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Set of scripts and methods for WhiskyTHC output postprocessing


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Set of tools and methods to postprocess standard output of the WhiskyTHC GRHD code for binary neturon star mergers.


The follwing modules are available:

  • module_ejecta contains scripts to analyze data extracted by HYDRO thorn of Whsiky at a given extraction radius. All methods are semi-independent and require only ouflowed_det_N.dat ascii files for each output of the simulation.
  • module_gw contains methods to analyze mp_Psi4_lN_mM_rXXX.asc multipolar modes. Using scidata routines it computes the strain and waveforms/ as well as Grav.Wave energy and angular momentum losses.
  • module_preanalysis used to create ittime.h5 files that collects information about what data is available for the simulation: which ascii files, 2D .h5 files and profiles, and for what timesteps and iterations. This data is then used by other modules. It can also collate ascii files.
  • module_profile contains methods to analyze 3D profiles of the simulation. It uses scidata to reconstract the cartesian grid of the simulation.
  • module_slices contains methods to analyze variable_xy.h5 2D slices of the simulation. Also uses scidata to reconstract the cartesian grid.
  • plotting contains methods for plotting
  • standalone contains scripts that do not require ittime.h5 can can be run independently.
  • pipeline contains a set of wrappers for above mentioned methods that allow to launch them one after another to perform a complete analysis of the available data.


python 2.7.xx (incl. scipy, numpy, itertools, h5py, csv, matplotlib, re, argparse) scidata for python 2.7.xx that can be found at scidata

Suggested Simulation Setup

Suggested Setup for pipeline:

Example: Consider a simulation named Sly4_M125125_M0_SR/. Inside, there are WhiskyTHC output-xxxx/data/ directories with ascii files and .h5 files. Profiles are stored in profiles/3d/ and named according to iterations, e.g., 12345.h5.

In the file default paths can be set.
The path to this directory is given to variable default_data_dir, e.g., default_data_dir = '/home/MySimulations/Sly4_M125125_M0_SR/'.
The path to where to put the results in given as default_ppr_dir variable, e.g, default_ppr_dir = '/home/MyPostProcessing/Sly4_M125125_M0_SR/'

Limiting the postprocessing with maximum time.

In case postprocessing for a given simulation has to be limited to a given time, a user can create file maxtime.txt insider the default_data_dir with a single float: time in ms.

In order to limit the analysis of ejecta, the from the pipeline runs the script with option -t reshape to create new outflow_surface_dens.h5 file that has data limited to that time. Other methods, e.g., preanalysis/ with -t collate and profile will see the maxtime.txt and adjust the workload automatically

Running pipeline with bash script

First. Set all paths in

then run the main script is pipeline/ Sly4_M125125_M0_SR, where the passed argument is the name of the simulation directory that should be present in default_data_dir/ and in default_ppr_dir/.

The following sequence of analysis will being:

  1. -s $1 -t update_status print_status that will create ittime.h5 for a given simulation ($1) with info in available data.
  2. python -s $1 -t collate --overwrite yes that will collate ascii files (necessary for GW) analysis and ejecta
  3. python -t strain tmergtcoll -s $1 --overwrite yes that will compute strain and waveforms from the collated data
  4. python -s $1 -t reshape -d 0 1 -p 8 --overwrite yes that will create .h5 files for the set of ascii files that HYDRO torn outputs into every output-xxxx (The .h5 files are more compact and more versitile)
  5. python -s $1 -t all -d 0 1 -m all --v_n all --overwrite yes will perform the complete postprocessing of the ejecta using these .h5 files as an input.
  6. python -s $1 -t all --it all --mask disk remnant --plane all --v_n all --overwrite yes will perform the analysis of all profiles (named 12345.h5) assinging them timesteps according to data from ittime.h5.

