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CKAN Issues Extension

This extension allows users to to report issues with datasets and resources in a CKAN instance.

Current Status: Alpha

What it does

Once installed and enabled, the issues extension will make available a per dataset issue tracker.

The issue tracker user interface can be found at:


You can add an issue at:


Issues API

The issues extension also exposes its functionality as part of the standard CKAN Action API:



Installation and Activation

To install the plugin, enter your virtualenv and install the source::

pip install git+

This will also register a plugin entry point, so you now should be able to add the following to your CKAN .ini file::

ckan.plugins = issues

After you clear your cache and reload the site, the Issues plugin and should be available.


To configure notifications, you should set the following options in your configuration. Should notify_admin and notify_owner be set to False then no emails will be sent about the newly created issue.

ckanext.issues.notify_admin = True
ckanext.issues.notify_owner = True
ckanext.issues.from_address = test@localhost.local


The access to the issues for both web interface and API can be restricted for particular user roles by setting following variable in the configuration file:

ckanext.issues.minimun_role_required = Admin

Possible values are:

  • Anonymous = Everyone, even not logged users can access the issues in datasets across the site.
  • Member = Only the dataset's creator and members of an organization can access the issues information for a particular dataset.
  • Editor = Only the dataset's creator and editors of an organization can access the issues information for a particular dataset.
  • Admin = Only the dataset's creator and administrators of an organization can access the issues information for a particular dataset.

Dataset review system

ckanext-issues can be used as part of a dataset review process. By setting the following configuration variable to True, datasets will stay unpublished ( state private ) anytime a dataset contains one or more Issues. Once all Issues within a dataset have been closed, then the dataset will be maede public again.

ckanext.issues.review_system = False


By default, issues are enabled for all datasets. If you wish to restrict issues to specific datasets you can use the config option

ckanext.issues.enabled_for_dataset = mydataset1 mydataset2 ...

If enabled_per_dataset is not set you can use the config option

ckanext.issues.enabled_per_dataset_default = false

To turn off issues for all datasets, in this case, ckanext-issues will search for a dataset extra in each dataset

'issues_enabled': True

If this dataset extra is present, issues will be enabled for that dataset.


Please open an issue in the github issue tracker.


Normal requirements for CKAN Extensions (including an installation of CKAN and its dev requirements).

Testing with Postgres

To run full production tests on postgres run. These are the tests that the travis build will run

nosetests --ckan --with-pylons=test.ini -v --with-id ckanext/issues --with-coverage --cover-package=ckanext.issues --nologcapture

Testing with sqlite

For quick development tests run. --reset-db is necessary when running sqlite tests in memory

nosetests --reset-db --ckan --with-pylons=test-sqlite.ini -v --with-id ckanext/issues --with-coverage --cover-package=ckanext.issues --nologcapture


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