downstream gerrit.

  host: localhost
  port: 29418
  username: YourUserName
  git-config-email: ""
  git-config-name: "some name"
Key Value
host location of the downstream gerrit. Localhost by default
port ssh port of the downstream gerrit. 29418 by default
username Downstream gerrit username. 'SomeUser' by default
key_filename Optional private key to use when ssh'ing to a downstream gerrit. Some features will not work if this is other than the default ssh key for the user running gerrit-python-tools
timeout Timeout in seconds for ssh'ing to downstream gerrit. 10 by default
keepalive Keepalive setting in seconds for ssh'ing to downstream gerrit. 60 by default

####upstream This section configures how to talk to the upstream gerrit.

  host: somehost
  port: 29418
  username: SomeUser
  timeout: 10
  keepalive: 60
  trigger: "Verified+2"
Key Value
host location of upstream gerrit. '' By default
port ssh port of upstream gerrit. 29418 by default
username Upstream gerrit username. 'SomeUser' by default
key_filename Optional private key to use when ssh'ing to upstream gerrit
timeout Timeout in seconds for ssh'ing to upstream gerrit. 10 by default
keepalive Keepalive setting in seconds for ssh'ing to upstream gerrit. 60 by default
trigger Label and value to listen for on downstream gerrit that will cause an attempt to send to upstream. Default 'Verified+2'

####upstream-labels This section configures the labels that must have sufficient approvals before a change can be sent to upstream for review. The section should be a yaml list of labels. The labels defined here will emulate the MaxWithBlock behavior. All projects will use these labels as criteria before sending to upstream unless otherwise configured.

Note: This should be changed in the future to look at submit records from a gerrit query.

  - name: Code-Review
    min: -2
    max: 2
  - name: Verified
    min: -2
    max: 2

In the above sample, a code change must have a +2 in Verified and Code-Review, both without a -2 before a change can be sent to upstream.

Key Value
name Name of the label
min Minimum value of the label There cannot be an approval with the lowest value before a change can be sent to upstream.
max Maximum value of the label. At least one approval with maximum value required before a change can be sent to upstream.

####daemon This section configures various parts of the gerrit-python-tools daemon.

  numthreads: 5
  sleep: 5
  delay: 120
  upstream: True
  sync: True
Key Value
numthreads Number of worker threads. Defaults to 5
sleep Number of seconds to wait upon recieving no events from upstream or downstream. Defaults to 5
delay Number of seconds to wait upon recieving a ref-updated event on upstream before syncing to downstream. Defaults to 120
upstream Whether or not to listen for events on downstream that will trigger a send to upstream. Defaults to True
sync Whether or not to listen for events on upstream that will trigger syncs to downstream. Defaults to True

####Projects This section configures the the projects that gerrit-python-tools will help manage. This section accepts a yaml list of objects describing projects.

  - name: All-Projects
    config: /etc/gerrit-python-tools/acls/All-Projects.config

  - name: upstream-project-1
    config: /etc/gerrit-python-tools/acls/project-1.config
    create: True
    source: ''
    upstream: True

  - name: downstream-project-2
    config: /etc/gerrit-python-tools/acls/project-2.config
    create: True
    source: ''

    # This is an example of how to specify upstream gating labels
    # per project.
  - name: upstream-project-3-special-labels
    create: True
    source: ''
      - name: Special-Label
        min: -2
        max: 2
  - name: project1
    source: https://somegiturl/project1.git
    create: True

The following table describes the properties available per project:

Key Value
name Required. Name of the project as it appears in gerrit.
create Whether or not to create the project if it does not exist. Defaults to false
config Optional. Location of file that should be the project's project.config file. Used for access control to the project.
source Required. Location of the source repo that will be the basis of the gerrit project. Syncs will come from this location.
preserve_prefix Optional. Define the prefix for branches that should be preserved and not deleted.
heads Optional. Whether or not to sync head branches. Defaults to true
tags Optional. Whether or not to sync tags. Defaults to false
force Whether or not to force commits when syncing. This is used to remove branches on downstream that no longer exist on upstream. This also allows gerrit-python-tools to overwrite refs that are not ancestors of a branch from upstream. Defaults to True. Setting this to False will remove the possibility of losing code present only on downstream, but downstream could become out of sync with upstream.
upstream Whether or not this project is an upstream project. Upstream projects will attempt to send approved code changes upstream.
upstream-labels Define labels that are required before sending code changes on this project to upstream. Setting this will cause this project to no longer user the upstream-labels defined for all projects.

####Groups This section accepts a yaml list of objects describing gerrit groups. gerrit-python-tools will attempt to create groups. No action will be taken if the group already exists.

  - name: core-devs
    owner: Administrators
    description: core developers with super powers.
  - name: "Continuous Integration Tools"
    owner: Administrators
    description: CI tools that need users belong here.

The following table describes the properties available to each group

Key Value
name Name of the group
owner Owning group of this group.
description Description of the group

####Users This section accepts a yaml list of objects desribing gerrit users. gerrit-python-tools will attempt to create users. No action will be taken if the user already exists.

 - username: 'a-user-that-runs-tests'
   ssh-key: 'some ssh public key'
     - "Continuous Integration Tools"
Key Value
username Gerrit username of the user
ssh-key public key of the user
groups list of groups that the user will belong to.


Tools for gerrit written in python







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