Detailed option list (Warning! Might not be up-to-date)

purpose: check and show the available data and timespans. Create an ittime.h5 file that contains the information about timestaps and iterations of different data types, such as ascii files, .xy.h5 files and parfile.h5 files.
The ittime.h5 file is essential for all other methods, as they do not have to scan for available data every time.
Options for this script:
-s simulation_dir_name -i /path_to_this_dir/
-o /path_to_output/
-t task to perform, such as: update_status or print_status, collate,
--overwrite replaces the old results if set to yes and does not if set to no --usemaxtime used only for the task -t collate. Essentially it limits the time up to which to collate data. where the last task allows to collate certain ascii files, removing the repetitions.

ittime.h5 file, created by (see above)

Purpose and usage:

  1. parse set of outflow_surface_det_0_fluxdens.asc files from every output-xxxx into a singular .h5 file with the same data, just reshaped onto a spherical grid with n_theta and n_phi parameters of the grid.
    To do that for data from detector (-d), run
    python -s simulation_name -i /path_to_this_dir/ -o /path_to_output/ --eos /path/to/hydro_eos_file.h5 -t reshape -d 0

Note Running the -t reshape (the longest part of the outflow analysis) on a multiprocessor system can be done in parallel. For that specify -p 4 option, setting the number to a number of processors to use. Here the user can limit, up to what time to postprecess the data. If the maxtime attribute is present in ittime.h5 by setting --usemaxtime auto it will be picked up and the analysis will be limited. Another option is to set the value manually here as --usemaxtime 20 where 20 is the 20 ms time, up to which to postprocess. If no limits needed, the option can me set to --usemaxtime no (which is the default)

  1. do the comprehensive, easily extendeble analysis of this data. Available standart methods (-t otion). For that mask option (-m) has to set. For example: -t geo would stand for geodesic criteria to unbound material.

Available masks:
-m geo apply only geodesic criterion: einf >= set_min_eninf, which is 0 by default
-m geo_entropy_below_10 is a -m geo with additional criterion for entropy to be below 10
-m geo_entropy_above_10 is a -m geo with additional criterion for entropy to be above 10
-m bern apply bernoulli critrion ((enthalpy * (einf + 1) - 1) > set_min_eninf) & (enthalpy >= set_min_enthalpy), where set_min_eninf is by default 0. and set_min_enthalpy is a minimum enthalpy of the atmosphere. 1.0022 by default.
-m bern_geoend is a -m bern with an additional criterion for total cumulative ejected mass (using -m geo) to reach 98% of its maximum value. Basically, it would compute ejecta after dynamical one has saturated.
-m Y_e04_geoend is a -m bern_geoend with and additional criterion on electron fraction to be above 0.4.
-m theta60_geoend is a -m bern_geoend with and additional criterion on the angle from binary plane to be above 60 degrees.

Available tasks:
-t all to do all the below mention tasks one after another
-t hist creates and plot histograms of variables that speified with option -v, like --v_n Y_e theta vel_inf
-t timecorr creates a correlation from set of histograms for different timesteps. Usefull to see the evolution
-t corr creates and plots correlations (2D histograms) of pairs of variables that speified with option -v, like -v Y_e theta vel_inf theta
-t totflux creates and plots total flux of the ejecta
-t massave creates the mass averaged quantities
-t summary creates the summary.txt files with total fluxes and mass-average quantities of the ejecta
-t ejtau computes the 3D histogram, with Y_e, entropy and expansion timescale as axis
-t yeilds computes and plots nuclesynthetic yeilds
-t mknprof computes and plots angular profile of mass, Y_e and vel_inf for macrokilonova bayes code

Additional options
-p only valid for task -t reshape, for parallel processing of the input ourflowed files. Speeds up the analysis. --maxtime only valid for task -t reshape with parallel option -p n, where n is a integer, number of processors to use. It allows to limit, up to what time to postprocess the data. If the maxtime attribute is present in ittime.h5 by setting --usemaxtime auto it will be picked up and the analysis will be limited. Another option is to set the value manually here as --usemaxtime 20 where 20 is the 20 ms time, up to which to postprocess. If no limits needed, the option can me set to --usemaxtime no (which is the default)

ittime.h5 file, created by (see above)

Purpose and usage:

