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This repository contains the code of quizzes at Stepik.


Python >=3.4 required.

Run tests

Make sure you've initialized the development environment:

$ make init

Run both RPC functional and unit tests for all quizzes:

$ py.test

Unit tests

$ py.test stepic_plugins/quizzes              # test all quizzes
$ py.test stepic_plugins/quizzes/<quiz_name>  # test only <quiz_name> quiz 

RPC functional tests

Run RPC functional tests using a fake server (doesn't require any external services and broker communication):

$ py.test tests

Run RPC functional tests against a running stepic-plugins instance using a real RabbitMQ broker:

$ py.test --rpc-url=rabbit://guest:guest@localhost:5672// tests



pip install -r requirements.txt
cd doc
make html
your-browser _build/html/index.html

Let's Start

Quick Start

[Hack StepicOrg/stepic-plugins on Nitrous.IO]