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Translate between docstrings, classes, methods, and argparse.


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Translate between docstrings, classes, methods, and argparse.

Public SDK works with filenames, source code, and even in memory constructs (e.g., as imported into your REPL).

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This was created to aid in the ml_params project. It exposes an @abstractclass which is implemented [officially] by more than 8 projects.

Its def train(self, <these>) has a potentially large number of arguments. Additionally, there is a def train_c(self, config), which accepts an instance of a Config class, or a dictionary. Finally: ml_params defines a CLI interface.

With current tooling there is no way to know:

  • What arguments can be provided to train
  • What CLI arguments are available
  • What 'shape' the Config takes

Some of these problems can be solved dynamically, however in doing so one loses developer-tool insights. There is no code-completion, and likely the CLI parser won't provide you with the enumeration of possibilities.


Traverse the AST, and emit the modifications, such that each of these 4 can convert to each other.


Acquire from the official tensorflow_datasets model zoo, or the ophthalmology focussed ml-prepare library

:param dataset_name: name of dataset. Defaults to mnist
:type dataset_name: ```str```

:param tfds_dir: directory to look for models in. Defaults to ~/tensorflow_datasets
:type tfds_dir: ```Optional[str]```

:param K: backend engine, e.g., `np` or `tf`. Defaults to np
:type K: ```Union[np, tf]```

:param as_numpy: Convert to numpy ndarrays
:type as_numpy: ```Optional[bool]```

:param data_loader_kwargs: pass this as arguments to data_loader function
:type data_loader_kwargs: ```**data_loader_kwargs```

:return: Train and tests dataset splits. Defaults to (np.empty(0), np.empty(0))
:rtype: ```Union[Tuple[,], Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]```
from typing import Optional, Union, Tuple, Literal

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

class TargetClass(object):
    Acquire from the official tensorflow_datasets model zoo, or the ophthalmology focussed ml-prepare library

    :cvar dataset_name: name of dataset. Defaults to mnist
    :cvar tfds_dir: directory to look for models in. Defaults to ~/tensorflow_datasets
    :cvar K: backend engine, e.g., `np` or `tf`. Defaults to np
    :cvar as_numpy: Convert to numpy ndarrays
    :cvar data_loader_kwargs: pass this as arguments to data_loader function
    :cvar return_type: Train and tests dataset splits. Defaults to (np.empty(0), np.empty(0))"""

    dataset_name: str = 'mnist'
    tfds_dir: Optional[str] = '~/tensorflow_datasets'
    K: Literal['np', 'tf'] = 'np'
    as_numpy: Optional[bool] = None
    data_loader_kwargs: dict = {}
    return_type: Union[Tuple[,], Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]] = (
class method
from typing import Optional, Union, Tuple, Literal

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

class C(object):
    """ C class (mocked!) """

    def method_name(
        dataset_name: str = 'mnist',
        tfds_dir: Optional[str] = '~/tensorflow_datasets',
        K: Literal['np', 'tf'] = 'np',
        as_numpy: Optional[bool] = None,
    ) -> Union[Tuple[,], Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]:
        Acquire from the official tensorflow_datasets model zoo, or the ophthalmology focussed ml-prepare library
        :param dataset_name: name of dataset.
        :param tfds_dir: directory to look for models in.
        :param K: backend engine, e.g., `np` or `tf`.
        :param as_numpy: Convert to numpy ndarrays
        :param data_loader_kwargs: pass this as arguments to data_loader function
        :return: Train and tests dataset splits.
        return np.empty(0), np.empty(0)
Argparse augmenting function
from typing import Union, Tuple
from json import loads

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

def set_cli_args(argument_parser):
    Set CLI arguments

    :param argument_parser: argument parser
    :type argument_parser: ```ArgumentParser```

    :return: argument_parser, Train and tests dataset splits.
    :rtype: ```Tuple[ArgumentParser, Union[Tuple[,], Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]]```
    argument_parser.description = (
        'Acquire from the official tensorflow_datasets model zoo, or the ophthalmology focussed ml-prepare library'
        '--dataset_name', type=str, help='name of dataset.', required=True, default='mnist'
        help='directory to look for models in.',
        choices=('np', 'tf'),
        help='backend engine, expr.g., `np` or `tf`.',
    argument_parser.add_argument('--as_numpy', type=bool, help='Convert to numpy ndarrays')
        '--data_loader_kwargs', type=loads, help='pass this as arguments to data_loader function'
    return argument_parser, (np.empty(0), np.empty(0))


  • CLI gives proper --help messages
  • IDE and console gives proper insights to function, and arguments, including on type
  • class–based interface opens this up to clean object passing
  • @abstractmethod can add—remove, and change—as many arguments as it wants; including required arguments; without worry
  • Verbosity of output removes the magic. It's always clear what's going on.
  • Outputting regular code means things can be composed and extended as normally.


