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A Puppet module for managing Trac instances that may authenticate from LDAP.

Module usage

Setup Trac instance with LDAP authentication and a project which uses a customized trac.ini:

class { '::trac':
  manage            => true,
  branch            => '1.2-stable',
  db_name           => 'trac',
  db_user_name      => 'tracuser',
  db_user_password  => 'secret',
  use_ldap          => true,
  ldap_binddn       => 'cn=proxy,dc=example,dc=org',
  ldap_bindpw       => 'secret',
  ldap_host         => '',
  ldap_port         => 389,
  ldap_user_basedn  => 'ou=People,dc=example,dc=org',
  ldap_dn_attribute => 'cn',

trac::project { 'openvpn':
  projectname     => 'myproject',
  manage_trac_ini => false,

For further details see init.pp and project.pp.

This module can be easily tested with Vagrant, see Vagrantfile.