  1. To load and easily plot var_name.xy.h5 and var_name.xz.h5 data. as a 2 attached plots, with xz ont top and xy square plot in the bottom.
    For that use task: -t plot.
    python -s simulation_name -i /path_to_this_dir/ -o /path_to_output/ -t plot --v_n rho --rl 3 --time 20 --overwrite yes
    This will plot rest mass density (--v_n rho) for reflevel (--rl 3) and time (--time 20) millisecond, overwriting existing plot (--overwrite yes)
    The plot will be located in:
    with the name of the plot, corresponding to iteration for the plotted timestep.
    Data to use can be specified with either moments in time --time or iterations --it

  2. To make 2D movie of the variable evolution. For that use task -t movie Example:
    python -s simulation_name -i /path_to_this_dir/ -o /path_to_output/ -t movie --v_n rho --rl 3 --time all --overwrite yes
    This will plot rest mass density (--v_n rho) for reflevel (--rl 3) for all the timesteps available (--time all) overwriting existing plots (--overwrite yes)
    After all plots are made, movies will be created, using ffmpeg.
    These plots and the final movie will be located in:
    To redo the movie without recomputing all the plots, -- remove the rho_rl3.mp4 and relaunch the script with --overwrite no flag.

  3. Other:
    -t addm0 adds m0 quantities (such as Q_eff, R_eff) if available to the profile.xy/xz.h5 (see for descriptions) the profile.xy/xz.h5 are expected to be in /path_to_sim_dir/profiles/123456/, where 12345 is the directory name corresponding to the profile iteration

As movie creation takes a considerable time (for long simulations) this is not a part of a pipeline. To be run separately.

Purpose and usage: This is a stand alone tool for converting 3D .h5 data (that is usually saved as var_name.file_0.h5, where number stands for a processor, on from which this file was dumped) into a single profile.h5 file that contains several variable data that has been mapped onto a unique grid for every reflevel using scidata.
Two types of profiles can be created as of now. -t prof (task for a hydro profile) -t nuprof (task for a neutrino M0 profile)

First a directory profiles/ will be created inside the output directory (-o)
Then, the data for every variable will be loaded and saved as a unique variable_name.h5 file. This is done to avoind overloading h5py. Then these files would be loaded and a unique parfile.h5 will be created with all the data and grid parameters.
Note that to evaluate internal energy and pressure, the EOS is used, provided Ye, rho and temperature from simulation. However, if one of these quantities is out of limits for EOS the closes EOS value is used. No extrapolation is done.

For neutrino M0 profile, only the M0 variables are used from the 3D output. Note that M0 data is not evolved on the same grid as hydrodynamic variables. There is only one refinemnet level and the grid is spherical with nrad nphi and ntheta being its parameters. This grid is saved in profilenu.h5 as well.

python -i path_to_inside_of_simulation_dir --eos path_to_hydro_eos.h5 -o same -t prof nuprof -m times --time 90
This will create parfile/ directory inside of the one given in (-o), Here the output dir (-o) is set to be the same as input (-i). The mode is (-m times) is set, so the data will be extracted for given timesteps. One by one variable.h5 will be saved and then both (-t prof nuprof) will be saved as 123456.h5 and 123456nu.h5 where 123456 would be the iteration, closest to the required time (--time 90) ms.

Note that overall, this is a lengthy procedure and henceforth is not a part of a pipeline.
Which profiles to extract and analyze is up to the user.


  1. ittime.h5 file, created by (see above)
  2. Extracted profiles, located in /path/to/simulation_dir/profiles/3d/

Purpose and usage:
To do a comprehensive analysis of the 3D data. It allows to compute:

  1. Compute quntities such as dens_unb_bern or ang_mom_flux with methods specified in the class FORMULAS
  2. 1D histograms, 2D correlations (histograms), total mass, (applying user specified masks)
  3. Plot xz-xy snapshots of the data, initially available as well as computed.

By default the mask is applied to 3D data, to ignore the atmosphere (density cut) and remnant (density cut) and black hole
(lapse cut). The exact parameters of the mask are set in the class 'MASK_STORE'. There, additional masks are avaialble, such as 'disk' -- for disk analysis and 'remnant' for remnant, NS, analysis. Additional masks can be specified there, and the entire postprocessing re-done for selected data [this is not implemented at present].