  • You have to run a tool to synchronise your: docstring(s), config class(es), and argparse augmenting function.
  • Duplication (but the tool handles this)


  • Dynamic code generation, e.g., with a singular interface for everything; so everything is in one place without duplication

Minor other use-cases this facilitates

  • Switch between having types in the docstring and having the types inline (PEP484–style))
  • Switch between docstring formats (WiP, SDK can go from {numpy, ReST, google} to ReST; but not to others)
  • Desktop GUI with wxWidgets, from the argparse layer through Gooey [one liner]

CLI for this project

$ python -m doctrans --help

usage: python -m doctrans [-h] [--version] {sync_properties,sync,gen} ...

Translate between docstrings, classes, methods, and argparse.

positional arguments:
    sync_properties     Synchronise one or more properties between input and
                        input_str Python files
    sync                Force argparse, classes, and/or methods to be
    gen                 Generate classes, functions, and/or argparse functions
                        from the input mapping

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit


$ python -m doctrans sync --help

usage: python -m doctrans sync [-h] [--argparse-function ARGPARSE_FUNCTIONS]
                               [--argparse-function-name ARGPARSE_FUNCTION_NAMES]
                               [--class CLASSES] [--class-name CLASS_NAMES]
                               [--function FUNCTIONS]
                               [--function-name FUNCTION_NAMES] --truth

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --argparse-function ARGPARSE_FUNCTIONS
                        File where argparse function is `def`ined.
  --argparse-function-name ARGPARSE_FUNCTION_NAMES
                        Name of argparse function.
  --class CLASSES       File where class `class` is declared.
  --class-name CLASS_NAMES
                        Name of `class`
  --function FUNCTIONS  File where function is `def`ined.
  --function-name FUNCTION_NAMES
                        Name of Function. If method, use Python resolution
                        syntax, i.e., ClassName.function_name
  --truth {argparse_function,class,function}
                        Single source of truth. Others will be generated from
                        this. Will run with first found choice.


$ python -m doctrans sync_properties --help

usage: python -m doctrans sync_properties [-h] --input-filename INPUT_FILENAME
                                          --input-param INPUT_PARAMS
                                          [--input-eval] --output-filename
                                          OUTPUT_FILENAME --output-param
                                          [--output-param-wrap OUTPUT_PARAM_WRAP]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --input-filename INPUT_FILENAME
                        File to find `--input-param` from
  --input-param INPUT_PARAMS
                        Location within file of property. Can be top level
                        like `a` for `a=5` or with the `.` syntax as in
  --input-eval          Whether to evaluate the input-param, or just leave it
  --output-filename OUTPUT_FILENAME
                        Edited in place, the property within this file (to
                        update) is selected by --output-param
  --output-param OUTPUT_PARAMS
                        Parameter to update. E.g., `A.F` for `class A: F`,
                        `f.g` for `def f(g): pass`
  --output-param-wrap OUTPUT_PARAM_WRAP
                        Wrap all input_str params with this. E.g.,
                        `Optional[Union[{output_param}, str]]`


$ python -m doctrans gen --help

usage: python -m doctrans gen [-h] --name-tpl NAME_TPL --input-mapping
                              INPUT_MAPPING [--prepend PREPEND]
                              [--imports-from-file IMPORTS_FROM_FILE] --type
                              {argparse,class,function} --output-filename

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name-tpl NAME_TPL   Template for the name, e.g., `{name}Config`.
  --input-mapping INPUT_MAPPING
                        Import location of dictionary/mapping/2-tuple
  --prepend PREPEND     Prepend file with this. Use '\n' for newlines.
  --imports-from-file IMPORTS_FROM_FILE
                        Extract imports from file and append to `output_file`.
                        If module or other symbol path given, resolve file
                        then use it.
  --type {argparse,class,function}
                        What type to generate.
                        Output file to write to.

Future work

  1. Add 4th 'type' of JSON-schema so it becomes useful in JSON-RPC, REST-API, and GUI environments
  2. Add 5th type of SQLalchemy model
  3. Add 6th type of routing layer
  4. Add 7th type of Open API (at this point, rename to cdd-python)
  5. Move to then upload to PyPi


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at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.


Translate between docstrings, classes, methods, and argparse.



Apache-2.0, MIT licenses found

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