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Background information

You can learn more about the game @

The entire game was written in Python 2.7.6 in Linux environment with the following system information.

Questions and/or comments should be directed to Schmichael Chen <>.

System information

Kernel information

Linux pinkfloyd 3.13.0-37-generic #64-Ubuntu SMP Mon Sep 22 21:28:38 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Distro information

No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:	Ubuntu
Description:	Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS
Release:	14.04
Codename:	trusty


The game takes {U, D, L, R, N, E} as inputs. The inputs are expected to be in UPPERCASE. They represent up, down, left, right arrow keys, new game & exit respectively. In response to an invalid input, the game will continue to ask the user for a valid input repeatedly at the command prompt.

How to play the game

1) Download all files into a folder, say "2014_game." There are 20 files altogether including this README file. For the comprehensive list of the files, please see "All Files.jpeg" in the "Screenshots" folder.

2) "cd" into the "2014_game" folder. You may need to "sudo su" to invoke superuser privileges to play the game.

3) Simply run "make" to invoke the game on a Linux terminal.


All new seeds are in burnt orange color.

The game will proportionally augment the game board in response to larger numbers.

Running "make" would suffice to invoke the game to play; however, you may often want to run "make clean" to clean up your files a bit.

Beware of running "make clean," which will "WIPE AWAY" the "Best Score" of the game. The "Best Score" is defined to be the best score to date.

Simply running "make" WON'T "WIPE AWAY" the "Best Score."


The folder "Screenshots" contains 3 JPEG files. If you are invoking the game correctly, you should see the contents of these JPEG files on your Linux terminal.


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