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TF2 demo file management tool written in Python and Tcl, using tkinter.


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Demomgr is a python program designed to keep track of, cleanup and play demo files from the Source video game Team Fortress 2, released by Valve Corporation in 2007.

Main program window
Main program view, directory filtered to only demos taking place on payload maps, sorted by file size. One demo selected.

Current features:

  • List Demos, their filesize, creation date and the amount of Killstreaks/Bookmarks
    • Sort them by these criteria
  • Read Killstreak/Bookmark information from both .json files and the _events.txt file
  • View and edit bookmark information of individual demos
  • View header information of individual demos
  • Sort demos and filter/select them by multiple criteria
  • Delete selections of demos
  • Copy/Move selections of demos and their info to other directories
  • Launch TF2 with a playdemo and/or demo_gototick command attached
    • Optionally with HLAE
  • Play demos into an already running instance of TF2 using RCON

Installation Instructions (Pure python):

If you don't have python, get it from the official website.

Demomgr is in python's package index (PyPI), you can install it using pip install demomgr. This should create an entry point script in your python installations's Scripts directory. If that is on your system's path, you should now be able to run demomgr pretty much anywhere.

If that does not work out for you, try py -m demomgr, or in a very extravagant case create a python script that runs
from demomgr.main_app import MainApp; MainApp().

Installation instructions (exe):

For Windows, there is an experimental nuitka build of Demomgr available in the Releases section.
Extract it to a good place for programs to be and run the contained demomgr.exe.

Getting started:

After accepting the disclaimer (Look, I have no idea how to set up tests for deletion/file management logic intertwined with a UI, and even though I spend hours testing proper functionality there is a risk of something sneaking by), you will be presented an empty UI. In order to view your demos, click "Add demo path" and select the directory containing your demos.
You can switch between directories using the selection box at the top of the window.

Filter instructions:

The filter criteria are entered in pairs: [keyname]:[parameter], seperated by commas.
You can negate all key-parameter pairs by prefixing the key with !.
Do not re-use the same filtering key (Even if negated) in a filter request, one will replace the other.

You can currently filter the directory you are in by the following keys:

  • map : Substring of the map name a demo is playing on. (String)
  • name : Substring of a demo's filename. (String)
  • killstreaks : Amount of a demo's killstreaks. (Range/Integer)
  • bookmarks : Amount of bookmarks recorded. (Range/Integer)
  • beststreak : Value of the best streak recorded in a demo. (Range/Integer)
    • May produce erratic results at values out of normal ranges
  • bookmark_contains : Substring of any of a demo's bookmarks. (String)
  • hostname : Substring of the server name a demo took place on. (String) (Usually a IPv4)
  • clientid : Substring of the Steam community name of the player. (String)
  • moddate : A demo's last modification time. (Range/Integer) (Direct UNIX Timestamp)
  • filesize : Filesize in bytes. (Range/Integer)

Possible parameters are:

  • Quoteless string: foo
    • Quoteless strings may consist out of A-Z, a-z, _, -
  • Quoteless string tuple: (foo, bar, baz)
  • String: "foo", 'b\u0061r'
  • String tuple: ("foo", 'b\u0061r', "b\u0061z", )
  • Range: 1..2, 10.., ..50

Example: !map:(mvm_,plr_,tr_), killstreaks:2.., beststreak:5..
This will display all demos where: The user has gotten at least two killstreaks, at least one of those streaks was 5 or more and the game does not take place on maps containing the substrings mvm_, plr_ or tr_.

Thanks, and have fun.