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This repository contains models for image semantic segmentation. These models were used for segmenting plant traits for analysis.

1. Deeplab model

The deeplab implementation is from the repo.

To perform training using the deeplab model, follow the following steps -

1.1 Prepare dataset

Preprocess the Dataset to convert them into TFRecords
a) Split the dataset into training and validation either in a 80:20 or 85:15 ratio depending on the size of your dataset.
- train.txt
- val.txt 

Please note that the labels used for training using deeplab should be continuous values beginning from 0.

b) generate TFRecords 
Please refer to the script to generate tfrecord -

Use the commands below-

cd datasets/

run the command -
python ./ \


For example,

** No of training examples - 102 (80% of 127) ** No of trainingval examples - 25 (20% of 127)

1.2 Add the dataset information in the data_generator file.


        'train': 102,    # num of samples in images/training
        'trainval': 25,  # num of samples in images/validation
        'test': 127,

    'cityscapes': _CITYSCAPES_INFORMATION,
    'pascal_voc_seg': _PASCAL_VOC_SEG_INFORMATION,
    'ade20k': _ADE20K_INFORMATION,

1.3 Modify the Colormap Configuration for the dataset.


Note: Name of dataset == _CATEGORY4
use this function - label_to_color_image(label, dataset=_CATEGORY4)

1.4 Modify utils/ to assign weights for different classes. Please modify this information according to the number of classes in the dataset.

not_ignore_mask = \
            tf.to_float(tf.equal(scaled_labels, 0))*cfg.weights[0] + \
            tf.to_float(tf.equal(scaled_labels, 1))*cfg.weights[1] + \
            tf.to_float(tf.equal(scaled_labels, 2))*cfg.weights[2] + \
            tf.to_float(tf.equal(scaled_labels, 3))*cfg.weights[3] + \
            tf.to_float(tf.equal(scaled_labels, ignore_label))*cfg.weights[4]

Add the configuration in config/

1.5 In

set params in the and present in the deeplab folder.

For example, 
image_pyramid = [0.25, 0.5, 1]

If you do not wish to load the weights of the last layer, set initialize_last_layer = False. 

Set the path of the train logdir, train_logdir="checkpoints/"

Modify other hyperparameters - (It is important to set these parameters according to your own dataset.)
Example -
learning_rate_decay_factor=0.1 (power)

1.6 Run the training script

Slim repository can be found in the original implementation of the deeplab found [here]( Place the slim repository outside the deeplab folder.

Run the following commands from one directory above the deeplab folder.

a) Add the slim path, using -
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:`pwd`:`pwd`/slim

b) Run the training script using -
python deeplab/

You can choose from different backbone network available for network training (ResNet, Xception, MobileNet). 

The pretrained models for Deeplab can be found [here](

2. Random Forest Implementation

Image segmentation using random forest. 

The original implementation of the code is from the [repo](

2.1 Install the required dependencies, using -

pip install -r requirements.txt

2.2 Modify parameters in

Modify the value of hyperparameters in

Please note - Modifications maybe required to the code for multiprocessing based on the number of images in the training dataset. 

Multiple feature maps extracted from our input RGB image are listed below -

Color Features: 
- Red, Green, Blue channels from the RGB color space. 
- RGB -> HSI 
- RGB -> LAB  
Lightness, Red/Green Value, Blue/Yellow, Saturation (color intensity), Hue (angular color) values at each pixel from these color spaces.

Texture Features: 
- Local Binary Patterns are obtained by thresholding the value of each pixel based on it's neighborhood pixel values. 
- 9 Haralick Texture features including Angular second moment, Contrast, Correlation, Sum of square: Variance, Sum Variance, Sum Entropy, Entropy, Inverse Different Moment, and sum average.

Edge Detectors: 
- Sobel Kernels are used to extract gradient components in both horizontal and vertical directions. 

2.2 Train and test random forest.

python --train_list 'path to the training list' --test_list 'Path to the testing list'

3. PSPNet

This repository is adopted from [here]( Complete instructions to run this model can be found on the same link.

This code was used for GWAS traits segmentations.

3.1 Modify the file.

Add configurations for your dataset in the configuration file


Models for plant segmentation






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