-t tasklist to do.
-i path to the simulation dir (for example /home/myname/mysimulations/)
-s simulation dir (for example: LS220_M130130_SR)
--v_n list of variable names or their combinations (for correlation task) --rl list of refinement levels to use
--time list of timesteps to use
--it list of iterations to use
--overwrite flag to overwrite data if already exists.
--usemaxtime flag/value to limit the usage of data (see description in

python -s LS220_130130 -i /home/my_simulations/ -o /home/my_postprocessing/ -t all --it all
This would perform the complete analysis for every profile.h5. For every profile, it would create a separate output subdirectory in the root postrpocessing directory (-o), named with the iteration of this profile

  1. -t densmode compute density modes for default 1-8 modes accounting for center of mass drift, saving output in the root as density_modes_lap15.
  2. -t slice computes additional variables and saves their xy and xz slices in profile.xy.h5 and profile.xz.h5 in the in the aforementioned subdirectories.
  3. -t corr computes correlations for all available variables, saving the corr_v_n1_v_n2.h5 files in the aforementioned subdirectories.
  4. -t mass computes mass of the disk using the present mask for the disk, also computes the remnant baryonic mass, assuming that everything that has higher density than 1e13 is a remnant.
  5. -t hist computes histograms for some variables, saving the hist_v_n.dat files in the aforementioned subdirectories.

Note for -t corr and -t hist, the 'disk' mask for all data is used. Default is lapse>0.15 and 6e4<rho<1e13 (cgs)

There are also analysis methods that rely on interpolated data implemented:
Using 'cylindrical grid', set up in a class 'CYLINDRICAL_GRID', the following tasks are performed:

  1. -t mjenclosed computes baryonic, angular momentum and moment of inertia enclosed in cylindrical shells.

Using the 'cartesian grid', set up in class 'CARTESIAN_GRID', the following tasks are performed

  1. -t vtk computes a .vtr file for visit visualisation. The data for given v_n and it (or time) is first inteprolated onto a cartesian grid and then parsed into gridToVTK() function from PyEVTK library. Requires preinstallation of

  2. -t plotslice loads profile.xy.h5, profile.xz.h5 and for every reflevel and variable plots xz-xy 2D slice, saving in /slices/

  3. -t plotcorr loads computed corr_v_n1_v_n2.h5 and plots data, saving in /corr_plots/

  4. -t plothist loads computed hist_v_n.dat and plots data, saving in /hist_plots/

  5. -t plotdensmode loads computed density_modes_lap15 and plots data, saving in root.

Any of these tasks can be peroformed for one or a list of:

  1. iterations by specifying --it option or timesteps by specifying --time option
  2. reflevels by specifying --rl option (will not affect corr, mass, hist tasks, as they use the entire simulation domain by default.
  3. variable names by specifying --v_n option.

Known issues:

  • making many plots, e.g. setting --it all and --v_n all for a task -t plotcorr, might cause some images to be emtpy. Cause: overload of matplotlib.pyplot cash. Required plot can be redone with the code separately. This corrects the problem.


  1. ittime.h5 file, created by (see above)
  2. collated data, created by (see above)

This part of the data analysis is incomplete as I am not a specialist in this area.

Purpose and usage:

  1. to do a rudimentary, zero-order analysis of the Psi4 data and to obtain a waveform, wfrom which the time of the merger can be deduced. Similarly, time of the collapse to a BH can be obtained but this is not as reliable, as the magnitude of the strain can go to almost zero in between remnant osciallation.

python -s LS220_130130 -i /home/my_simulations/ -o /home/my_postprocessing/ -t all
this would create a /waveforms/ subdirectory inside the /home/my_postprocessing/LS220_130130/ and put there the following:
-t strain computes the strain and some basing properties of the radiation reaction.
-t tmergtcoll plots the waveform alongside the collated density and makes an estimate of the time of the merger and the time of the collapse (if occures).
Note that user inspection of the produced summory plot is required to determine if the time of the collapse was estimated properly.


Set of scripts and methods for WhiskyTHC output postprocessing







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